RSS import and other RSS questions
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Message # 1 | 3:29 PM
1. Go to Main » RSS import and click Add RSS reader.

2. Fill in the form:

RSS feed address: Full URL of the RSS-feed, beginning with _http://... – e.g.

Number of entries: – the number of entries you want to display simultaneously.

Number of columns: – the number of columns for displaying of RSS entries.

3. After you have created an RSS reader, you will need to customize its template, i.e. appearance of your RSS reader. To edit the template click the link "Template customization" near the name of the created RSS reader. A pop-up window will appear. Edit the template and click "Save".

4. Close the window with the template and copy the code of your RSS reader, e.g. $RSSIT_1$. You should paste this code into any part of the website where you want the feed to be displayed. If it is not Page Editor then into a template. In Page Editor you can insert the code into page content.

For RSS-feed insertion into Page Editor content, the modes "HTML Codes Panel" or "BB Codes Panel" should be selected.

RSS feeds of your uCoz website

RSS feeds of your website modules are available by the URL _, e.g. _ for Site News.

RSS feeds of module categories look like _ - where "2" is a category ID.

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Message # 61 | 1:39 PM
This feature allows to import news, comments, messages etc. from any RSS channels or feeds.
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Message # 62 | 8:42 PM
I'm not sure i get that fully but thanks biggrin
Need help creating my website and a runescape server on (Template #982) :)

Thank you

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Message # 63 | 5:40 AM
is there a way that it can check for updates more often?
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Message # 64 | 1:03 PM
joeyw517, I am afraid we do not have such setting.
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Message # 65 | 12:42 PM
Hi there. I am trying to get an RSS feed going and I copied the link from the site I want to get it from:

But when I hit create, it keeps saying:
The required tag was not found.

Any suggestions there?

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Message # 66 | 7:06 PM
so how would i get rss feed from this site
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Message # 67 | 9:16 AM
Inoculah, find the link to their RSS feed if any and read the first post of this thread.
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Message # 68 | 4:21 PM
Now I was able to add my RSS Feeds with no issues. biggrin But what I'm looking to do is be able to have it so when you go to my RSS it will Categorize it first and then display the RSS Feeds within the Category.

*Modern Warfare 2
*Black Ops
*Call Of Duty

etc etc....Then once that you click on one of those categories it will display the RSS Feeds of that Category. Where as right now when you click on RSS Feeds it only displays 1 Feed all the way down.

I have attached pictures to better understand what I'm looking to do. In the pictures it's like a forum template from what I can tell. Thank you for your time, any questions please ask.

Attachments: 4610398.jpg (86.9 Kb) · 8328747.jpg (77.7 Kb)
Posts: 9296
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Message # 69 | 12:22 PM
ScoobAttack, do you want to categorize the RSS feeds which you get from other websites via RSS import?
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Message # 70 | 11:27 PM
Quote (Sunny)
ScoobAttack, do you want to categorize the RSS feeds which you get from other websites via RSS import?
Yes I would like to be able to do that somehow. Where when you click on RSS feeds on my Homepage then it will show you them categorized first and then you can click on which one you want to go to to see the RSS from other websites.
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Message # 71 | 8:18 AM
ScoobAttack, I am afraid uCoz does not have such feature.
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Message # 72 | 10:47 AM
I need more than 20 RSS Import.How to do?Do you know codes for rss import?
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Message # 73 | 11:33 AM
HeinLay, it is not possible to change the limit.
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Message # 74 | 3:37 PM
Hi, i was trying to import 3 usefull RSS feeds in my site ,everything worked great with 2 of them but with the third one i have some problems.
When i am trying to inport this feed: , a pop-up shows and tells me that the rss format is incorect
What do i have to do to make it work?
Please help....
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 75 | 8:48 AM
Quote (wolf)
What do i have to do to make it work?

I am afraid you cannot do anything.

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