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Suggestions to improve uCoz
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 2:29 PM
Here you can post your suggestions concerning the uCoz website builder.

There are some rules for those who want to post a suggestion and for those who comment them:

* Make sure you know the uCoz system well enough to suggest new features.

* Be attentive when posting a suggestion and make sure the suggested feature DOES NOT EXIST already.

* Please DO NOT COMMENT the suggestions. You may comment ONLY if smth has been already suggested (with a link to the previous suggestion) or if we DO HAVE the suggested feature.

* Replies of the developers are not guaranteed.

Use the following form to submit your suggestion:

[b]1. Suggestion:[/b]

[b]2. Why uCoz needs this feature:[/b]

[b]3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:[/b]

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 20
Reputation: 0

Message # 121 | 11:52 PM
please, this is a request to the supervisors of UCOZ. pleeeease make responsive templates that fit to arabic websites. I mean that go from right to left and support arabic text orientation.
Posts: 189
Reputation: 3

Message # 122 | 7:46 PM
1. Suggestion: rename the .content on the social media bar

2. Why uCoz needs this feature:Not an feature, but completly screws designs using the code .content

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Change the elements class, really simple instead of .content use .socbar_content

Hit that "Thanks" button. :)
In life there's ALWAYS limits but do not plan above them.
Posts: 365
Reputation: 12

Message # 123 | 12:48 PM
1. Suggestion: Moving entries by multiple choices.

2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Currently, we have to edit entry then re-select category. It's really annoyed for a big site with multi-entries.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: I would like to suggest that should have a feature which is the same forum moving thread. Or make a several choice button in ACP that admin can move multi-entries. This update should be for all modules.
Posts: 84
Reputation: 1

Message # 124 | 3:07 AM
1. Suggestion:
ucoz's top banner is bugging Open Graph tags on Facebook. my suggestion is to fix this.

2. Why uCoz needs this feature:
so that users can share their sites created in uCoz on facebook.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:
The Uran browser does not display the ads forced the uCoz because identifies the user agent. When Facebook scrap an URL also identifies himself with a user agent. If the uCoz does not show the banner forced to Facebook bot everything works perfectly.

I reported the bug in this topic:

Hello! I am Ennio Sousa
Posts: 556
Reputation: 7

Message # 125 | 7:29 PM
1. Suggestion: Add friend option. Ucoz cites cant clas in social network sites with out this feature.

2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Cause it the most popular and best option for social websites.Whit out it, there is nothing social.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:I know that php usage its one of the method but my skils with php are zero. But there is maybe way with java scripts, i implement it one time with js scripts but it did not worked so fine and i delete it.

Posts: 134
Reputation: 0

Message # 126 | 0:14 AM
1. Suggestion: Website Chat bar (Similar to facebook)

2. Why uCoz needs this feature: because it would get people more views and because it would be a better way to communicate with other users on ucoz sites

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: it could go directly at the bottom of the site could be optional maybe by installing a module from control panel and maybe have a css thing so users could customise its colors could look similar to the social bar you already have made

Check Out Rservices & RandomAndroid at: http:// Hosted by Ucoz also come come check out our official Android IRC chat room at:
Post edited by Mark-ucoz-co-uk - Friday, 2015-06-12, 0:18 AM
Posts: 365
Reputation: 12

Message # 127 | 12:41 PM
1. Suggestion: Allow to edit message "Entry successfully Added"

2. Why uCoz needs this feature: As some module are modified to meet our demand and we need to give more instruction to user after added an entry but we failed.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: uCoz updates it the same as Email module. smile
Posts: 189
Reputation: 3

Message # 128 | 6:15 AM
1. Suggestion: Not really a feature, but remove adds when mobile device is on the full version website. (Or to disable ads in dev. mode)

2. Why uCoz needs this feature: When I develop responsive web pages, I have a tendency to test out my pages on a mobile device but then I get forwarded to the add pages, which is quite annoying when i'm trying to focus...

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Just as other features.

