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Sample informers
Posts: 14
Reputation: -2

Message # 1 | 5:08 PM
Here you can find samples of some informers:


Is it possible that I can make a customized userlist page.
what I mean is that, I will make a new page (ex.. http://mysite.ucoz.com/customuserlist.html ).. then,
I want to create a table visible to all (even not registered) with a number of cols example

the registered display name of members :: the registered link (in my case i replace it with friendster) :: online/offline status :: usergroup :: online/offline status

my theory is that I will make a block, then make a javascript, then manually make an array of users, but, it takes me constant update sad

Posts: 1424

Message # 2 | 5:27 PM
Why do you need to make a custom member list? There is already given one, which you can modify how you need.
Posts: 14
Reputation: -2

Message # 3 | 5:32 PM
how to modify?
Post edited by kibawe - Thursday, 2008-10-30, 5:40 PM
Posts: 1424

Message # 4 | 8:10 PM
You can choose what to display at: CP -> Users -> Module settings.
Posts: 14
Reputation: -2

Message # 5 | 8:31 PM
ic, thnx!!

but is there a way to modify the $body$ block???

Posts: 1424

Message # 6 | 10:57 PM
Quote (kibawe)
but is there a way to modify the $body$ block???
Posts: 14
Reputation: -2

Message # 7 | 12:24 PM
umm... in case somebody is still interested, i have made a customized user list
http://kibawe.my1.ru/index/0-17 <-- heres sample

1. Create Informer
2. Select Option --> User
3. then by Reputation (or ur choice)
4. Modify Template
5. Make a new page, then insert the $MYINF_#$, where # is the number of the informer

the informers template


<table width="100%" style="border-color:gray;"><tr>
<td width="10%" align="center"><img src="$AVATAR_URL$" width="40" alt="$TITLE$"></td>
<td width="10%" align="center"><a href="$PROFILE_URL$">$USERNAME$</a></td>
<td width="10%" align="center">$FULL_NAME$</td>
<td width="10%" align="center">$GROUP_NAME$</td>
<td width="10%" align="center">$COUNTRY$</td>

the page


<font color="red">:: [b]Members List[/b] ::</font>[hr]
<table width="100%" style="border-color:gray;"><tr>
<td width="10%" align="center">Avatar</td>
<td width="10%" align="center">Username</a></td>
<td width="10%" align="center">Fullname</td>
<td width="10%" align="center">Group</td>
<td width="10%" align="center">Location</td>

i hope this will helpl

Post edited by kibawe - Friday, 2008-11-07, 1:09 PM
Posts: 14
Reputation: -2

Message # 8 | 3:48 PM
before all, please allow me

thnx for the complement from to those person who visited in the site ive made in ucoz (i mean the site in my siggy).
since ive posted here, ive got many mails in my admin mail of asking how i made my

  • top forum poster
  • members visited today
    by using the informer.

    since im too lazy to reply to all, and for future purposes that other guys will ask me same, and in return to help the community specially for those who are interested

    i would like to share 2 u how.


    Step 1. Creating Informer

  • from CP -> Tools -> Informers
    Create Informer

    in section
    Select User
    notice, additional option will appear

    in sorting mode
    Select Num. of Forum Messages

    number of entries: that is how many TOP members would you like to appear

    number of columns: in my site ive used 1

    then click Create

    Step 2. Creating Informer Template

  • from CP -> Tools -> Informers

    Customized the Informer Template (found the right most part, just hover the images)
    then script window will appear

    then paste this code below


    <table width="100%">
    <td width="40" align="center" valign="middle">
    <img src="$AVATAR_URL$" width="30"></td><td width="50%" align="center" valign="middle"><a href="$PROFILE_URL$">$USERNAME$</a></td><td width="50%" align="left" valign="middle"><b>$FORUM_POSTS$</b> msg(s)</td></table>

    note: there are many variables below that u can play with. ur knowledge with HTML is a great help.

    Step 3. Using the Code

  • from CP -> Tools -> Informers
    in the right most part there is an input box containing $MYINF_#$ <- that is the var for your informer

    then in your template pages, just paste $MYINF_#$ in any way where u want it to be .


    Visited Members

    Step 1. Creating Informer

  • from CP -> Tools -> Informers
    Create Informer

    in sorting mode
    Select Members who have visited your site for the current day

    then click Create

    Step 2. Creating Informer Template

  • from CP -> Tools -> Informers

    Customized the Informer Template (found the right most part, just hover the images)
    then script window will appear

    then paste this code below


    <a href="$PROFILE_URL$" class="$CLASS$">$USERNAME$</a>,     

    * thats the default code

    Step 3. Using the Code

  • from CP -> Tools -> Informers
    in the right most part there is an input box containing $MYINF_#$ <- that is the var for your informer

    then in your template pages, just paste $MYINF_#$ in any way where u want it to be .

    * * *
    I hope this will help.
    Thanx for giving me opportunity to help, enjoy!!!

    Best Regards!

    Post edited by kibawe - Sunday, 2008-11-09, 4:20 PM
  • Armaros
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 9 | 8:09 PM
    I really doubt, those two tutorials was needed, but alright for making them.
    Info on informers was already here: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/6-457-1
    Posts: 3
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 10 | 10:47 PM
    this is ridiculous,
    I want to create a whole new table for the informer instead of having lonely links hovering pointlessly on my page.
    is it in anyway possible to give an example of the table code with the informer code incorporated?
    Posts: 3
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 11 | 11:10 PM
    Could u explain if u know how, to make the recent visitors show up in the colours that their forum group designates, as opposed to the standard template font.
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 12 | 11:51 PM
    Quote (MiTcH)
    Could u explain if u know how, to make the recent visitors show up in the colours that their forum group designates, as opposed to the standard template font.
    uCoz already answered you on this question. No need to re-ask.
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 13 | 1:45 AM
    Quote (1590)
    How about providing a link to the answer instead of just being a condescending snob?
    How about you start to respect other people or get punished for that?
    Here you go, inpatient one: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/7-2538-1
    Posts: 3
    Reputation: 0

    Message # 14 | 10:15 AM
    in all honesty armaros, he gave a vague answer that i, like most i would imagie had no idea how to interpret.. sorry for trying to get another perspective on it.
    Posts: 1424

    Message # 15 | 1:56 PM
    Quote (MiTcH)
    in all honesty armaros, he gave a vague answer that i, like most i would imagie had no idea how to interpret.. sorry for trying to get another perspective on it.
    But it doesn't change fact.
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