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uCoz Community Communication uCoz Discussions Suggestions to improve uCoz (read the first post before posting and commenting) |
Suggestions to improve uCoz |
Here you can post your suggestions concerning the uCoz website builder. There are some rules for those who want to post a suggestion and for those who comment them: * Make sure you know the uCoz system well enough to suggest new features. * Be attentive when posting a suggestion and make sure the suggested feature DOES NOT EXIST already. * Please DO NOT COMMENT the suggestions. You may comment ONLY if smth has been already suggested (with a link to the previous suggestion) or if we DO HAVE the suggested feature. * Replies of the developers are not guaranteed. Use the following form to submit your suggestion:
Code [b]1. Suggestion:[/b] [b]2. Why uCoz needs this feature:[/b] [b]3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:[/b] I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
1. Suggestion: Make responsive for Reply form in comment
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Because over 50% of visitors are using smartphone to visit our sites. And when pressing on Reply in comment, a comment form will appear in ajax window. Mobile users have trouble when typing text, they dont see the text that they are typing. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: When pressing on Reply, it's no need to have a comment form in ajax window. Just open a new comment form right below that comment. Or uCoz maybe have better way/solution!!! Post edited by ucozpp - Sunday, 2016-07-17, 1:19 AM
1. Suggestion: Stick user's comment on top in one entry which is the same as Q&A platform.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: In order to compete with other CMS platform, uCoz should have a flexibility for these modules. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: I would like uCoz comment system can be useful by adding more functions and it will be Q&A site. The best answer/comment can be stick on top by person making question. If not, stick by rating of users. Administrator/moderator are able to stick the best answer on top as well. Post edited by ashopbg - Tuesday, 2016-11-29, 4:38 AM
1. Suggestion: Increase avatar dimensions. It should no be no limit for dimension and KB (or at least 10MB). Or system automatically re-sizes their photo.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Current maximum dimension is 500x500. This makes user difficult to update their avatar. Since they dont have time to crop their photo and upload to our website. Actually, some does not know to crop their photo either. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Update system. Added (2017-01-02, 2:57 AM) Post edited by adnet - Saturday, 2016-12-31, 6:12 AM
1. Suggestion: CDN
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Users leave website if it loads longer than 3 seconds - Google 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Developers can figure it out. Hit that "Thanks" button. :)
In life there's ALWAYS limits but do not plan above them. |
1. Suggestion: Change the button icon in forum to text.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: In order to be easy for translation. Currently, those icon set only in English and it is impossible to translate instead of creating an icon set in user language. This really takes time and not effective way. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Update system |
1. Suggestion: Improve uCoz CMS. No update for several months. I don't like uCoz nowadays. They have few manpower and has a lot of projects to do like uCoz and uKit, uKit ICO. I'm contemplating that's it's not good to stick to one CMS.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: You need to at least compete with Wordpress and Wix. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Added (2018-02-19, 1:02 PM) --------------------------------------------- 1. Suggestion: Make uCoz websites to be Google AMPed (Google Accelerated Mobile Pages) 2. Why uCoz needs this feature: it's required for a progressive website. uCoz users will enjoy super fast-loading mobile websites that can experience 3x more ad-revenue per day (tested by Google) if they implement AMP in ucoz websites. Wix and Wordpress have AMP plugins. Why not uCoz? 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Added (2018-03-06, 3:36 AM) --------------------------------------------- 1. Suggestion: Create FB Instant Articles Plugin 2. Why uCoz needs this feature: for better audience engagement and boosts website ad or sales revenue. FB Instant articles loads in an instant. Unlike the traditional ucoz webpage that will load for several seconds. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Added (2018-03-08, 3:20 AM) --------------------------------------------- 1. Suggestion: Create CDN integration service module/plugin 2. Why uCoz needs this feature: to speed up (optimize) website. Google is now focusing on site speed. Demanding site visitors want instant webpage speed load. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: --- Added (2018-03-22, 8:34 AM) --------------------------------------------- 1. Suggestion: SERIOUSLY IMPROVE YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE (up to 24 hours help if possible)! ![]() 2. Why uCoz needs this feature: In times the customer badly needed ucoz help especially in technical areas. What a WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY waiting for several hours or days to get help from uCoz. It's so DISAPPOINTING to me that I CANNOT GET HELP (24-hour help) as a VIP user. ![]() Site traffic is money. And I'm losing it when I can't get IMMEDIATE HELP especially if it's technical. Waste of TIME and MONEY if the customer will just wait for the next day to get help! uCoz should extend help right away! We are your customers. Your customers are your bread and butter. If you will not take care of us, surely you can't attract new customers. Old customers will doubt your integrity, value and innovativeness. ![]() 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: ![]() ![]() ![]() Added (2018-03-26, 11:35 AM) Added (2018-03-26, 11:39 AM) Added (2018-03-26, 11:45 AM) Post edited by khen - Thursday, 2018-03-22, 8:46 AM
