Site awards
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 10:07 AM
After the last update a new feature has appeared - "Awards", it allows users to give awards to each other.

How to use this module:

1. You can find Awards in Control Panel -> Admin Bar -> Tools -> Awards

2. If this is the first time you go to Awards, you must install the module. If you don’t need Awards any more, you can disable the module in Users -> Module settings -> Enable "Awards" feature – just remove a check mark and save the changes.

3. After you have opened the Awards section, you will see the full list of awards, divided into categories. There are basic settings near each award: Timeout, ID and groups that are allowed to give this award.

4. To create a new award click on "New award" in the top right corner. Select a category, specify URL of the award, its timeout and select the groups to be able to give it.

5. Now, if you want awards to be displayed in user profiles (if they are there), go to Customize Design -> "User personal page" and paste the following code into the necessary place:

<?if($AWARDS_READ_URL$)?><div class="reputation">Awards: <a href="$AWARDS_READ_URL$" title="List of awards"><span class="repNums"><b>$AWARDS$</b></span></a> <?if($AWARDS_DO_URL$)?> <a href="$AWARDS_DO_URL$"><span style="font-size:8pt" title="Give award"><b>[ Give award ]</b></span></a><?endif?><?endif?>

If you want awards to be displayed under avatar, paste the same code into "Appearance of entries" template for forum.

6. To give an award a user must open another user’s profile and click [ Give award ] . Then select an award and add a comment.


If you want to create AWARD TOP, you need to do the following:

1. Go to "Informers" section (Control Panel -> Tools -> Informers). Click "Create informer", enter its name (any) and select AWARDS TOP section. Click "Create".

2. The informer has been created. Now paste the code (e.g. $MYINF_1$) into necessary templates.

3. Here is the result

Question: there is the possibility to evaluate posts on this forum (Good/bad post). How can I do the same on my forum?
Answer: Either restore the default “Appearance of entries” template or paste the following code into the necessary place of this template:

<?if($AWARDS_DO_URL$ && $USER_LOGGED_IN$ && $CUR_USER_ID$!=$UID$)?><div style="float:right"><a href="javascript://" onclick="openLayerB('AwD',0,'/index/55-$UID$-28-forum-$FID$_$TID$_$ID$_16_$TIMESTAMP$','Give award',380,200,1); return false;"><img src="" width="13" border="0" title="Good post"></a> <a href="javascript://" onclick="openLayerB('AwD',0,'/index/55-$UID$-47-forum-$FID$_$TID$_$ID$_16_$TIMESTAMP$','Give award',380,200,1); return false;"><img src="" width="13" border="0" title="Bad post"></a></div><?endif?>

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 454
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Message # 46 | 3:39 AM
Awards are common.
"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
Posts: 18
Reputation: 0

Message # 47 | 1:06 AM
Is it possible to rename, "Awards" to something else?
Posts: 103
Reputation: 6

Message # 48 | 1:08 AM
Spidey, no, this is not possible.
Posts: 18
Reputation: 0

Message # 49 | 1:32 AM
ok one more do I reset the awards...I want the previous awards given cleared. Does it just take some time after I have deintalled it and reinstalled it, or is there some other way. Because I had 8 awards, and when I deinstalled it and reinstalled it stills says I have 8 but when I click on it it says "No Awards" So i can't delete them manually either...did I just screw my entire award system up?

T hank you for your help smile help

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 50 | 10:29 AM
Quote (Spidey)
Is it possible to rename, "Awards" to something else?

You can change it in templates. As for Ajax windows - it is probably possible by means of a script.

Quote (Spidey)
ok one more do I reset the awards...I want the previous awards given cleared. Does it just take some time after I have deintalled it and reinstalled it, or is there some other way. Because I had 8 awards, and when I deinstalled it and reinstalled it stills says I have 8 but when I click on it it says "No Awards" So i can't delete them manually either...did I just screw my entire award system up?

Just tested it. You can solve the problem in the following way - give any award (the number will be reset) and then delete it.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 18
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Message # 51 | 7:04 AM
Thank you sunny, you are truly a goddess among men. happy

Added (2010-05-08, 1:04 Am)
Has anyone figured out how to do barc00de's code? I would really like to figure out how to do that, it would work perfect for my site. I can't figure out the code...

Posts: 1931

Message # 52 | 12:27 PM
Spidey that code is made by Russian users and you can
find it on other websites which stole it and claimed theirs.

Here we wont discuss custom coding.

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 14
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Message # 53 | 11:58 AM
Me need new awards show codes plz help
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 54 | 1:09 PM
zujukas, be more specific, it is difficult to understand you.
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Message # 55 | 9:21 PM
Not very flexible, is it going to be more flexible soon? I hate doing HTML, I like VBS lua and batch, and I can do HTML tags fine, but making a system like this is too hard for me.

By flexible I mean auto-reward, optionally show below name if correct template is installed on the apearance of entries, make it so certain people can award it, not just a whole group stuff like that.

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 56 | 9:43 AM
ash, I do not know about any planned improvements but you can suggest them on the Suggestion Board: according to the rules:
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Message # 57 | 4:46 AM
What coding would be necessary to make it so only Moderators and Administrators can view the AJAX/lightbox window with the history/details of the user's awards? I have a feeling it's that <if> code but I have no idea how to use those D:

Added (2011-02-24, 10:46 PM)
Also, I would like to not have a Timeout for the awards. Any way I can make it this way?

Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 58 | 6:42 AM
HorseIsleSense, you can hide the highlighted window in CP --> Design ---> Design management (templates) ---> Forum ---> Appearance of entries
<div class="reputation">Awards: <a href="$AWARDS_READ_URL$" title="List of awards"><span class="repNums"><b>$AWARDS$</b></span></a>

Hide this with conditional operators for normal users but not for your moderators and admins

Quote (HorseIsleSense)
Also, I would like to not have a Timeout for the awards. Any way I can make it this way?

I don't think that that is possible but you can set permissions so only admins and mods can use a specific award

more about conditional operators here:

i need to go now

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 93
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Message # 59 | 6:44 PM
Animorph, About the first code, well it doesn't make sense.. Wil that make it so only Moderators and Administrators can view that highlighted window?
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 60 | 6:55 PM
Quote (HorseIsleSense)
What coding would be necessary to make it so only Moderators and Administrators can view the AJAX/lightbox window with the history/details of the user's awards?

you asked this , and you can only hide or make it not clickable for users with conditional operators , tell me what options do you want , make the users not able to click the award history but that thy still can see how much awards thy have and make it only clickable and vieuw able for moderators and admins or make it so users cannot even see the amount of awards thy have and that only mods and admins can view their amount of award and only view their history

To busy building a passive income online ;)