Music on the Site
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 12:28 PM
You can insert mp3 player into any page or message. It may serve to let visitors listen to various compositions. It may be a background for you site (do not abuse this capability, don’t forget that mp3 files weight quite a lot, and not all users have broadband Internet access. They won’t be able to load your site in case of automatic playback)

It is used in the following way:
By means of the BB-code:

[audio] [/audio]

Having entered the following

we'll get

You can also insert a player with the help of JS-code.
To get it use Multimedia - > Insert audio (mp3)
or Multimedia - > Upload audio (mp3) [after uploading press JS-code near necessary file]
As a result, for the mp3 file at
we'll get the following code

<script src=";small=0;color=0055e9;textoff=0;t=audio;" type="text/javascript"></script>

You can also insert it into any place of your site. Besides, it has controlled parameters (settings), which we’ll describe below.


Values in bold type may be changed from 0 to 1. In this way, you’ll enable them. By means of "color" specify code color.
So, if we change in the code
auto=0 for auto=1 - a song will be played automatically (be careful with this feature, think of those who have slow Internet and paid traffic).

small=1 – will display a small player of two buttons. Here it is:

loop=1 – a file will be played back non-stop (till you press stop)

textoff=1 – will remove text (e.g. "i_love_ucoz.mp3" in the example above)

color=0055e9 (player color management) –instead of 0055e9 write the code of a desired color. Codes can be found out from tables or in Photoshop by clicking on a color.
Example. Let’s take the code of the black color - 000000

<script src=";small=0;color=000000;textoff=0;t=audio;" type="text/javascript"></script>

we'll get:

Music as a background

<bgsound src="URL" loop=5 volume=0 balance=0>

URL – file name
loop – number of repeats, if loop="infinite" - unlimited
format - .wav .mid


It is used to insert into pages multimedia content and other files.

<EMBED attributes> </EMBED>

  • height sets vertical size of embedded object

  • width sets horizontal size of embedded object

  • autostart sets possibility to start while loading, takes on the values "true" or "false"

  • loop sets number of repeats, takes on the values "true" or "false"

  • hidden allows to hide active module, takes on the values "true" or "false"

  • src specifies URL of a multimedia file

  • pluginspage specifies URL of the plug-in for playing back a multimedia file

  • bgcolor sets background of the object

  • type specifies multimedia file type

  • quality specifies multimedia file quality

  • alt sets alternative content

    <EMBED src="file.swf" menu="true" quality="high" bgcolor="#000066" width="760" height="410" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></EMBED>

    As you can see from the example you can insert Flash files, as well as video and audio.

    You can write a code with minimal number of attributes

    <embed src="video.avi" width="760" height="410">

    Music in a pop-up (new) window

    There is nothing difficult, use JavaScript

    On the page where you want to place the button "Play music" insert the following code between the < head> tags

    function openWindow()
    muzWindow = open("", "newWindow", "width=300,height=300, status=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no");

  • width=300 height=300 – width, height
  • – link to the page with your music

    Then put in any place of the page either the link


    <a href="#" onClick="openWindow()">Press to play music</a>

    or the button

    <button onClick="openWindow()">Press to play music</button>

    I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
  • Bengaltiger
    Posts: 57
    Reputation: 1

    Message # 61 | 7:32 PM
    so u meant: if i put 2 songs together..den i hav to do dis>>>

    <embed src="---Music--Link---1" width="144" height="60" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="false"></embed>

    <embed src="---Music--Link---2" width="144" height="60" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="false"></embed>

    lyk dis??? tongue

    Post edited by Bengaltiger - Monday, 2009-03-23, 7:35 PM
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 62 | 7:39 PM
    Yes, like that, but make sure of autostart, hidden, loop.

    Number 1 = True
    Number 0 = False

    For example, if you'll put 1 on both embed codes, both songs will start in same time. If
    you'll put 1 on hidden, people wont see players, if you'll put 1 on loop, it will play forever.

    Posts: 4
    Reputation: 1

    Message # 63 | 1:28 AM
    .. I read all posts on this thread, and the main post by sunny. I have my playlist on and I want to post it in a post on one of my forums, im sorry sad can you help me. I want everybody to be able to add a playlist.
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 64 | 6:37 AM
    Applesdg, you must enable HTML permissions for user-groups which you want to
    be able to add playlist. To do that, go to: Control Panel -> Users -> User groups.
    Posts: 4
    Reputation: 1

    Message # 65 | 10:25 PM
    Thanks, just one more thing... My checked and users, it wont let me check the box for the html tags in posts
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 66 | 10:37 PM
    Quote (Applesdg)
    Thanks, just one more thing... My checked and users, it wont let me check the box for the html tags in posts
    They can use:

    Posts: 26
    Reputation: 1

    Message # 67 | 4:07 AM
    I am using the 1st way to insert music on site, use the flash player ucoz intergrated (
    ). But I dont know if it support wma file, I like to make the music smaller to ease the pressure of the rserver besides I can save a lot of space without cutting down the quality.

    This is my site! Yeah, I need to work on it.
    Post edited by timsoniclee - Friday, 2009-03-27, 4:08 AM
    Posts: 9296
    Reputation: 456

    Message # 68 | 10:22 AM
    Quote (timsoniclee)
    But I dont know if it support wma file

    It doesn't. You could simply try.

    I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
    Posts: 19
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    Message # 69 | 12:13 PM
    how to make it repeat?
    I'm a total blank about all this stuff...I hope you all guide me how to solve the problems related to my questions...

    THANKS ^___^

    Posts: 1424

    Message # 70 | 1:19 PM
    tapirlaut, read!

    Quote (Sunny)
    loop=1 – a file will be played back non-stop (till you press stop)
    Posts: 19
    Reputation: 1

    Message # 71 | 5:33 AM
    when I put this on <embed src="---Music--Link---" width="144" height="60" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="true"></embed>

    there come up with windows media player skins...

    how do I put it as ucoz player(black skin) with the embed code above without hidden?

    Added (2009-04-04, 11:33 Pm)
    hello? no one gonna answer my questions?

    I'm a total blank about all this stuff...I hope you all guide me how to solve the problems related to my questions...

    THANKS ^___^

    Posts: 1424

    Message # 72 | 11:25 AM
    tapirlaut, use JS.
    Posts: 19
    Reputation: 1

    Message # 73 | 12:11 PM
    can you give me the code?
    I'm a total blank about all this stuff...I hope you all guide me how to solve the problems related to my questions...

    THANKS ^___^

    Posts: 2
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 74 | 1:41 PM
    can i make a playlist on my website which allows me to shuffle the music biggrin
    So when you enter my website, you don't get the same song everytime cool

    edit: I have got a song called High way to hell on my website. It works perfect smile

    Post edited by Rudi - Monday, 2009-04-06, 1:43 PM
    Posts: 9296
    Reputation: 456

    Message # 75 | 3:39 PM
    Rudi, you can use Widgets, there is a player with a playlist.
    I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.