1. Suggestion: Website chat simular to something you see on facebook like an instant messenger Built upon the ucoz service to show what website members are currently online and allows you to instant message them.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: I think it would really increase the UCOZ fan base and bring more people into the UCOZ community. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Add the ability for your private messages to be linked in someway to the built in instant messenger for your users. Check Out Rservices & RandomAndroid at: http:// Hosted by Ucoz also come come check out our official Android IRC chat room at:
Post edited by Mark-ucoz-co-uk - Thursday, 2018-07-19, 5:47 AM
1. Suggestion: We need a search engine that updates regularly . If 'xml' not manually deleted @ the panel, it can take weeks before it updates... last time we tested for 2+ months and was not updated. It's the number one complaint from members at our site.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Well this is obvious. Most visitors use the search feature in forums to find new and pertinent information. The way the 'ucoz search system' is implemented, the search feature is never updated and useless. I had a free forum site elsewhere a few years back and their search engine was always fresh with the latest entries. Here, I am paying for the site, and the search engine, even when I manually have to go to the panel and delete xml, still shows the entries completely disorganized by date added... even when search is set up @ the panel to show in order. I see regular changes made to the system here and the changes are mediocre to say the least... Been here since '09 and none of the udates reflect real issues that involve tweaking the existing system to make it work better... adding useless new features is not the road to success. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Ucoz Website Since 2009
Post edited by Clyde - Friday, 2018-07-20, 3:52 PM
1. Suggestion: Add filter value for related entries in "Appearance of similar entries" sheet.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Because it's use to filte the entries and they can change apparence. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: with $FILTER1_VALUE$, $FILTER2_VALUE$ and $FILTER3_VALUE$ Post edited by blizar10 - Thursday, 2018-11-15, 8:00 PM
1. Suggestion: Optimize the lightbox feature for mobiles. The image displayed using lightbox should be responsive and most importantly fill the entire width of a mobile screen. The white border around an image needs to be removed. The position of the close button needs to changed accordingly.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Do I have to remind you that most users are surfing using their mobile phone? As it is, the images displayed using the lightbox feature can be smaller than a large thumbnail. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: I'm not a developer. Added (2019-01-29, 4:15 PM) I edited the fancybox code in my.css and came up with this. I only use it when max-width:768px: Code .fancybox-close{top:0!important;right:0!important} .fancybox-outer{padding:0!important} .fancybox-wrap{width:auto!important;left:0!important} .fancybox-inner{width:100%!important;height:100%!important;overflow:hidden!important} .fancybox-image{width:calc(100% + 22px)!important} It works but there's a glitch when the 1st image is loaded (probably because it simply overrides the native ulightbox.css instead of replacing it). It would be best to install another app, such as lightgallery.js V1.0.0 for example. Added (2019-01-30, 2:49 PM) Code .fancybox-close{top:0!important;right:0!important} .fancybox-outer{padding:0!important} .fancybox-wrap{width:100%!important;left:0!important} .fancybox-inner{width:100%!important;height:100%!important;overflow:hidden!important} |
karenwirkan, good suggestion indeed. There's a little too much
!important in there but this would certainly work.I think a the best thing that mgmt could do is to just.....update lightbox to the newest version ( It has mobile support iirc. hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau sometimes i lurk here |
1. Suggestion: Option to add a GDPR compliant cookie banner.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: A GDPR cookie consent banner is required if you collect data from EU visitors. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: In settings, where the original cookie banner is located now, add a second option for GDPR compliant banner for websites with EU visitors. Post edited by 18hgo - Saturday, 2020-11-07, 11:08 AM
1. Suggestion: XML file.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: This feature is very useful for users. Most of special features of site applies XML. Ajax window also use XML. It helps us save time. For instance the login form is kind of ajax application. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: It is the same as informer but informer output the javascript but this one output the XML file. This feature must have an xml link the same as informer /informer/1 for $MY_INF1$. Post edited by currentnews24x7live - Saturday, 2020-11-07, 11:28 AM
1. Suggestion: Option to create a donation form for non-profit websites in order to upgrade to a paid plan
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Non-profit sites that don't want to receive money in a personal account but want to upgrade their site to a paid plan shall benefit from this feature. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Visitors shall use the donation form to donate money that will go directly to ucoz. When the donations reach the price of the ucoz plan that the website owner has chosen, the donation page will close until the plan expires. When the plan expires, the website owner shall have the option to choose the same or another pro plan and reactivate the donation form. Post edited by 18hgo - Thursday, 2020-12-03, 4:31 PM
18hgo, while there's no such option for paid plans, it is worth noting that education institutions and other social project websites can request the removal of the ad banner for free by sending an email to banner [at], as specified in the FAQ.
Personally, I don't see how this suggestion would be any different from a simple PayPal donation form, Ko-fi/BuyMeACoffee, or even Patreon. A lot of NGOs rely on donations to sustain service costs and there are many services that allow for setting a donation goal already. hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau sometimes i lurk here |
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