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Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 10:09 AM
# Informer Samples #

Informers serve to display entries of particular modules on any pages of any sites. For example, you can output the latest forum threads or most commented photos right on the main page. This helps to make your site more interesting and handy for the visitors.

To create an Informer:

1. Go to Informers section on the main page of the Control Panel.

2. Press Create informer.

3. Select necessary module in the field with the pop-down list. (Additional options will appear depending on a module).

4. Set parameters of the options Number of entries and Number of columns.

5. Press Create.

6. Insert the obtained code of the type

where you need.

7. Informer appearance and the information for output can be edited in informer template. Type of information (uCoz codes) depends on the source module. List of codes, available for a certain informer, is under the form for editing template.

With the help of the informer, you can output information both on pages of your website and on any other site in the internet.

There are no explanations for the codes, used in informer template. This is because informers are a serious thing and you should not edit informers without good knowledge of HTML and uCoz system.


Where should I put the code of informer?
Control Panel -> Design -> Design management(templates).

How can I find out ID of an entry?
View list of entries or categories and you’ll find their IDs.

Is it possible to output entries in random order?
Yes, when you select a type of entries sorting you can choose the item "In random order".

Is it possible to make $ID$ code in the informer with Photo Album, because photos often have no names?
Do not output a name at all.

How can I output an image, belonging to the news entry, in the informer?
Edit informer template and insert a variable that will display the image.

Is it possible not to output in the news informer the news entries that are on the main page?

Is it possible to do the following: the informer starts to count users’ messages form a certain time and does not take into account earlier messages?

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 316 | 2:25 PM
Quote (khen)
Can I request to have more than 30 informers?

Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 317 | 5:08 PM
Hey Everyone!!!
Can I put images in informers.Like the one in .
How did he put images into informers??
Please help...... cry
Posts: 12
Reputation: 0

Message # 318 | 8:46 AM
Can anyone tell me how to create informer like this?????
Please tell step by step procedure..........

Attachments: 9824193.png (8.9 Kb)

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Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 319 | 1:40 PM
Quote (sumeetm4u)
Can anyone tell me how to create informer like this?????
Please tell step by step procedure

Read the first post to learn how to use Informers. Use such Informer sections as: Users who have visited the site for the current day, Counters for users and the modules the information from which you want to output. Use the following codes as well:
Posts: 316
Reputation: 8

Message # 320 | 12:01 PM
How to determine file catalog informer type's dry

Entry date "A"
Entry date "D"

Entry Rating "A"
Entry Rating "D"

What does A and D means Here wink

I Try to help. U can Try to give Rep ++ For my try :P
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 321 | 12:25 PM
Quote (DEEPKG)
How to determine file catalog informer type's

In CP->Tools->Informers->Create Informer->File catalog->Entry date "A" or Entry date "D"
Quote (DEEPKG)
What does A and D means Here

A - ascending (from the first added entry to the last one). D - descending (from the last added entry to the first one) .
Posts: 33
Reputation: 0

Message # 322 | 10:22 AM
Read the first post to learn how to use Informers. Use such Informer sections as: Users who have visited the site for the current day, Counters for users and the modules the information from which you want to output. Use the following codes as well:



I tried but I failed sad
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 323 | 11:25 AM
Quote (cro-ipbox)
I tried but I failed

I am not sure I understand what exactly you have tried. Please elaborate.
Posts: 421
Reputation: 35

Message # 324 | 1:35 PM
Why this code doesn`t work in informer ? dry
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 325 | 3:17 PM
Unique, because this code is only for Entry full text and his comments.
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 16
Reputation: 0

Message # 326 | 11:55 AM
i really cant understand...i have set the permission for guests and the can't absolutely anything in file catalo and i crete an informer for random materials and when i saved it it says me this "Guests" are not permitted to view the module but i am logged in as an admin...what am i doing wrong??
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 327 | 11:21 PM
paragogos, open your sites user permissions and scroll down to file manager. For the first one allowing users to view the module make sure that guest is selected. Secondly check that in the admin-bars user settings you are viewing the site as an administrator.

Hope this helps, happy

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 16
Reputation: 0

Message # 328 | 1:19 AM
no nothing...i have select every group to browse the catalog but no for guests and i take the same answer again...why is happening this? why i can see informer of the file catalog as an admin or as a user?
Posts: 12
Reputation: 2

Message # 329 | 3:14 PM
paragogos, hello.

Informers designed to output the information, that can be viewed by the "Guests" user group. If there are some restrictions for "Guests" - informer will show the message, specified above.

If you would like to use informers with restrictions for "Guests" - you need to give them almost all rights (to view all the info) and filter this info, using conditional operators in the templates of your website. But, it requires much time to implement all the restrictions in the templates.
Posts: 6
Reputation: 0

Message # 330 | 9:06 PM
Hey there.

I'm trying to get my latest video to show up on my Blog page via Informers, but when I use $MESSAGE$, It wont show anything at all, it'll show the other informer items, such as the title, and such. But just not the message? I really need the latest video on the main page.

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="eBlock"><tr><td style="padding:3px;">
<?if($MODER_PANEL$)?><div style="float:right">$MODER_PANEL$</div><?endif?>
<div class="eTitle" style="text-align:left;"><a href="$ENTRY_URL$">$TITLE$</a></div>
<div class="eMessage" style="text-align:center;clear:both;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;">$MESSAGE$</div>
<?if($ATTACHMENTS$)?><div class="eAttach">Attachments: $ATTACHMENTS$</div><?endif?><div class="eDetails" style="clear:both;">
<?if($RATING$)?><div style="float:right"><?$RSTARS$('12','/.s/img/stars/3/12.png','0','float')?></div><?endif?>
<?if($CATEGORY_NAME$)?>Category: <a href="$CATEGORY_URL$">$CATEGORY_NAME$</a> |<?endif?>
Views: $READS$ |
<?if($USERNAME$)?>Added by: <a href="$PROFILE_URL$">$USERNAME$</a> |<?endif?>
Date: <span title="$TIME$">$DATE$</span>
<?if($COMMENTS_URL$)?>| <a href="$COMMENTS_URL$">Comments ($COMMENTS_NUM$)</a><?endif?>
</div></td></tr></table><br />

Thank you.