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Hints and Tips on design
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Message # 151 | 11:28 PM
Quote (Sunny)
Users often want to change font size in forum posts. Open any forum thread and copy a part of the text. Open View -> Source and find this part. See what class it has – post text has the class="posttdmessage".

Open CSS of the forum and find "posttdmessage" in the section /* Posts View */.

.posttdmessage {padding:5px;font-size:8pt;}1
We can see that only padding and font size are specified. We can change the size and add color, and the class will look as follows:

.posttdmessage {padding:5px;font-size:10pt;color:#CCCCCC;}1

I finally found where to insert these chages (on the forum page, you highlight a forum post text and press F12), but I have no idea how to save the changes I made in CSS.
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Message # 152 | 8:03 AM
LucasHolmes, please do not post one and the same question in several threads:
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Message # 153 | 12:53 PM
Very useful post!
Just did not found here - how can I shrink (change width) of the bottom forum blocks.. PLEASE ? : )

Added (2013-11-17, 6:53 AM)

Attachments: 7276687.jpg (368.4 Kb)

Posts: 558
Reputation: 13

Message # 154 | 9:22 AM
GEM, Bottom forum block or the upper one? I can see that you have highlighted the upper block.
My Skype : xayan123 | My Twitter : @Officialxayaan
uID : - Zayaan Ibrahim | Need a professional design? Check out my Portfolio
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Message # 155 | 9:05 AM
Quote Xayaan ()
Bottom forum block or the upper one? I can see that you have highlighted the upper block.

BOTH of THEM ? : )
Anything ? : )

Added (2013-11-19, 1:11 AM)
actually, THREAD TYPE DESCRIPTORS ("Normal", "Closed", etc..)

Added (2013-11-27, 3:05 AM)
Xayaan, no any ideas? : )

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Message # 156 | 12:59 PM
i have never coded before but have taught myself basics of this site because i created my own webpage - i accidently deleted the side block which had my menu in where you can choose where to go like the gallery the files added the home page - i hav been at the for 2 days cant get it back ??? please explain as simple as possible wacko wacko wacko wacko
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 157 | 1:16 PM
Jessy, you can add a new block with the same menu via Builder. Please see the video tutorial at:
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Message # 158 | 11:07 AM
Quote tra_nguyen ()
Hi I'm a newbie

Just wondering. How can I remove the "site friend" section on my website?


You need to edit "site page" in control pane Home » Design customization » Editing templates ->>>select "Site page" to edit

I just noticed that robots.txt is set to disable search engines from indexing ,I didn't see where to edit robots.txt ,I checked many times and content of robots.txt is ;

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

Which mean that complete root directory is disallowed for ALL Search engines

to check content of robots.tx just go to link http://yourdomain/robots.txt and see what is content in there.
If content is
like this
User-agent: *

than search engine can index your site and whole root dir.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /
mean whole root dir is disabled for indexing


User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
mean all alowed for indexing except "cgi-bin" dir ,and so on...what ever you want to hide from SE just add new line,offcourse spam bot will not folow any rules.

Web hosting solutions -
Post edited by reha - Monday, 2014-08-11, 11:19 AM
Posts: 1770
Reputation: 78

Message # 159 | 11:24 AM
reha, for sites which have a free plan the robots.txt file is blocked. The file will be unblocked after 30 days of site registration. If you don't want to wait, you have to buy a paid package.
hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau

sometimes i lurk here
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Message # 160 | 11:44 AM
Well OK, if it will be unblocked it is OK ,there is no point to build web site which no one will find.30 days is OK ,it is probably SPAM protection.
Thanks for answering.

Web hosting solutions -
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Message # 161 | 11:49 AM
And how is this related to uCoz? You could try to be bit more specific and
say in which module, if non and as in page's content, then it's non-uCoz.

Posts: 558
Reputation: 13

Message # 162 | 12:53 PM
stankura, What are you referring to here? Please provide more description of your query/problem.
My Skype : xayan123 | My Twitter : @Officialxayaan
uID : - Zayaan Ibrahim | Need a professional design? Check out my Portfolio
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Message # 163 | 0:00 AM
Xayaan, you again not answered on question from the other user in this case GEM, in fact you ignore him like you ignored me in pm and in some threads.
I dont know why ucoz admins put you on helpers , you did not help me and so far i can se you dont help others.. Im of this topic.
Quote GEM ()
BOTH of THEM ? : )
Anything ? : )
Added (2013-11-19, 1:11 AM)
actually, THREAD TYPE DESCRIPTORS ("Normal", "Closed", etc..)

Added (2013-11-27, 3:05 AM)
Xayaan, no any ideas? : )

GEM, why dont you try with css.

Post edited by Ed05 - Friday, 2015-02-27, 0:09 AM
Posts: 56
Reputation: 1

Message # 164 | 1:09 PM
Hi everyone.
Where I can find the template for the site menu?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 165 | 1:45 PM
osmanys, the site menu does not have a separate template. Its design can be customized by editing CSS. If you want to simply add/edit/delete menu items, you can do this in Control Panel -> Design -> Site menu builder.
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