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Forum moderator: bigblog  
Feature suggestion
Posts: 95
Reputation: 1

Message # 1 | 4:35 PM
the nature of Blog as such implies sorting by date. You can use one of other modules that have more sorting options, e.g. Publisher.

I want a page where the articles are bumped up by most active or recent comments.

Can I transfer the content of my blog over to Publisher where Sunny said articles are bumped up by most active?

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 2 | 4:45 PM
Heeeeey, unfortunately the only way is to copy them manually.
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Posts: 95
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Message # 3 | 2:10 AM
Oh, so there is no way to copy everything, even the names and dates of the authors?

The authors would have to re-post?

EDIT: I tried the Publisher and saw how I can submit an entry posted by a user, but it's not what I had in mind as far as how to write an article and submit it. The Blog field is easier to submit an entry. I don't understand how publisher works. I entered an article written by a user, then it appeared on the page, but when I entered another, it replaced the first one. I think the Blog is more user-friendly.

Post edited by Heeeeey - Friday, 2014-03-21, 4:17 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 4 | 12:13 PM
Heeeeey, if you provide some examples I'll have a look. What and where exactly was replaced? In general all uCoz modules work according to the same principle.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 95
Reputation: 1

Message # 5 | 1:05 AM
Hi Sunny,

I found out how to copy the articles from my blog over to Publisher, however, I noticed that unlike the Blog settings, the Publisher's 'Submit Entry' setting do not have the following options:

Show brief version of the text if it is too long:
Number of characters for a brief version:

So the entire article shows on the front page instead of a brief version with a link to the rest of it, like the blog does.

Posts: 365
Reputation: 12

Message # 6 | 3:15 AM
You can enable this feature in Publisher Module Setting.

Login ACP > Publ Setting > tick on Entry brief description > Save.

Posts: 95
Reputation: 1

Message # 7 | 10:58 PM

What I did is remove the 'Full text' field because I didn't want two fields for 'brief description' and 'Full text'. The 'brief description' is the one that has the option to limit the characters, so I posted the full article in the 'Brief description' field.

That didn't work. When I submitted the article, it showed the full article instead of just the first 100 characters that I set with a link to the rest of the article on another page, like it does on the blog.

Btw, what do the 'D' and 'A' stand for in the module settings order of entries?

Post edited by Heeeeey - Sunday, 2014-03-23, 2:41 AM
Posts: 365
Reputation: 12

Message # 8 | 5:36 AM
In blog module, you cut a long article by $CUT$ code for the description and main article but in the Publ module you just need put the description in Brief desciption field and main article in FULL Text field.

Btw, what do the 'D' and 'A' stand for in the module settings order of entries?

This setting defines the order of entries. (A) – ascending order (new entries at the bottom), (D) – descending order (new entries at the top)

You can find out more information about Blog module setting here.
Posts: 95
Reputation: 1

Message # 9 | 5:21 PM
Quote Good ()
In blog module, you cut a long article by $CUT$ code for the description and main article but in the Publ module you just need put the description in Brief desciption field and main article in FULL Text field.

Both modules are different. In the Blog module, I can limit the first few characters of an entry, and the entry will show only the first few sentences of the entry with a link to the rest of the entry, and you don't have to post both a brief description and then the full article. You can just post the entry in one field.

I wish the Publisher had the same settings and entry form.

I post a full entry in the brief description, and the entire entry shows on the main page even though I have it set to limit it to 300 characters.

Posts: 365
Reputation: 12

Message # 10 | 1:54 AM
and the entry will show only the first few sentences of the entry with a link to the rest of the entry, and you don't have to post both a brief description and then the full article. You can just post the entry in one field.

There is no such feature in Publisher module.

I post a full entry in the brief description, and the entire entry shows on the main page even though I have it set to limit it to 300 characters.

The brief description is just for the description of the article in the Appearance of entry in Publisher Module. The entire article should be posted in ENTRY TEXT field.

Number of characters for a brief version:

This feature limits user posting a long description so it is totally different from Blog module.

Please see below screenshot and refer to test site here will make more clearly.

Attachments: 9735576.jpg (131.2 Kb)
Post edited by Good - Monday, 2014-03-24, 1:58 AM
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