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Forum moderator: bigblog  
Learn how to use META Tags
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 1 | 5:48 PM
META Tags are an important part of every website. They simply define your website by providing useful information. META tags also help categorize your website as well as helping the search engines make better of your website, seen as many search engines have now incorporated reading META tags as part of their indexing formulas. This thread consists of useful information on using META Tags, as well the ones that will become useful for your website.

All META Tags must be inserted after the '<head>' tag and before '</head>'. If misplaced they will not work.

I'll started off with some off the most popular.

1. Description META Tag
This tag requires a simple description of your website or web-page. This is very useful not only for the reader but also for search engines. The description used within this tag is mostly used as the description when indexed on a search engine. Try to keep a maximum of 150 characters.

<meta name="Description" content="A description of your website/web-page goes here">

2. Author META Tag
This tag tells the user and a search engine who the author is of that website.

<META name="Author" content="Information about the author goes here">

3. Keywords META Tag
This is tag is mostly used by search engines to track key words for your website. Although you must be careful when using this META Tag. Do not ever use other companies names or trademarks as your keywords. Some companies have run lawsuits against a website for trying to steal traffic on search engines.

<META name="Keywords" content="Keywords for your website separated by commas">

4. Copyright META Tag
This tag can be used to display trademarks, copyright or any other information.

<META name="Copyright" content="Copyright information goes here">

5. Language META Tag
This tag is used to tell the user and the search engine what languages the website uses. Below is what is displayed within this META tag:

    EN (English)
    EN-GB (English-Great Britain)
    EN-US (English-United States)
    BG (Bulgarian)
    DA (Danish)
    DE (German)
    RU (Russian)
    EL (Greek)
    ES (Spanish)
    ES-ES (Spanish-Spain)
    FI (Finnish)
    HR (Croatian)
    IT (Italian)
    FR (French)
    FR-CA (French-Quebec)
    FR-FR (French-France)
    IT (Italian)
    JA (Japanese)
    KO (Korean)
    CS (Czech)
    NL (Dutch)
    NO (Norwegian)
    PL (Polish)
    PT (Portuguese)
    SV (Swedish)
    ZH (Chinese)

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" content="Read above for your language, for example EN">

7. Content Type META Tag
The HTTP content type may be extended to give the character set. It is recommended to always use this tag and to specify the charset.


7. Robots META Tag
Robots, also known as spiders, are used by search engines to 'spider' or search your website. Robots are used to categorize your website.

<META name="Robots" content="index,follow">

8. Refresh META Tag
This tag is normally used one websites that re-direct to another page or website after so many seconds. Chance the 0 to how many seconds you want to wait before it re-directs.

    INDEX: Search engine robots should include this page.
    FOLLOW: Robots should follow links from this page to other pages.
    NOINDEX: Links can be explored, although the page is not indexed.
    NOFOLLOW: The page can be indexed, but no links are explored.
    NONE: Robots can ignore the page.





If you have any questions concerning META Tags, please ask here.

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Post edited by CreativeCollusions - Monday, 2011-01-03, 1:07 PM
Posts: 59
Reputation: 0

Message # 2 | 4:18 PM
Image META Tag,
Video META Tag?


The Bulgarian women are the most beautiful in the world - fact
Gloria, Jechka Slaninkova, Nasko Mentata, Zafeiris Melas, Stamatis Gonidis, DJ Vesselin, DJ Doncho - RulZ
If you not tried the Bulgarian homely Brandy, Absolut Vanilia and Sobieski Cranberry - you not know anything about life.
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 3 | 8:55 PM
Stoyanoff, if there is such thing as an Image META Tag and a Video META Tag I am unaware of its existence. I will look into this.
Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Posts: 59
Reputation: 0

Message # 4 | 9:51 PM
CreativeCollusions, I'm not familiar with this because some time interested in meta tags. But here's an example:

