RSS import and other RSS questions
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Message # 1 | 3:29 PM
1. Go to Main » RSS import and click Add RSS reader.

2. Fill in the form:

RSS feed address: Full URL of the RSS-feed, beginning with _http://... – e.g.

Number of entries: – the number of entries you want to display simultaneously.

Number of columns: – the number of columns for displaying of RSS entries.

3. After you have created an RSS reader, you will need to customize its template, i.e. appearance of your RSS reader. To edit the template click the link "Template customization" near the name of the created RSS reader. A pop-up window will appear. Edit the template and click "Save".

4. Close the window with the template and copy the code of your RSS reader, e.g. $RSSIT_1$. You should paste this code into any part of the website where you want the feed to be displayed. If it is not Page Editor then into a template. In Page Editor you can insert the code into page content.

For RSS-feed insertion into Page Editor content, the modes "HTML Codes Panel" or "BB Codes Panel" should be selected.

RSS feeds of your uCoz website

RSS feeds of your website modules are available by the URL _, e.g. _ for Site News.

RSS feeds of module categories look like _ - where "2" is a category ID.

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Message # 121 | 1:06 PM
Ciro, approximately once per hour.

dense, what do you mean? Please try to explain in more details.

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Message # 122 | 3:09 AM
i am sorry if this question was already asked but it is hard to read all nine pages and i hate search thing
just little question
i add rss feed from CNET but it only add text and title is there any way to add pictures for each rss feed?
Thanks For Help
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 123 | 10:54 AM
Sideways, if the RSS feed has images, they must be displayed by default. What is the exact RSS link you are using?
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Message # 124 | 12:42 PM
Quote (Sunny)

This Feed;rb_mtx
If you will look at my facebook there is shared link via tweetfeed that app using same rss feed as i put in ucoz but there are pictures on facebook
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 125 | 1:53 PM
Sideways, I tested the feed with uCoz RSS Import and with Google Reader and the images are not displayed. uCoz is not responsible for the correct work of third-party feeds, therefore I am afraid all I can suggest is that you try another one or use it as it is.
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Message # 126 | 11:35 PM
Sunny, That Fine Thanks For Your Help Man:/ or woman i think ,
Thanks A Lot
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Message # 127 | 9:16 PM
Hi guys.
Sorry if I'm opening thread in the wrong location, could not find right place.

So, recently, my RSS import links that I have posted on main page showing an error: RSS feed has not correct syntax.

The RSS links are from the site itself (from BOARD and DOWNLOADS modules).

Website link is:
The RSS are at the bottom of the page,
First RSS is from:
Second RSS is from:
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Message # 128 | 1:36 PM
FrEEzE, what code did you use to add the RSS feeds and what links did you add?
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Message # 129 | 6:37 AM
The links are as shown:

i.e. this is what I added in the RSS import feature.

and on the site I added $RSSIT_1$ and $RSSIT_2$

Added (2012-07-08, 0:37 AM)
Any help please? smile

Post edited by FrEEzE - Friday, 2012-07-06, 11:18 AM
Posts: 81
Reputation: 8

Message # 130 | 1:03 PM
hello , can anyone help me please ! i've the rss code , but dont know how it work , i dont know where to pute the code ?
i d'like to see it on the main page with my site news i dont know if it's possible ?
if you know how so please explain with details
thank's for your time ...

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new
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Message # 131 | 12:38 PM
steven4u, if you want to import RSS from another website, please read the first post of this thread. If that's not what you want - explain it in more detail.
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Message # 132 | 3:30 AM
Hi guys. I'm just wondering if is possible to change the text "RSS feed has not correct syntax." when the rss feed is empty.
Posts: 9296
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Message # 133 | 11:03 AM
Saiya, it is not possible.

FrEEzE, you problem has been forwarded to the techs, I will inform you as soon as I get a reply.

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Message # 134 | 8:36 PM
Thanks Sunny.

Added (2012-07-17, 2:36 PM)
any update?

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 135 | 11:08 AM
FrEEzE, I will inquire about the status of your problem.
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