uCoz Community Additional Services Account Management Password (forgot password, restore password, change password) |
Password |
Arthur2186, just go to uID.me on that computer and log out. That's all, next time you decide to log in to your account you will need to enter e-mail + password. The fact that you selected "private computer" does not mean much after you logged out of your uID account and website on that computer.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Hello i cant seem to change my password or any one else information or pass.
When i go to the profile all options are marked red with no option to change pass email etc.. I dont understand this? can someone tell me how i can change my pass word and or email. I cant even create a new pass for my members.. and all my members i registerd my self becuase we are a private forum/site and do not want people coming in with unet ID. I have even went to my UID and there is no where for me to change my pass? what gives ![]() Oh i have this set this way, so i had to register all members my self just with fake made up emails. Activate "Users" module: After disabling of this function users won't be able to register through the site, but you will still be able to create administrators through the "Users" section. and yeah now i cant even put thire real email in or change thire pass word for those that forget the temp pass i created for them.. i tell them they can change the pass to what they want when they log in, but seems they have no way to. why is this set up so retarted? i really need to change my pass and give my members the ablity to change thire pass to what they want.. and i mean it makes no sense why i cant even change my own admin pass or email, let alone edit anything i would need to for members accounts? Please help,explain how i will beable to do this.. Thanx ![]() |
Quote (father48) I have even went to my UID and there is no where for me to change my pass? what gives You need to log in to your Webtop at uID.me, then go to U -> Settings -> Profile settings -> Security (to change your uID password) and to Profile settings -> Contacts (to change your e-mail). Quote (father48) Oh i have this set this way, so i had to register all members my self just with fake made up emails. Activate "Users" module: After disabling of this function users won't be able to register through the site, but you will still be able to create administrators through the "Users" section. Note that in this case all created users will be administrators, they will be able to edit your website. Quote (father48) and yeah now i cant even put thire real email in or change thire pass word for those that forget the temp pass i created for them.. i tell them they can change the pass to what they want when they log in, but seems they have no way to. To be able to change user passwords you need to switch to Local users I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
How can they all be admins?
i have them in different groups with the group permissions set? I will have to log in a test account i have set up for a regualr members group and see. i tell ya ucuz has to have the most retarted set up i have ever seen. ![]() anyway thanx for your help sunny. Oh if they are all admins how do i remove them all as admin but still keep the accounts? like i said i dont see how they can all be admins if they are not in the admin group and the groups they are in the permissions are set acordenly. |
father48, you can set your site up via the method you're using, it just becomes considerably difficult as the system hides all the default login links and such and it's time consuming on a whole to edit the templates and setup to support it.
And the uCoz setup is fine really. You just have to understand to learn to work with it. No online service provides everything everyone needs that is able to be setup in a split second - no, not even open-source CMS' manage this. ![]() And if they are in the correct groups that will work. It is still advisable to use Local Users though. ![]() Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer. Been here for 13 years and counting. |
dariifly, if the problem is urgent, please send a request to the address https://www.ucoz.com/contact or from the control panel of your website, the tab "Help" - "Support service"
Nu pot sa imi schimb parola la site sa imi pun ce parola vreau eu. Mi-ati spus sa mi-o schimb din panoul de control cand v-am scris la contact. Dar solutia nu functioneaza. Caci eu v-am spus ca la site nu pot schimba parola ca sa pun ce parola vreau, si nu la panoul de control. Iar daca schimb parola din panoul de control, mi se schimba parola numai la panoul de control, indiferent ce optiune as selecta. La site nicidecum nu se schimba parola din panoul de control. Dacă cand schimb parola din panoul de control setez a doua optiune care este "Parolă separată pentru acest website", mi se schimba parola la panoul de control, nu la site. Iar dacă setez prima optiune care este "Parolă globală pentru Panoul de Control al contului uID", atunci tot la panoul de control mi se schimba parola, punandumi-se la panoul de control parola ce mi-ati dat-o la site. Iar daca de pe site-ul uID "dau "V-ati uitat parola?" pentru ca sa imi schimb parola, imi apare o fila pe care scrie "Recuperare parola" scriind sa introduc e-mail sau telefon. Iar dupa ce introduc adresa de e-mail si dau "Cotinue" imi apare doar sa dau raspunsul la intrebarea secreta. Ca sa imi scmimb parola la site sa pun la site (la site, si nu la panoul de control) ce parola vreau eu, nu imi apare nicaieri, ci mi-o puteti schimba doar voi pe care mi-o trimiteti prin e-mail. Si eu la site vreau sa imi pun ce parola vreau eu. La site, autentificare prin UId vreau sa imi pun ce parola vrea eu. Dar nu pot sa imi schimb parola ca sa imi pun ce parola vreau eu, ci pot avea parola numai care mi-o dati voi. Nu functioneaza sa imi schimb parola dupa ce scrie pe pagina ce mi-ati pus linkul, pentru ca nu ma pot conecta la UId.me
V-am scris la Contact, si la urma am ajuns sa scriu si pe forum, pentru ca de doua ori mi-ati scris ca nu primiti mesajele de la mine cand va scriu la Contact Am vrut sa creez o duiscutie noua unde forumul este in limba romana. Dar nu pot findca cand sa trimit mesajul imi scrie "Intrarea conţine un URL interzis" Post edited by Florin0352 - Friday, 2024-05-31, 8:11 PM
Florin0352, Please make an appeal to our technical support service through the control panel of your site or write to support@ucoz.ru
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