RSS import and other RSS questions
Posts: 7
Reputation: 2

Message # 1 | 3:29 PM
1. Go to Main » RSS import and click Add RSS reader.

2. Fill in the form:

RSS feed address: Full URL of the RSS-feed, beginning with _http://... – e.g.

Number of entries: – the number of entries you want to display simultaneously.

Number of columns: – the number of columns for displaying of RSS entries.

3. After you have created an RSS reader, you will need to customize its template, i.e. appearance of your RSS reader. To edit the template click the link "Template customization" near the name of the created RSS reader. A pop-up window will appear. Edit the template and click "Save".

4. Close the window with the template and copy the code of your RSS reader, e.g. $RSSIT_1$. You should paste this code into any part of the website where you want the feed to be displayed. If it is not Page Editor then into a template. In Page Editor you can insert the code into page content.

For RSS-feed insertion into Page Editor content, the modes "HTML Codes Panel" or "BB Codes Panel" should be selected.

RSS feeds of your uCoz website

RSS feeds of your website modules are available by the URL _, e.g. _ for Site News.

RSS feeds of module categories look like _ - where "2" is a category ID.

Posts: 2
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Message # 31 | 1:36 AM
hi i have a problem
i have many categories in my website system and the xxxx/dir/rss works only for the dir categorie not with all categories I have it is possible to make a rss feed for each categorie like

xxxx/dir/1/rss (the numbers xxxx/dir/1/rss are the categorie id !)

i need a website rss feed with Categorie Tag & item tag !

can anyone help me or build this little feature in your ucoz websystem ???!

Post edited by Bucket_Head - Sunday, 2009-07-05, 1:37 AM
Posts: 21
Reputation: 8

Message # 32 | 7:50 AM
Bucket_Head, /dir/rss-CATEG_ID
uCoz rocks <3
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Message # 33 | 1:17 AM
I nopticed that alot of ucoz sites have the small rss icon in the browser url but mine doesnt, is it because it is my site? or.. do i need to enable it somhow.

Design 882

Image of what i mean:

Thanks in advance, and yes lolz i have used AE as example (not ae wana be)

Attachments: 4448313.jpg (34.8 Kb)

Post edited by TheLOKO - Friday, 2009-09-25, 1:18 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 34 | 9:24 AM
That's because RSS relay is not always available. E.g. if your main page has no news, then there will be no RSS. Explore the modules to see when RSS will work.
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Message # 35 | 3:24 AM
hmm...I already made an RSS relay on my site but I don't know what this means: $RSSIT_1$ <where do I have to put it?>
by the way, can i make my rss to be and not including the module?
Post edited by kchil08 - Tuesday, 2009-10-27, 4:31 AM
Posts: 421
Reputation: 35

Message # 36 | 10:18 AM
Quote (kchil08)
can i make my rss to be and not including the module?

I think no.

Posts: 4
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Message # 37 | 6:20 PM
hello friends i need to add recent post ,recent comment ,recent updated post in categories ????

but how can i put this????

what is the feed url ????

in blogger feed url like

but in my ucoz site what is the changes????

Added (2009-12-04, 12:20 Pm)
and also i want to related artical at the end of post

how can i do that

and where to put code???

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 38 | 12:49 PM
Quote (dweapons)
hello friends i need to add recent post ,recent comment ,recent updated post in categories ????

Maybe you need informers for your purpose -

Quote (dweapons)
and also i want to related artical at the end of post

how can i do that

and where to put code???

The code is <?$RELATED_ENTRIES$(10)?> If you want it in blog then add it to "Page with entry full text and its comments" template in Control Panel -> Customize Design -> Blog.

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Message # 39 | 5:22 PM
Kron, I need help with RSS, whenever I try to put in a name and put in the colomns and the other stuff, but when I want to post it, it says Remote server is unaccsess able can you help me? It is agervating angry
I love Ucoz and all of its staff! Thanks for all the help!
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Message # 40 | 11:00 AM
mariozplaze, make sure that the RSS feed link is correct.
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Message # 41 | 1:00 PM
Hi, question for Sunny smile

This is a regular RSS feed, but my RSS imports says to me: "Incorrect RSS feed format"

Here is the address of the feed -

Any kind of help will be appreciated smile

Posts: 9
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Message # 42 | 10:17 AM
Hi, smile I Have the same problem (with lulix), and I don't understand, why

I placed: and

and both are "an Incorrect RSS feed format", what is wrong? sad

thank you

Posts: 9296
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Message # 43 | 2:45 PM
Reply of Kron (one of the developers): "Because it is not RSS, it is ATOM". See the following for details -
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Message # 44 | 2:08 PM
ok so i get how you add rss from another site but does ucoz suports own rss?if yeah how i make a rss for the news from my page..i want to display them on another page wacko
-Site1- Design # 853
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Message # 45 | 3:01 PM
ChakraBlast, you have RSS by default, just click on RSS link to see.
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