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If you have noticed mistakes...
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Message # 1 | 2:12 PM
If you have noticed any language mistakes or misprints both in the Control Panel and on a website, please, post them here. I'm mostly interested in the English interface, but if you see any mistakes in other languages feel free to post them here as well.

Your post should contain:

1. Incorrect variant of a word or a phrase (it's better to post the whole sentence/phrase with a mistake for me to find them easier).
2. Suggested correct variant.
3. The place in the CP/website where you have found the mistake.

The corrections come into effect after some period of time (after the info on the servers is updated.)

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Message # 46 | 10:12 AM
NTP, thank you, fixed.
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Message # 47 | 10:29 PM
I would recommend a reset default button to reset my website dry
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Message # 48 | 0:52 AM
Admin2010, you can restore default templates and/or unistall modules, and stop posting irrelevant messages! Anyway, Sunny, this may be really minor, but when i pick the category for "Rating and Top 100" the Construction is lower-cased instead of having the first letter Capitalized like the rest of the categories.

it is construction, it should be Construction

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Message # 49 | 10:10 PM
dear admin, its not possible to edit the profile fully..
some entries remain permanent like birthdate, location etc, if the user make a mistake while registering, hw can he change his birthdate, location, name etc
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Message # 50 | 11:17 AM
Manchoo, this is a wrong thread.

Quote (Manchoo)
some entries remain permanent like birthdate, location etc, if the user make a mistake while registering, hw can he change his birthdate, location, name etc

This info can be edited at

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Message # 51 | 12:59 PM
Not sure if it counts as the uCoz system, but when I receive an email from uCoz (e.g, account disabled, new members and such), it says "UcoZ" instead of "uCoz".
Kind regards,

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Message # 52 | 3:12 PM
Mistory, thank you.
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Message # 53 | 9:36 PM
I have some suggestions about romanian language
on forum:
"Informatie aditionala" change with this "Informatii suplimentare"
"Record de vizitatori ..... fixat pe ........" change with this "Record de vizitatori ..... in ziua de ......"
"Statistica forumului" change with this "Statistici forum"
"Total create .... teme , care au .... replici." change with this "Total de .... topicuri create, care au ..... replici."
"...membrii inregistrati. Bine ai venit ," change with this "....membri inregistrati. Cel mai nou membru"
this is ucoz

and this is mine

"Teme" change with this "Topicuri"
"Update" change with this "Actualizari"
"Marcheaza toate mesajele ca citite" change with this "Marcheaza mesajele ca fiind citite"

"Tema" change with this "Topic"
"Autorul temei" change with this "Topic postat de"
"In acest forum .... teme. .... teme in aceasta pagina." change with this "Acest forum are ..... topicuri. .... topicuri afisate."
"Forumul este vizualizate de:" change with this "Forumul este vizualizat de:"

"Tema simpla (Nu este nici un mesaj nou)" change with this "Topic simplu (Mesaje noi)"
"Tema simpla (Nici un mesaj nou)" change with this "Topic simplu (Nu sunt mesaje noi)"
"Tema fierbinte (Nu este nici un mesaj nou)" change with this "Topic popular (Mesaje noi)"
"Tema fierbinte (Nici un mesaj nou)" change with this "Topic popular (Nu sunt mesaje noi)"
"Tema inchisa (Nici un mesaj nou)" change with this "Topic inchis (Nu sunt mesaje noi)"

"Tema simpla" change with this "Topic simplu"
"Tema - sondaj" change with this "Topic - Sondaj"
"Tema importanta" change with this "Topic lipit"
"Tema fierbinte" change with this "Topic popular"
"Tema inchisa" change with this "Topic inchis"

"Dvs puteti creaza noi teme" change with this "Dvs puteti crea topicuri noi"
"Dvs puteti creaza sondaje noi" change with this "Dvs puteti crea sondaje noi"
"Dvs puteti atasarea fisierelor" change with this "Dvs puteti atasa fisiere"
"Dvs puteti raspunde la mesaje" change with this "Dvs puteti posta replici"

And I have another suggestion do not translate the admin bar in RO, because make confusion when a member required an information about site.

