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Message # 1 | 10:09 AM
# Informer Samples #

Informers serve to display entries of particular modules on any pages of any sites. For example, you can output the latest forum threads or most commented photos right on the main page. This helps to make your site more interesting and handy for the visitors.

To create an Informer:

1. Go to Informers section on the main page of the Control Panel.

2. Press Create informer.

3. Select necessary module in the field with the pop-down list. (Additional options will appear depending on a module).

4. Set parameters of the options Number of entries and Number of columns.

5. Press Create.

6. Insert the obtained code of the type

where you need.

7. Informer appearance and the information for output can be edited in informer template. Type of information (uCoz codes) depends on the source module. List of codes, available for a certain informer, is under the form for editing template.

With the help of the informer, you can output information both on pages of your website and on any other site in the internet.

There are no explanations for the codes, used in informer template. This is because informers are a serious thing and you should not edit informers without good knowledge of HTML and uCoz system.


Where should I put the code of informer?
Control Panel -> Design -> Design management(templates).

How can I find out ID of an entry?
View list of entries or categories and you’ll find their IDs.

Is it possible to output entries in random order?
Yes, when you select a type of entries sorting you can choose the item "In random order".

Is it possible to make $ID$ code in the informer with Photo Album, because photos often have no names?
Do not output a name at all.

How can I output an image, belonging to the news entry, in the informer?
Edit informer template and insert a variable that will display the image.

Is it possible not to output in the news informer the news entries that are on the main page?

Is it possible to do the following: the informer starts to count users’ messages form a certain time and does not take into account earlier messages?

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Message # 346 | 11:39 AM
Quote (srkisara)
<table class="infTable" width="100%" border="2" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr><td style="font:7pt" align="left" nowrap="nowrap"><?if($CATEGORY_NAME$)?><a href="$CATEGORY_URL$"><span style="color:#000000">$CATEGORY_NAME$</span></a><?endif?></td></tr><tr><td class="infTitle" colspan="2"><a href="$ENTRY_URL$"><span style="color:#000000">$TITLE$</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table>

Change #000000 into the color code you need.

Quote (srkisara)
2. I tried make informer visible for all, but blog only for users, with permissions. After that informer is not visible for anyone so I want make my download links hidden for guests in posts of blog.

You can use the [hide] bb code or conditional operators to hide links from guests.

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Message # 347 | 4:23 AM
Hey hope you can help me

i have made my informer so it shut show the most resent post from my forum.
<li><a href="$THREAD_URL$">$THREAD_TITLE$</a> <span>($REPLIES$)</span><div style="font:7pt" align="right">[<a href="$FORUM_URL$">$FORUM$</a>]</div></li>

and i am trying to make them show on my main page in this code but i am not sure i did it right becaus it dossent show any thing.
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="216">
<tr><td height="42" align="right" style="background:url('/.s/t/991/17.gif');color:#E1D9C5;padding-right:35px;padding-top:2px;"><b><!-- <bt> --><!--<s5204>-->Recent Posts<!--</s>--><!-- </bt> --></b></td></tr>
<tr><td align="center" style="background:url('/.s/t/991/18.jpg') bottom;padding:5px 20px 0 30px;">
<tr><td><img src="/.s/t/991/19.gif" border="0"></td></tr>

hope some 1 her can help me

Thanks in advance
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 348 | 10:45 AM
Deekoo, $MYINF_1$ is in the wrong place in your code, it must be within a table cell, between <td> .... </td>. Where exactly do you want to add the informers? If in one of side blocks, then it is easier to use Builder for this purpose.
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Message # 349 | 4:07 PM
Yes it is inside 1 of the side blocks, but i am not familiar with the builder.. so plz give me a pointer on how it works

i tryed to click the informer icon and it loads my informer and when i click the link that comes up... it just closes the edit window and nothing happend..
so whet i want to know fx. do i need to write some html in the html tap ond when i fx.right clik the informer link that comes up and i copy it in to the
html section it makes only this to paste javascript://


Added (2012-02-02, 9:12 AM)
Now i found out to make a new block and add the informer and save it .....
and it looks fine in the in the customize design... but when i enter builder agin the block has disapired
and only the delete block and edit block icon is ther...?


Added (2012-02-02, 10:07 AM)
This is the code generated by builder and it looks fine.