<meta property="og:title" content="something" />
<meta property="og:description" content="something" />
<meta property="og:image" content="http://something" />
<meta property="og:video" content="http://www.something" />
<meta property="og:video:width" content="450" />
<meta property="og:video:height" content="430" />
<meta property="og:video:type" content="application/x-shockwave-flash" />


The Bulgarian women are the most beautiful in the world - fact
Gloria, Jechka Slaninkova, Nasko Mentata, Zafeiris Melas, Stamatis Gonidis, DJ Vesselin, DJ Doncho - RulZ
If you not tried the Bulgarian homely Brandy, Absolut Vanilia and Sobieski Cranberry - you not know anything about life.
Posts: 18
Reputation: 0

Message # 5 | 10:34 AM
Fort use this meta tag is necesay to remove the all meta tag between <head> and </head>?

1. Description META Tag
2. Author META Tag
3. Keywords META Tag
6. Content Type META Tag
7. Robots META Tag


Added (2011-05-05, 4:34 Am)
And where I must to put de meta tag, in the "Site Page" or in all: Site new, Publisher, File Catalog, Blog...?

Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 6 | 10:58 AM
Quote (articolenoi)
Fort use this meta tag is necesay to remove the all meta tag between <head> and </head>?

No. You do not have to delete those meta tags.
Quote (articolenoi)
1. Description META Tag
2. Author META Tag
3. Keywords META Tag
6. Content Type META Tag
7. Robots META Tag

You need to insert them between <head> and </head>
Quote (articolenoi)
And where I must to put de meta tag, in the "Site Page" or in all: Site new, Publisher, File Catalog, Blog...?

You need to insert them in the template of each module.
Posts: 18
Reputation: 0

Message # 7 | 11:30 AM
I created this site with a week ago and I have attached one domain wich is indexed of google because I had this domain to my blog and I moved to this site. But the google has not indexed the post from this site. And now if I put the meta tag, the google will Indexing the post?

Sorry for my english but is not very good.

Posts: 18
Reputation: 0

Message # 8 | 12:33 PM
Is ok how I have put the meta tag? Please see de pictures.


Attachments: 8428087.jpg (83.6 Kb)
Post edited by articolenoi - Thursday, 2011-05-05, 7:13 PM
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 9 | 1:08 PM
articolenoi, There is a 30-day quarantine for new websites in the system. The more detailed information is here:
As a rule it is not reasonable to submit a website to search engines till 30 days after its creation have passed. If you still want to unblock the robots.txt file for your website to be indexed sooner, you can pay for any of premium packages in the website Control Panel -> Top Bar -> $ -> Paid services.
Please see the screenshot: http://faq.ucoz.com/screenshots/paid_service_packages.png
Posts: 18
Reputation: 0

Message # 10 | 1:17 PM
Thank you very much for this information. But I have a question. I have put in the forum one pictures with the meta tag. You can tell me if I have put the corect meta tag in the module please?

Thank you very much for information.

Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 11 | 1:24 PM
Quote (articolenoi)
You can tell me if I have put the corect meta tag in the module please?

The location is correct. But such descriptions as: A description of your website/web-page goes here, Information about the author goes here, Keywords for your website separated by commas etc should be substituted with necessary content and keywords.
Posts: 18
Reputation: 0

Message # 12 | 1:43 PM
Is good? : <meta name="Description" content="new articles with informations">
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 13 | 2:01 PM
articolenoi, it depends on your website content. Anyway, we do not provide help with site promotion. It is up to you.
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 14 | 4:25 PM
Quote (articolenoi)
And where I must to put de meta tag, in the "Site Page" or in all: Site new, Publisher, File Catalog, Blog...?

You may either post them inside the HEAD tags in Customize Design, or you may use Global Blocks to be quicker. If you don't know about Global Blocks, don't worry and just leave it as it is.

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 15 | 7:03 PM
Quote (Natashko)
You need to insert them in the template of each module.

How to insert them in the template of each module? wink
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