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Help on Template Builder
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 10:47 AM
How to Create a Skeleton

When you open a Templates Builder section you can see the following options:
1. Rules for creating a skeleton
2. Sample skeleton
3. Skeletons of standard designs
4. You're using default style sheet of the design #, or Personal style sheet is in use

Those are the links to definite pages of the Control Panel. #1 and #2 are pop-up windows, # 3 opens a drop-down list with the links to standard skeletons (if you click on one of them it will be loaded to the editing area). And finally, #4 will open a pop-up window with the link to the CSS file.

Let’s get back to item 2 (sample skeleton). There are three buttons at the top of the opened window – Skeleton code, View, Edit. Active button is in a pale color, it is Skeleton code by default. When you click View you’ll see the page as it will look. We can view the appearance of the main site page (and main module pages), forum and pop-up windows. Pop-up windows are a user profile, poll results, a list of PMs etc. When you click on Edit the skeleton code will be copied to the editing area of the Templates Builder. Below are the checkboxes by means of which you can change the design either of the whole website or of some definite module(s): just remove the checkmarks for those modules which you don’t want to change. Under the checkboxes you can see the following buttons:

1. File Manager
2. View
3. Create templates (after you have clicked on this button the templates of the marked modules will change)
4. Additional options
a) Add to designs set (Addition of the created design to the set of default designs. This design will be used when restoring templates)
b) Archive the skeleton (Creation of an archive which will contain skeleton code file, style sheets file, files of images, setup manual file for installation of the skeleton on any other uCoz site)
c) Save skeleton (Saving skeleton code in a file to continue its configuring in future (backup))

Sometimes your code may contain mistakes then the system will warn you before creating an archive. The archive will be saved together with a special error file where all confusing places of the code will be listed.

If you have already edited uCoz templates then you are familiar with the principles of their structure and with the special uCoz codes. You can use in the skeleton only those codes that are working in all templates. You’ll have to paste all codes, specific for certain modules, manually. Except the standard codes, special skeleton codes are used.

The list of special Templates Builder codes:

1. [TITLE] – page name (for the tag)
2. [CSS_URL] – URL of the CSS file
3. [RSS_URL] – URL of the RSS feed (for the modules that have it)
4. [MODULE_PAGE_URL] – URL of the main module/section page (for the modules that have it)
5. [MODULE_NAME] – module name
6. [CATS_TITLE] – name of the block with the module categories list
7. [CATEGORIES] – list of the module categories (for the modules that have them)
8. [CALENDAR_TITLE] – name of the block with the calendar of additions
9. [CALENDAR] – calendar of additions (for the modules that have it)
10. [SEARCH_TITLE] – name of the search block
11. [SEARCH_FORM] – search block for searching module entries (for the modules that have this feature)
12. [BODY] – main part of the page (list of entries etc.)

When installing a skeleton on the site the Templates Builder will automatically replace those codes by the equivalent standard codes, specific for each module. In the general case [BODY] is not equal to $BODY$. For example, you’ll get the following code instead of [BODY] on the main page:

<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="tabbody">
<td class="tdbody"><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$">Main page</a> </td></tr>
<td class="tdbody1">
%IF($ADD_NEWS_LINK$)%<div style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:3px;">[ <a href="$ADD_NEWS_LINK$">Add new entry</a> ]</div>%ENDIF%

And for the File Catalog (the source code is the same):

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td width="80%"><a href="$HOME_PAGE_LINK$">Main</a> » Files</td>
<td align="right" style="white-space: nowrap;">%IF($ADD_ENTRY_LINK$)%[ <a href="$ADD_ENTRY_LINK$">Add new entry</a> ]%ENDIF%</td>
<hr />
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td width="60%">Total entries in catalog: <b>$NUM_ENTRIES$</b>%IF($NUM_SHOWN$)%
Shown entries: <b>$NUM_SHOWN$</b>%ENDIF%</td>
<td align="right">%IF($PAGE_SELECTOR$)%Pages: $PAGE_SELECTOR$%ENDIF%</td>
<hr />
%IF($PAGE_SELECTOR1$)%<div style="text-align:center;">$PAGE_SELECTOR1$</div>%ENDIF%