Attachments: 3894970.png (8.7 Kb) · 5189954.png (7.4 Kb) · 5932095.png (22.9 Kb) · 3871290.png (4.9 Kb) · 1256080.png (17.1 Kb)

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Post edited by adytzu1_vl01 - Friday, 2010-02-26, 10:35 PM
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Message # 54 | 9:58 PM

I was creating a site for a Romanian kindergarten ( They don't know English, so, I tried the Romanian version of the template 812. Even with many bad translations, I managed to correct most of the mistakes, but there are fields where I have no access (especially in the predefined blocks like $MFORM_1$). I tried all the substitution engines, module settings and html templates. No success. So, excepting the lack of diacritics which I cannot add in those blocks, there are few big mistakes I found in the translation:

1. In "SITE ELABORAT CU AJUTORUL SISTEMEI uCoz !", SISTEMEI should be SISTEMULUI (SISTEMEI has no meaning in Romanian).
2. In "contact us" form (Romanian "contactati-ne"), "expediatorului" should be "expeditorului" (typo I suppose).
3. In "register" form (Romanian "inregistrare"), there are few:
a) "numele" or "nume" should be "prenume" (first name);
b) "femenin" should be "feminin";
c) "locul de trai" should be "locaţia";
or it sounds more like Moldavian than Romanian.

In addition, there are many mistakes which I managed to correct them accessing either the "phrase substitution" or directly the html code. But, at least the above mentioned mistakes I would appreciate if they would be corrected as I don't have any access to them. Thanks a lot!


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Message # 55 | 1:01 PM
@adytzu1_vl01 : Merci mult . Parerea dvs este foarte importanta pentru noi . Unele din traducerile dvs sunt corecte , altele mai putin ... sa vedem care sunt :

"Informatie aditionala" change with this "Informatii suplimentare"
Nu se schimba sensul absolut deloc ...

"Record de vizitatori ..... fixat pe ........" change with this "Record de vizitatori ..... in ziua de ......"
Sistemul a fost tradus din limba rusa si engleza , cum era acolo asa s-a tradus si aici... ; Si pana la urma e acelasi sens.

"Statistica forumului" change with this "Statistici forum"
La fel , sensul nu se schimba

"Total create .... teme , care au .... replici." change with this "Total de .... topicuri create, care au ..... replici."
Traducerea dvs este gresita . Nu poti spune "Toatal de 4 topicuri create" , corect e "Total , create 4 teme" . Virgula nu apare din cauza ca cuvintele sunt traduse aparte si unite in cadrul sistemului , deci e o chestie tehnica.

"...membrii inregistrati. Bine ai venit ," change with this "....membri inregistrati. Cel mai nou membru"
this is ucoz
Aici dvs ati tradus corect , dar in fond e acelasi sens ... in engleza e "Greetings to our new member" ... in romana va fi "Felicitari noului inregistrat" , dar nu suna bine ... astfel s-a decis introducerea intimpinarii "Bine ati venit , $USER$ .

"Teme" change with this "Topicuri"
Topic nu este in limba romana . "Tema" sau "Subiect" e cea mai apropiata traducere ... doar ca "Subiect' e prea lung.

"Update" change with this "Actualizari"
Va fi schimbat.

"Marcheaza toate mesajele ca citite" change with this "Marcheaza mesajele ca fiind citite"
Pana la urma e acelasi sens ... avem spatiu pentru inca un cuvint care precizează ca toate mesajele sunt citite nu doar careva...

"Tema" change with this "Topic"
Deja ai scris despre asta .... Daca iti place mai tare varianta englezeasca , poti sa o introduci pe site-ul tau.

"Autorul temei" change with this "Topic postat de"
Acelasi sens . Doar ca daca traducem cum ati scris dvs , in unele locuri se va primi : $USER$ este Topic postat de , in loc de $USER$ este Autorul temei

"In acest forum .... teme. .... teme in aceasta pagina." change with this "Acest forum are ..... topicuri. .... topicuri afisate."
La fel , ati mai scris mai sus tot ceva asemanator ... la fel e chestia cu "topicurile".

"Forumul este vizualizate de:" change with this "Forumul este vizualizat de:"
Corectam ...