<!-- <block8919> -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="216">
<tr><td height="42" align="right" style="background:url('/.s/t/991/17.gif');color:#E1D9C5;padding-right:35px;padding-top:2px;"><b><!-- <bt> -->Recent Post<!-- </bt> --></b></td></tr>
<tr><td align="center" style="background:url('/.s/t/991/18.jpg') bottom;padding:5px 20px 0 30px;"><!-- <bc> -->$MYINF_1$<!-- </bc> --></td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="/.s/t/991/19.gif" border="0"></td></tr>
</table><br />
<!-- </block8919> -->

thats way i dont understand why the block is disapired in builder whan i enter it agin??
Post edited by Deekoo - Thursday, 2012-02-02, 2:39 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 350 | 10:16 AM
Deekoo, yes, the code looks fine.

Quote (Deekoo)
and it looks fine in the in the customize design... but when i enter builder agin the block has disapired
and only the delete block and edit block icon is ther...?

I am afraid I don't understand what exactly you mean. Please provide a screenshot and the website address.

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Message # 351 | 11:57 AM
Thanks Sunny. Working fine
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Message # 352 | 1:38 PM
hey sunny

here you can see i made the informer block.

and then i save what i made.

and when i then look at the web page
nothing came up and as you can see i
made plenty of test post on the forum

and when i then enter builder to see what
went wrong whit the block then it looks like this,
and as you can see only the arrow to move the block
up and options/delete buttons are left the block has disappeared.
Posts: 25
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Message # 353 | 2:33 PM
I am trying to add Calendar to certain pages. On a BUILDER thread I was instructed to use the Informers. I still don't get it - sorry. Could someone elaborate, please?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 354 | 1:29 PM
Deekoo, the images are not available. As for the problem - your forum is not available for guests, it can be the reason why the informer is not displayed (though as far as I remember it must be displayed but with the message that guests can't view it).

skipper7386, if you want the calendar to be displayed in other modules besides Site News and Blog, you should create an informer. If you want this informer to be displayed on certain pages only, you should either edit the block access permissions (via Builder) or use conditional operators.

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Message # 355 | 3:27 PM
ty for the help sonny

it works now smile
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Message # 356 | 10:59 PM
can i see any example of informer on any site of ucoz, anybody has done using informer, i want to see what is it
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 357 | 12:06 PM
siddharth, here are some examples: - 'new uCoz themes' and 'popular uCoz themes' are created by means of informers; - blocks with latest forum posts, newest downloads, random images (on the right).

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Message # 358 | 7:00 AM
Ok, I know it has already been answered but when I try to do this it won't work. I want to set up an informer to show recent visitors along with the date and time they visited. I know how to set up the informer just not how to add the date and time part. If anyone can detail how it needs to be that would be a great help. o.o Thank you. cry

Added (2012-03-08, 1:00 AM)
Also, I am a bit confused as well on how to edit my main page to show recent posts? For example Design #786, how the main page has those seperated sections with different posts? I am not sure exactly what that is directly called. But I would like to do that for my website. Actually all the default template pages have that. So yeah o.o that is what I would like help on doing step by step since I struggle a lot while learning and if I can or can not also display pictures or videos with it as well. If I can't its alright but either way I would like to know how to make my main page look like the main pages on the default templates. I hope I explained it ok. o.o

the attachement is another example of a main page with those sections including a image as well being posted on the main page.
Attachments: 9962128.jpg (95.9 Kb)
Post edited by Xenobia - Thursday, 2012-03-08, 7:19 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 359 | 10:28 AM
Quote (Xenobia)
I want to set up an informer to show recent visitors along with the date and time they visited. I know how to set up the informer just not how to add the date and time part.

It is not possible to add date and time to the "Users who have visited the site for the current day" informer, the informer template does not support the corresponding codes.

Quote (Xenobia)
I am a bit confused as well on how to edit my main page to show recent posts?

You just need to paste the informer code, e.g. $MYINF_1$, into the place where you want it to be displayed.

Quote (Xenobia)
For example Design #786, how the main page has those seperated sections with different posts?

Do you mean side blocks? Please mark what you mean on your screenshot.

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Message # 360 | 11:10 PM
I reattached the picture with the area I am mentioning marked. o.o
Attachments: 3251896.jpg (88.5 Kb)