Site not found and other troubles
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 12:48 PM
1. If a website can be loaded at least from one computer, then the problem is not with the uCoz system.
What is to be done? - Direct attention to your ISP.

2. If a group of websites does not load, the administration is aware and is fixing it.
What is to be done? - Wait.

3. If all but you can enter the website, then your IP is temporarily blocked because it belongs to the same network segment as the hacker's, who is attacking the server. After the attack is over the blocking will be disabled. Duration of the attack is known to the hacker only.

4. If you have just attached a domain you should wait 24 hours on the average.

5. If your website opens in one browser but doesn't open in another, then the problem is in the browser or firewall settings.

We do not inform users about unscheduled maintenance (emergency) works. In this case accept our apologies for temporarily inconvenience.

"Requested site is not registered at uCoz Web Service SITE NOT FOUND"

It means that the website with such address has never been registered at uCoz. So you have made a mistake when typing the address.


The website "website_address" is disabled due to inactivity and will be deleted in several days. Restoration instructions have been sent to the registration e-mail of the website owner.

The website is disabled, because it was considered inactive. It means that no one visited the website for 40 days. An automatic notification was sent to the e-mail address of the website owner. Follow the restoration instructions there and activate your website. It needs to be done not later than 15 days after the website was disabled.

If the e-mail address of the website owner isn't confirmed, the automatic notification is not sent. If you use Yahoo as your e-mail provider, there are poor chances of receiving restoration instructions.

What should I do if I haven't received a message with the restoration link?

The message could be regarded as spam, and as a result could get into Spam/Junk folder of the e-mail service you use or could be deleted.
Please check the contents of the Spam folder, and if the message is not there contact the support service of your e-mail provider. You are the one who is their customer and you can influence the quality of their work and the correctness of mail delivery.
If you can't find this message – contact uCoz Technical Support. If you have other websites, you may contact Technical Support service via Control Panel of your active website.

What kind of message to uCoz Technical Support service should I write, if I want my website to be restored?

Do not forget to provide your website address.

The requested site "site_address" is not registered at uCoz Web Service

It means that the website has been deleted and the restoration link is not active any more.

«Account is blocked»

The owner of the website who wants to recover the account should remove the reasons why the website was blocked (They are always specified in the message about blocking). And then inform the uCoz Abuse Service about it. Use this form here:

What kind of message to uCoz Abuse Service should I write, in case my website is blocked?

Be sure to provide the address of your website. Specify the approximate date of blocking. Be as specific as possible, when asking questions or requesting something.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 3
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Message # 31 | 7:48 PM
my site was deleted without notice! can i get it back?:
Posts: 1424

Message # 32 | 8:06 PM
Contact Technical Support.
Posts: 22
Reputation: -1

Message # 33 | 10:49 PM
All of a sudden, am getting this message:

Requested site is not registered at uCoz Web Services
Site NOT found

whats is wrong with the site? wacko

Now it doesn't show up any site!
Post edited by umaki - Sunday, 2009-05-17, 11:04 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 34 | 9:11 AM
umaki, it looks like you have a problem with your attached domain. Try to disable redirection in Common Settings and see.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 22
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Message # 35 | 4:29 PM
Sunny, it works that way with but I want my attached site to work as well.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 36 | 10:56 AM
umaki, you haven't attached your domain properly (it's not parked).
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 22
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Message # 37 | 9:40 AM
Sunny, it was ok before. However, I reattached it yesterday and it said that the site will be attached within 15 minutes. Now it’s almost 24 hours but I see no effect.

It's weird but it's happening. If I enter the site pops up but If I enter it shows the same Index error wacko
Post edited by umaki - Sunday, 2009-05-24, 11:27 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 38 | 9:54 AM
Quote (umaki)
It's weird but it's happening. If I enter the site pops up but If I enter it shows the same Index error

Both of them work fine.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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Message # 39 | 4:10 PM
Here is the problem. I got sent the site disabled email on June 4th. I clicked on the link and renabled my site. I sign into my email today and there is ANOTHER ONE! I clicked on the link again and it told me that the site was restored, just like the last one did. How come I got TWO disabled notices in 6 days? Especially after the site was ALREADY restored? Now, I wonder...IS my site restored?

Posts: 421
Reputation: 35

Message # 40 | 4:20 PM
your site now load fine... ?It works to me.
Posts: 4
Reputation: 0

Message # 41 | 4:22 PM
It loads for me too. I tested it after restoring it the first time, and it loaded just fine. I don't understand why I got the email twice, then had to restore it twice.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 42 | 1:55 PM
neps, are you sure that only 6 days passed after the first notice? Because if you restore a website and still don't use it then in 15 days it is considered to be inactive again.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 2
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Message # 43 | 5:55 PM
Hi I Have A Problem I'm An Admin To An Site But There Stands If I Wanna Go On The Admin Panel

Server is temporary unable to display requested page
Server may be under short-term service. If the error occurs permanently over a long period of time write us a letter via Contact Us page.

Posts: 12
Reputation: 0

Message # 44 | 6:56 PM
My site is down for 3 days now,
Chevys place
Posts: 1424

Message # 45 | 1:09 PM
Chevy, it works fine.