"Tema simpla (Nu este nici un mesaj nou)" change with this "Topic simplu (Mesaje noi)"
"Tema simpla (Nici un mesaj nou)" change with this "Topic simplu (Nu sunt mesaje noi)"
"Tema fierbinte (Nu este nici un mesaj nou)" change with this "Topic popular (Mesaje noi)"
"Tema fierbinte (Nici un mesaj nou)" change with this "Topic popular (Nu sunt mesaje noi)"
"Tema inchisa (Nici un mesaj nou)" change with this "Topic inchis (Nu sunt mesaje noi)"

Corectat faza cu "Mesaje noi" A fost o eroare tehnica. Deja cu topicurile am scris.

"Tema simpla" change with this "Topic simplu"
"Tema - sondaj" change with this "Topic - Sondaj"
"Tema importanta" change with this "Topic lipit"
"Tema fierbinte" change with this "Topic popular"
"Tema inchisa" change with this "Topic inchis"

La fel , e doar "topicul" tradus ...
"Tema importanta" este o tema importanta , nu lipita :))
Tema fierbinte e ceva de genul "Hot thread" .

"Dvs puteti creaza noi teme" change with this "Dvs puteti crea topicuri noi"
"Dvs puteti creaza sondaje noi" change with this "Dvs puteti crea sondaje noi"
"Dvs puteti atasarea fisierelor" change with this "Dvs puteti atasa fisiere"
"Dvs puteti raspunde la mesaje" change with this "Dvs puteti posta replici"

Greseala s-a format prin unirea a doua fraze traduse separat . Corectam...

Inca ceva referitor la "Topic" . Tema e defapt "thread" . In limba rusa , la fel e tradus "тема" .

@CGSMCMLXXV : Vreau din start sa precizez ca limba "moldoveneasca" nu exista . Ar fi bine sa va mai informati .

1. In "SITE ELABORAT CU AJUTORUL SISTEMEI uCoz !", SISTEMEI should be SISTEMULUI (SISTEMEI has no meaning in Romanian).
Vezi aici ce inseamna "Sistema" :

2. In "contact us" form (Romanian "contactati-ne"), "expediatorului" should be "expeditorului" (typo I suppose).

3. In "register" form (Romanian "inregistrare"), there are few:
a) "numele" or "nume" should be "prenume" (first name);
b) "femenin" should be "feminin";
c) "locul de trai" should be "locaţia";

Daca ati observat , ambele sunt "Nume" acolo ... e o eroare tehnica. Corectam.
Feminin . Corectam. Merci
Locatia ? Gresit . Locatia la ce ? Ce fel de locatie ? Acolo se cere "Locul de trai" . Anume "Locul de trai" trebuie sa fie ales .

@Toti : Daca mai aveti gasite greseli , va rugam sa le scrieti aici . Dar va rugam insistent sa gasiti GRESELI , nu sa inaintati versiunea dvs la o traducere , unde nu se schimba sensul ... nu de sinonime avem nevoie . La fel unele fraze sunt traduse din rusa/engleza si chiar daca suna mai bine alt fel , au fost traduse asa cum se cere ...


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Message # 56 | 4:50 PM
aster, ai zis bine doar ca in loc de "tema" ar merge mai bine "discutie" sau "subiecte"
daca esti de acord spune si tu happy

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Message # 57 | 5:45 PM
aster, adytzu1_vl01, Please use Romanian language only on other languages board. Use English language here.
"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
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Message # 58 | 6:06 PM
@adytzu1_vl01 : "Subiect" e prea lung si poate crea confuzie pentru cineva...

@Tommy : I use Romanian becouse i talk with an romanian speaker ...
I'm the romanian version translator and it's to hard to explain some moments in english for a romanian speaker ...

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Message # 59 | 6:14 PM
aster, are you agree to change "tema" with "discutie" ? tongue
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Message # 60 | 6:53 PM
Quote (aster)
@Tommy : I use Romanian becouse i talk with an romanian speaker ...
I'm the romanian version translator and it's to hard to explain some moments in english for a romanian speaker ...
I couldn't care less if you are a translator or King of England. In main forum
you will speak English. Use Romanian thread to explain things in Romanian.

Others, there is no need to create a huge tea party with "will you" or "will you not".
Report mistakes, rest is up to staff to decide if words/phrases should be changed.

Read my signature, in red. Clearly states - also Romanians must obey the rules.

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]