Music on the Site
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Message # 1 | 12:28 PM
You can insert mp3 player into any page or message. It may serve to let visitors listen to various compositions. It may be a background for you site (do not abuse this capability, don’t forget that mp3 files weight quite a lot, and not all users have broadband Internet access. They won’t be able to load your site in case of automatic playback)

It is used in the following way:
By means of the BB-code:

[audio] [/audio]

Having entered the following

we'll get

You can also insert a player with the help of JS-code.
To get it use Multimedia - > Insert audio (mp3)
or Multimedia - > Upload audio (mp3) [after uploading press JS-code near necessary file]
As a result, for the mp3 file at
we'll get the following code

<script src=";small=0;color=0055e9;textoff=0;t=audio;" type="text/javascript"></script>

You can also insert it into any place of your site. Besides, it has controlled parameters (settings), which we’ll describe below.


Values in bold type may be changed from 0 to 1. In this way, you’ll enable them. By means of "color" specify code color.
So, if we change in the code
auto=0 for auto=1 - a song will be played automatically (be careful with this feature, think of those who have slow Internet and paid traffic).

small=1 – will display a small player of two buttons. Here it is:

loop=1 – a file will be played back non-stop (till you press stop)

textoff=1 – will remove text (e.g. "i_love_ucoz.mp3" in the example above)

color=0055e9 (player color management) –instead of 0055e9 write the code of a desired color. Codes can be found out from tables or in Photoshop by clicking on a color.
Example. Let’s take the code of the black color - 000000

<script src=";small=0;color=000000;textoff=0;t=audio;" type="text/javascript"></script>

we'll get:

Music as a background

<bgsound src="URL" loop=5 volume=0 balance=0>

URL – file name
loop – number of repeats, if loop="infinite" - unlimited
format - .wav .mid


It is used to insert into pages multimedia content and other files.

<EMBED attributes> </EMBED>

  • height sets vertical size of embedded object

  • width sets horizontal size of embedded object

  • autostart sets possibility to start while loading, takes on the values "true" or "false"

  • loop sets number of repeats, takes on the values "true" or "false"

  • hidden allows to hide active module, takes on the values "true" or "false"

  • src specifies URL of a multimedia file

  • pluginspage specifies URL of the plug-in for playing back a multimedia file

  • bgcolor sets background of the object

  • type specifies multimedia file type

  • quality specifies multimedia file quality

  • alt sets alternative content

    <EMBED src="file.swf" menu="true" quality="high" bgcolor="#000066" width="760" height="410" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></EMBED>

    As you can see from the example you can insert Flash files, as well as video and audio.

    You can write a code with minimal number of attributes

    <embed src="video.avi" width="760" height="410">

    Music in a pop-up (new) window

    There is nothing difficult, use JavaScript

    On the page where you want to place the button "Play music" insert the following code between the < head> tags

    function openWindow()
    muzWindow = open("", "newWindow", "width=300,height=300, status=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no");

  • width=300 height=300 – width, height
  • – link to the page with your music

    Then put in any place of the page either the link


    <a href="#" onClick="openWindow()">Press to play music</a>

    or the button

    <button onClick="openWindow()">Press to play music</button>

    I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
  • Armaros
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 31 | 6:56 PM
    For the posts you can use [video][/video] tags & btw tags put url of youtube video.

    Main Page:
    You will have to use code which is given bellow. Go to: Control Panel ->
    -> Customize Design -> Site Pages. And place this code before </html>

    <embed src="---Music--Link---" width="144" height="60" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="true"></embed>
    Posts: 2
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    Message # 32 | 9:45 PM
    The flash player that I use for webpages is this one:
    It is freeware and allows you to choose several formats and list several tracks that your user can select or play through automatically.

    I used to embed players, but often times they tend to load the entire mp3 before finishing the page. This one loads up quick.

    I have a sample here:
    My uCoz website

    The basic code is:
    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="170"
    <param name="movie"
    value="" />

    yourplaylistlist.xspf contains the list of mp3 tracks to play as well as an image to show along with the track.


    Post edited by standouglas - Saturday, 2008-12-20, 8:37 PM
    Posts: 3
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    Message # 33 | 0:26 AM
    Hellooooo Ucoz !!Well please admin help me....i have a big big problem...i want to change the colour of my player on my i use the bb-codes,i upload the song from multimedia ..from my pc,good then next i copy-and past the code on the main page there,and the player it is on my maine page BUT BLUE!!!! how i must to do to change my colour (i want the red colour) for my playerr....please ucoz help me it`s urgent!!!!!!!!Please!!Im waitin an ansswer!Maira. cry
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 34 | 1:29 AM
    <script src=";small=0;color=0055e9;
    textoff=0;t=audio;" type="text/javascript"></script>
    Change 005e9 part. Colour codes you can find in this site:
    I do suggest you to use HTML panel better if you're adding via an entry of the main page.
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    Message # 35 | 1:43 AM
    and the html panel where is?please some help?!?! wacko
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 36 | 3:08 AM
    If you're adding via entry at the main page than you can select panel and right side of entry window after you clicked on 'Add new entry'.
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    Message # 37 | 7:41 AM
    Can soeme please help me.. i have tried putting music on my site various ways... ive used BBS codes.. ive used JS... i even created my own play list and tried to put te HTML code in it but when ever i put save content and then look at page.. it shows the acuall HTML code, not the thing i wanted it to show.. and yes i do put [ video ] [ /video ] and or audio... ive also uploaded in ucoz.. and pasted the exact BBS code.. and it still does not work.. can someone seriously help me please... my site is...
    Post edited by Hairy1515 - Monday, 2009-01-19, 7:47 AM
    Posts: 9296
    Reputation: 456

    Message # 38 | 9:32 AM
    Hairy1515, make sure that you use the necessary editing mode. If you paste a BB code you must enable BB Codes Panel, and use HTML Codes Panel for HTML codes.
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    Message # 39 | 9:14 AM
    Hairy1515, read attentively the first post of the thread

    Quote (Sunny)
    auto=0 for auto=1 - a song will be played automatically (be careful with this feature, think of those who have slow Internet and paid traffic).

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    Message # 40 | 4:07 AM
    Quote (Sunny)
    small=1 – will display a small player of two buttons.

    Hey Sunny, is it possible to change the color of the buttons if I use "small=1" I changed the code here: <script src=";small=1;color=708090;loop=0;textoff=1;t=audio;" type="text/javascript"></script>

    but the play button is still green.

    Posts: 9296
    Reputation: 456

    Message # 41 | 9:58 AM
    cokoboy, unfortunately that's not possible.
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    Message # 42 | 11:14 PM
    Hey man i need some help i have problems when i wants to add background music

    <bgsound src="" loop=5 volume=0 balance=0>

    its will not work can some one help me plzz
    Posts: 9296
    Reputation: 456

    Message # 43 | 9:37 AM

    1. Not all browsers support bgsound.
    2. Read attentively - format - .wav .mid
    3. In your code volume=0 - how are you going to hear it then?

    I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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    Message # 44 | 8:48 PM
    hya ...i want to ask if smbdy knows a site or something from where i can take a playlist but...i want to specificate:i want to upload my own mp3's inside playlist and of course to be free..smbdy knows?pls hlp.:)
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 45 | 10:10 PM