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Forum moderator: bigblog  
Help me get this responsive
Posts: 154
Reputation: 1

Message # 1 | 1:33 PM
I would love a good Samaritan to help me get the height in this script responsive on mobile

height: '300px',
loader: 'none',
pagination: true,
thumbnails: false,
navigation: false,
hover: false,
opacityOnGrid: false,
overlayer: true,
playPause: false,
time: 7000,
imagePath: '/.s/t/1051/'

thanx in advance

Systems developer
Posts: 31
Reputation: 6

Message # 2 | 4:05 PM
Hey Soldierdevil,

try to remove the height: '300px', in the JavaScript code and add the following into your css:

/* Extra Small */
@media(max-width:767px) {
    #camera_wrap {
        height: 150px;

/* Small */
@media(min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px) {
    #camera_wrap {
        height: 200px;

/* Medium */
@media(min-width:992px) and (max-width:1199px) {
    #camera_wrap {
        height: 250px;

/* Large */
@media(min-width:1200px) {
    #camera_wrap {
        height: 300px;


You can find me on the unofficial uCoz Discord :)
Post edited by Kasach - Friday, 2017-01-13, 4:06 PM
Posts: 154
Reputation: 1

Message # 3 | 9:26 AM
Kasach, thank you so much it worked perfect. Now i would love to know...is it possible to have the news adding form in the pop up window?..ok like if a user clicks on add entry and there a pop up to type in the message. And is it also possible to isolate the entry adding form of the site news and edit it alone...??? perhaps adjusting the size of the message field.
Systems developer
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