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Forum moderator: bigblog  
Learn how to use META Tags
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Reputation: 58

Message # 16 | 10:49 PM
Go to Control Panel » Customize Design.

Then place the meta-tags within the HTML head tags:

However, I recommend that you use Global Blocks. They are much quicker.

Kind regards,

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Message # 17 | 9:21 AM
Leonidas0041, You need to follow thoroughly thread of CreativeCollusions about meta tags.
You may either post them inside the HEAD tags in Customize Design, or you may use Global Blocks to be quicker.

Happiness comes to those who are moving toward something they want very much to happen. And it almost always involves making someone else happy.

Posts: 294
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Message # 18 | 9:39 AM
What is this for <?$META_DESCRIPTION$?> ?
What happens when I add my own meta tags? Do I need to remove <?$META_DESCRIPTION$?> code?
Posts: 25
Reputation: 0

Message # 19 | 4:49 PM
I am also trying to add keywords to meta tags. Creative Solutions, I tried your instructions. If I go to CP->Customize Design, I cannot find how to access header code.
If I go to Global Blocks -> Top Part of the web site, I see some code: there is a table with some header info, but no <header>
or <meta> or <keywords>.
Please elaborate.

Never mind, I found it.
Post edited by skipr - Monday, 2012-02-06, 5:40 PM
Posts: 52
Reputation: 0

Message # 20 | 9:07 AM
I didnt understand the 3 meta tags.

7. Content Type META Tag
The HTTP content type may be extended to give the character set. It is recommended to always use this tag and to specify the charset.

7. Robots META Tag
Robots, also known as spiders, are used by search engines to 'spider' or search your website. Robots are used to categorize your website.

8. Refresh META Tag
This tag is normally used one websites that re-direct to another page or website after so many seconds. Chance the 0 to how many seconds you want to wait before it re-directs.

are any of them compulsory?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 21 | 12:46 PM
Doomcaster, actually, all meta tags are not compulsory, and they are not so important for SEO, though they help search engines and users understand what your website is about. I suggest that you search and read articles on meta tags.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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Message # 22 | 10:28 AM
Can keywords be written in arabic in meta tags?
Posts: 558
Reputation: 13

Message # 23 | 10:55 AM
FATIMA-BOUZRIBA, Yes they can be written in arabic, For example :

<META name="Keywords" content="بيسب">

Inorder for the keywords to appear correctly, You need to use the proper encoding, So copy and paste the following code below or above the keyword meta tag.

<meta http-equiv='content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'/>

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