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Banner Rotator
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 10:01 AM
Banner Rotator is a feature that permits to display several banners at one spot in random order.

Before you create a banner you must first create at least one category. Then click on the button Add banner.

Banner type: See the description below.

Banner name: This is an internal name, for you to distinguish one banner form another. So give your banners informative names.

Category: A category combines banners into one unit, i.e. if you insert a category script on a page different banners from this one category will be shown in one place.

Full URL of banner image: Here you must enter full URL of a banner image.

Width/height: If all 7 images are of the same size you can set their size, different from the real one. If you leave the fields blank an image will be displayed in its real size.

Site address (URL): Here you must enter the URL of a site which must open when someone clicks on the banner. You can also select the following option – open in a new window (_blank), in the current window (_top).

Text to be displayed under the banner: Any text that describes the image.

Priority: the higher the priority is, the more often the banner is displayed.
You can set Initial number of exposures: and Initial number of clicks:
You can also limit banner exposure by setting the Max. number of exposures: and Max. number of clicks:

A banner may be displayed not immediately: you can set Starting date of banner exposure: and can limit the exposure by setting Expire date of banner exposure: or Weekdays when the banner is exposed:

The form changes depending on a banner type.
1. If a banner is a .jpg, .gif, .png image then the system adds an IMG tag to the image URL, and the form looks like this:

2. If it is a flash banner the system adds an EMBED tag to the image URL, and the form looks like this:

3. If a banner is a simple hyperlink text the system displays this text as a link, and the form looks like this:

4. If you want to add some other code select the banner type “Full code” and the system will display it as it is, and the form will look like this:

Don’t forget to select a category of the banner.

One and the same banner can have up to 7 different images which will be displayed in turn.

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Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 2 | 10:07 AM

1. What URL must I specify in the rotator?
URL of your banner location.

2. I have added two banners to the rotator, but only one is displayed. Why is it so?
That is what the rotator is meant for – to display one banner in random order.

3. Is it possible to insert a script into the rotator, e.g. Google ads?
You can’t insert scripts, especially from Google. Their ads are context, so their code must be inserted directly into a page. They index the page and determine key words, and then display ads according to the key words.

4. In Opera banners don’t change when jumping from one page to another until you click "refresh". In IE everything is fine.
Opera caches everything.

5. I put the script of the rotator but the following is displayed:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://site.domen.com/fldr/1"></script>

You should paste the code directly into the page, not via the editor.

6. .swf banners are not displayed.
Flash should be inserted in the rotator as <embed>, and not a full code. Select banner type for this purpose (at the top of the form).

7. I click on "Get the code" but nothing happens. What should I do?
Check your browser settings or use another one.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 33
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Message # 3 | 12:31 PM
actually what is banner rotator? for?
My school PPS community
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Message # 4 | 12:34 PM
for displaying several banners, If you don't want to fill your site with many banners.
Posts: 33
Reputation: 1

Message # 5 | 12:41 PM
oic....but after i added the banner rotator...nothing display on my main page surprised
My school PPS community
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Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 6 | 6:21 PM
Quote (Sunny)
Before you create a banner you must first create at least one category

Make sure you did this.

And the rotator won't appear automatically, you must manually paste the code into the place where you want to see it.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 97
Reputation: 9

Message # 7 | 11:14 PM
Is it possible to give banner rotator images titles/alts?
I don't want the text to be displayed under the banner, if that helps answer.
Posts: 1424

Message # 8 | 10:18 AM
Option lets text to display only under banner, but if you have knowledge, you can make text's display manually on banner by CSS.
Posts: 97
Reputation: 9

Message # 9 | 0:18 AM
Yeah I've looked into it, CSS only is design so the code
img[alt:text/title:text] {properties};

only specifies an image with an alt/title name ...
unfortunately surprised
Posts: 1424

Message # 10 | 2:18 AM
If you don't know, than you wont be able to make.
Posts: 35
Reputation: 2

Message # 11 | 4:44 AM
@ heysupp, depending on how you wanted to implement it.

if incase u want to use informer, then


sort of lyk that..... I hope u get my point and this will help

WeLcome to the END!!!
Project NoA
suggestions is greatly appreciated!!!
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Message # 12 | 7:16 AM
I upload a SWF file to file manager and use Banner rotator to show it in my site.
I add Site address (URL) and Full URL of banner image, but when I click on flash, than it shows this link
But if I add Text to be displayed under the banner and click on it, than it go to Site address (URL)

How to make that when I click on flash, it shows Site address (URL)?

Here is what I made http://horror.ucoz.com/index/0-2

Post edited by jackass - Thursday, 2009-03-05, 8:39 AM
Posts: 117
Reputation: 52

Message # 13 | 9:38 AM
jackass, please read articles about how to introduce links into a flash movie.

This topic is not connected with your problem.

Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 14 | 9:27 PM
So i just put in the Rotating Banner and worked fine. My 1st try was just with test images so i thought i would change them. Well now of course it doest work. Ive check the days of the week, when to start, correct file location etc. Just wont come back.

This is my code im using for my site in which the Rotating Banner gave me.

<script type="javascript" src="http://xakclan-online.com/rtr/1-1"></script>

Any suggestions.
If you look at the site below im putting it in the "Information Center" Box

XAK Clan

Post edited by Fiala06 - Wednesday, 2009-03-25, 10:19 PM
Posts: 117
Reputation: 52

Message # 15 | 11:01 AM
Fiala06, where did you get this code?

<script type="javascript" src="http://xakclan-online.com/rtr/1-1"></script>

The correct code is

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://xakclan-online.com/rtr/1-1"></script>

try to find the difference

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