And for the Forum you’ll get just ..., ... and the following code in between:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" height="30" cellspacing="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td align="right">[      
<a class="fNavLink" href="$RECENT_POSTS_LINK$" rel="nofollow">Recent messages</a> •      
<a class="fNavLink" href="$MEMBERS_LIST_LINK$" rel="nofollow">Members</a> •      
<a class="fNavLink" href="$BOARD_RULES_LINK$" rel="nofollow">Forum rules</a> •      
<a class="fNavLink" href="$SEARCH_PAGE_LINK$" rel="nofollow">Search</a> •
<a class="fNavLink" href="$BOARD_RSS_LINK$" rel="nofollow">RSS</a> ]</td>

The conditional operators for the Templates Builder also have unique features. They are of two types: ordinary %IF% %ELSE% %ENDIF% and {IF} ... {ENDIF}. The first type is described in the Control Panel. The second type is easy to understand: these codes are used for those parts of the code that will be displayed for certain modules only. The system knows itself what and where to display.

That is what you should know when working with the Templates Builder.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 1424

Message # 16 | 4:34 PM
fitsg, you need knowledge. We can't teach you.
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 17 | 9:29 PM
Im having a problem with the the template Im using (not a uCoz template).

My $LOGIN_FORM$ dont work. Heres the link:

Ive realised though that the login form works on Internet Explorer (IE) but not on Mozila. but on the other hand, the tag board dont work on either.

If you want to have a look to see if the Login Forms working please have a look ( please tell me if its working for you and tell me what browser our using.

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Post edited by Mistory - Wednesday, 2009-07-22, 10:23 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 18 | 8:25 AM
Mistory, both of them are showing in Mozilla and Opera.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 19 | 9:59 AM
oh, well Thankyou very much Sunny. +Rep

Well ive also justt realised the login form did that show because I was logged in all that time. and Chatbox i used a wrong code. I used $CHATROOM$ in stead of $CHAT_BOX$

Thanks :P

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Posts: 9
Reputation: 0

Message # 20 | 3:47 PM
Question here, I already have ade my design using template builder, but I need to edit it again there, I just don' know where I would find it..It is already save..Thanks.
Posts: 1931

Message # 21 | 4:10 PM
In Customize Design.
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 9
Reputation: 0

Message # 22 | 4:17 PM
No I mean, edit it all again..using the template builder..can I do it?
Posts: 1931

Message # 23 | 6:41 PM
Edit is Edit not Create.
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 6
Reputation: -1

Message # 24 | 7:53 PM
If i save something in specific template, for example forum and so, and after that change something in this template builder, is there a way to not remove the things i changed in forum template?
Posts: 1931

Message # 25 | 10:21 PM
No, that's not possible. Forum template and Site Pages template uses
same global blocks which are Containers, which hold in-site block system.

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 26 | 10:42 AM
Hi guys,, newbie here., I'm wondering why my blog page says "This page is not yet activated by the site Administrator". Could someone here tell me how to activate it? sad
Posts: 454
Reputation: 38

Message # 27 | 10:48 AM
You need to install the blog module first. CP - Inactive tab - select blog. Install the module.
To know more about blog. Read this
Please search next time and post the questions on right section.

"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 28 | 2:53 PM
Post edited by Junrex - Wednesday, 2009-09-23, 2:55 PM
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 29 | 1:04 PM
I need a counter strike template.Can anyone help me please?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 30 | 1:21 PM
JuMpeR1738, you can use one of the default templates and edit it as you like. This is not the right place to ask for templates. Ask on Users Communication, maybe someone will be able to create a template for you (I doubt it will be free).
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.