Banner Rotator
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 10:01 AM
Banner Rotator is a feature that permits to display several banners at one spot in random order.

Before you create a banner you must first create at least one category. Then click on the button Add banner.

Banner type: See the description below.

Banner name: This is an internal name, for you to distinguish one banner form another. So give your banners informative names.

Category: A category combines banners into one unit, i.e. if you insert a category script on a page different banners from this one category will be shown in one place.

Full URL of banner image: Here you must enter full URL of a banner image.

Width/height: If all 7 images are of the same size you can set their size, different from the real one. If you leave the fields blank an image will be displayed in its real size.

Site address (URL): Here you must enter the URL of a site which must open when someone clicks on the banner. You can also select the following option – open in a new window (_blank), in the current window (_top).

Text to be displayed under the banner: Any text that describes the image.

Priority: the higher the priority is, the more often the banner is displayed.
You can set Initial number of exposures: and Initial number of clicks:
You can also limit banner exposure by setting the Max. number of exposures: and Max. number of clicks:

A banner may be displayed not immediately: you can set Starting date of banner exposure: and can limit the exposure by setting Expire date of banner exposure: or Weekdays when the banner is exposed:

The form changes depending on a banner type.
1. If a banner is a .jpg, .gif, .png image then the system adds an IMG tag to the image URL, and the form looks like this:

2. If it is a flash banner the system adds an EMBED tag to the image URL, and the form looks like this:

3. If a banner is a simple hyperlink text the system displays this text as a link, and the form looks like this:

4. If you want to add some other code select the banner type “Full code” and the system will display it as it is, and the form will look like this:

Don’t forget to select a category of the banner.

One and the same banner can have up to 7 different images which will be displayed in turn.

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Message # 61 | 8:26 PM
Can you be more clear?

This link is showing properly:

Added (2011-07-18, 10:11 Am)
Any bugs there?

Added (2011-07-18, 2:26 PM)
The banner rotator is not working at all even though I put a link which is a banner swf with all images incorporated.

Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 62 | 10:06 AM
Hope, as far as I can see you have applied a third-party banner rotator. We provide help with uCoz related issues only.
Posts: 183
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Message # 63 | 10:11 AM
Because your banner rotator is not working, so I use other third party banner. I do wish to use the banner rotator as well as they have different functions.

However, after embedding url, the banner rotator doesn't show up anything.
Posts: 30
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Message # 64 | 6:36 PM
Is there a way of linking one image to something then another image to another thing?

For example there is two images in the rotator, one goes to the home page and the other goes to the video page

Post edited by Stroud458 - Saturday, 2012-05-26, 6:37 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 65 | 11:58 AM
Stroud458, create two separate image banners within the rotator, then you will be able to specify different URLs for them.
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Message # 66 | 4:43 PM
But when I add two images, there is nowhere to add a different URL. :L
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 67 | 8:57 AM
Stroud458, that's why I tell you not to add several images to one banner, but to create separate banners.
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Message # 68 | 8:53 PM
What?, no. When I add two different banners to the rotator, it won't let me add a URL to each of the banners.

Attachments: 8902977.png (15.8 Kb)
Post edited by Stroud458 - Friday, 2012-06-22, 8:57 PM
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 69 | 3:42 AM
Stroud458, Sunny is meaning to add different banners under the same category. The banner rotator, rotates the images under category not banner. The image below will help.

Attachments: 4977879.png (14.5 Kb)

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Message # 70 | 8:11 AM
Paradox, Oh, thanks. I completely miss understood.
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Message # 71 | 10:18 AM
Dear Admin, I have added Banner Rotater on my site but I can not align it on center. sad Banners displayed on left side and it not looks good. Kindly tell me how can i align it on center. what changing i do on that code.??
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Thanks in advance
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 72 | 10:04 AM
Nazish, do you mean this?

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Message # 73 | 12:47 PM
Not that Sir, I have added the banner rotator now and you can see that on bottom of the page. I want it be aligned on the center but it appears on left side. sad
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 74 | 3:37 PM
Nazish, replace the following:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


<div align="center"><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div>

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Message # 75 | 8:10 PM
Thanks Sir :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))