Message # 1 | 8:40 PM
Colour - (Happened/happening)
Colour - (Will happen)

[04.09.2009] - "Helpers" project launched.
[10.09.2009] - Ad Banner was changed, no removal fee change.
[10.09.2009] - Disk space was increased by 100 MB for all users.

[02.10.2009] - Tommy promoted to uCoz Support Forum Helper.
[04.10.2009] - CreativeCollusions promoted to uCoz Support Forum Helper.
[05.10.2009] - Swedish language added to uCoz Web-Service.
[09.10.2009] - uCoz English Support Forum reaches 5000 users.
[29.10.2009] - uCoz celebrates its 4th birthday. Happy Birthday to us!

[06.11.2009] - uNet system update - check your webtop for info.
[06.11.2009] - New designs were added to the current design list. (4)
[27.11.2009] - The security code has been added to CP login form.

[02.12.2009] - New designs were added to the current design list. (7)
[02.12.2009] - File Manager has been improved: You can search and sort files, upload several files at a time.
[25.12.2009] - Packages of paid services were added - "cheaper by the dozen!".
[28.12.2009] - Max. number of posts per thread was set to 10 000.


[26.01.2010] - E-SHOP MODULE has been updated: goods have new options.

[16.02.2010] - The Romanian language has been added.

[03.03.2010] - The Hebrew language has been added. (beta version)
[18.03.2010] - PayPal payment option has been added to the E-shop.
[28.03.2010] - The possibility to export goods into XML has been added to the E-shop.

[17.04.2010] - uCoz url shortener is now available.

[15.06.2010] - Recharging of personal account by SMS is now possible for 62 countries.
[21.06.2010] - Webshop updates – Task Manager and Work Time Tracking System

[04.07.2010] - Syntax highlighting in the Template editor
[30.07.2010] - E-SHOP MODULE has been updated: export of the e-shop goods into own price list in MS Excel format.

[05.08.2010] - E-SHOP MODULE has been updated: CSV-export, new features in “Goods management”.
[06.08.2010] - Webtop updates - The Bulgarian language has been added.
[27.08.2010] - Sanjay_149 promoted to uCoz Support Forum Helper.

[13.09.2010] - Changes in the session. It has become more safe.

[10.10.2010] - Webtop updates - The Magyar language has been added.
[15.10.2010] - Webtop updates - The German language has been added.
[17.10.2010] - Changes in "User groups". PMs are now visible at once.

[28.11.2010] - uCoz English Support Forum reaches 10,000 users.

[08.12.2010] - Animorph promoted to uCoz Support Forum Helper.


[12.01.2011] - 301 redirect has been introduced.
[02.01.2011] - E-shop module is being realized.
[04.01.2011] - CreativeCollutions and Animorph promoted to uCoz Support Forum Head Moderators.
[12.01.2011] - Two types of shopping cart visualization have appeared in the E-shop module.

[14.02.2011] - shadowslash, rebelion & coatham promoted to uCoz Support Forum Helpers.

[14.03.2011] - uCoz textbook: website creation
[31.03.2011] - API was applied
[31.03.2011] - PHP was applied

[14.04.2011] - Jan promoted to Helpers group.
[14.04.2011] - shadowslash, rebelion demoted from Helpers group.

[3.06.2011] - Paradox promoted to Helpers group.
[14.07.2011] - Romanian localization launched.

[22.08.2011] - Sitemap updated.

[01.10.2011] - uCoz English Support Forum contests board opened.
[01.10.2011] - All FAQ's updated with new questions.
[29.10.2011] - uCoz's 6th Anniversary Celebrated.

[17.11.2011] - Paradox promoted to Head Moderators' group.
[20.11.2011] - CreativeCollusions resigns as a Head Moderator.
[23.11.2011] - Sunny returns as forum Administrator.
[03.12.2011] - uCoz Status Thread Created.
[20.12.2011] - uCoz Xmas Competition Announced


[12.1.2012] - uCoz Domain Registration Service Released

[13.04.2012] - Acid promoted to Helper.
[23.04.2012] - "My websites" tab added to the CP top bar. Now you can create new websites via your CP.

[21.05.2012] - uCoz default 404.htm page updated. New design/functionality.
[21.05.2012] - Forum < title > updated. Users can now keep the new or return to the old by selecting/un-selecting the option in module settings.

[01.06.2012] - YamiTatsuro promoted to Helper.
[13.06.2012] - New login form, Lightbox and jQuery updated.
[21.06.2012] - Forum search updated. Now the Site Search module is used as the default search. The old search form is available as well.
[21.06.2012] - Forum design updated.


[13.2.2013] - uCozTemplates official release.
[26.3.2013] - Update of the forum module.
[28.3.2013] - First Updates of 2013.
[03.4.2013] - Updates 3/4.
[15.4.2013] - Xayaan promoted to Helper.