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Custom app for my website
Posts: 154
Reputation: 1

Message # 1 | 5:46 AM
I would love to know if its possible for me to create a custom app for my website where users can add entries, download, view profiles and send messages. I would also love to know why google is indexing page switchers of file catalog and how i can stop this
Systems developer
Posts: 31
Reputation: 6

Message # 2 | 7:26 PM
Soldierdevil, you could do it with uAPI (http://uapi.ucoz.com/)
But it is currently id only available on russian.

You can find me on the unofficial uCoz Discord :)
Post edited by Kasach - Saturday, 2017-01-07, 9:55 PM
Posts: 154
Reputation: 1

Message # 3 | 6:18 AM
Four 5 years i have been with uCoz i had never heard of this service. How does it really work?. I see like it manages applications...
Systems developer
Posts: 639
Reputation: 7

Message # 4 | 7:25 AM
Soldierdevil, Kindly check this.
Kasach, Could you give me some example on how to do it. How to do a GET call function? And how I would use those tokens?

Secondly, how to put or call a GET uAPI inside this code.
<a href="javascript://" onclick="new _uWnd("Profile","Music Player ",500,400,{min:1,shadow:1,header:1,max:0,resize:0,modal:1},"<iframe src=$ENTRY_URL$ name=iframe frameborder=0 width=790 height=600 scrolling=yes></iframe>")" title="Menu"> $TITLE$</a>

Added (2017-01-08, 6:53 AM)
I couldn't understand clearly the documentation since the google translator messes its translation.

Added (2017-01-08, 7:25 AM)
How could I insert API snippet or php snippet instead of IFRAME in a rightly manner?

Post edited by Cyberdasm - Sunday, 2017-01-08, 6:51 AM
Posts: 31
Reputation: 6

Message # 5 | 9:21 AM
Hey Soldierdevil,

I can't tell you how it really works, never used this API page. But as I said it is on russian or better said the documentation page is currently available only on russian. (Documentation Page -> http://api.ucoz.net/ru/).
Or you use your websites API which you can enable through your ACP, and the output is in XML...

@Cyberdasm, you don't need the big thing. You just need to activate the API think in your ACP under the general settings.
And then follow my guide.


You can find me on the unofficial uCoz Discord :)
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