Hit that "Thanks" button. :)
In life there's ALWAYS limits but do not plan above them.
Posts: 556
Reputation: 7

Message # 129 | 5:37 PM
1. Suggestion: When user pay for php service alow them to use full php features.

2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Cause most of web masters who know what is php and want to use for little complicated feature will disappoint like i did when i try to implement new video player wich work on php and i did not succeed.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Like all updates.

Posts: 14
Reputation: 1

Message # 130 | 5:28 PM
1. Suggestion:
Add Paypal as payment option to increase the personal account balance.

2. Why uCoz needs this feature:
Payment tends to be a hassle for customers, and therefore also causes work for ucoz tech support.
Example: In the case of refunds etc. money is not directly refunded but instead added to the personal account balance. You cannot pay using a combination of personal account balance and another payment option like paypal, creditcard etc..
It is possible to circumvent this by ordering something else, having that refunded to the personal account, and then use that to pay for what you really wanted.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:
Paypal is already used in places. This would seem to be a simple extension that could save a lot of issues.


1. Suggestion/MUST:
Offer a free domain extension with the Optimal plan for 12 months everytime. Or be very clear that a free domain is only valid once.

2. Why uCoz needs this feature:
Things like the Optimal plan offer a free domain when ordering for 12 months. But it is only free the very first time. Every following year that you buy the Optimal plan for 12 months, you need to pay for the domain separately. This is never mentioned and is therefore misleading customers.
From a legal point of view, customers have a right to a free domain each year.
Customers could also create a separate account and still get a domain for free. It doesn't make sense.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:
Add an option to extend your subscription for both the current plan AND the initial free domain.
Alternatively, add text to the optimal pricing plan that lets customers know that the free domain is a ONE TIME OFFER ONLY.

Added (2016-01-15, 5:28 PM)
1. Suggestion:
Offer domain transfer from between and
Alternatively merge them into one domain management site.

2. Why uCoz needs this feature: has less (payment) options.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:
Probably a lot of work, but currently I have to bother tech support to make the payment for me. I'm probably not the only one, so adding all that time together is probably a lot of work as well.

Posts: 476
Reputation: 13

Message # 131 | 1:53 AM
1. Suggestion:
Create a Site User Point System module where site users can earn points in every activity they do and spend those points in advertising their product/service in an AD BANNER SYSTEM. If you like, you can sell this Point System to us (webmasters). And you know what? We love to buy this system.

2. Why uCoz needs this feature:
to enhance site users' activities

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:
Probably a user can earn points at the start of his registration in the website. He can earn points in posting an ad in the Ad Board, posting an article in the Blog or Site News, or posting an entry on other modules. The user can spend this points in advertising his product/service in an AD BANNER SYSTEM. The AD BANNER SYSTEM can be another module or extension or plugin. The AD BANNER SYSTEM allows the user to advertise his product/service in any space he chooses in a website. The user should have an option to buy points in the Site User Point System. So another module/extension should be created which is the PAYMENT of POINTS METHODS. Methods of payments can be thru Bank transfer, Paypal, Skrill, SMS, 2Checkout.

Remember those three systems that uCoz should develop:

1. Site User Point System

Those systems interact with each other. You can sell those systems to us if you like.

Any comments from uCoz developers? We love to hear from you especially from the top officials. We miss you words here in the English forum. Its seems that you're taking much time in the Russian forum.

Post edited by khen - Monday, 2016-03-07, 1:54 AM
Posts: 556
Reputation: 7

Message # 132 | 11:32 PM
1. Suggestion: Add more plugins/scripts/options, and add them into the control panel from where we can buy them.

2. Why uCoz needs this feature: We want php,java and other plugins in our control panel from where we can buy it, i am sure that a lot of users agree with me. If we have all other things in control panel why we need to go and buy scripts on other sites and get in trouble when try to implement it.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Just add it like new module where we can buy and enable in few clicks.

Posts: 476
Reputation: 13

Message # 133 | 4:19 AM
1. Suggestion:
Increase the number of comments per page from 30 comments to 100 or 200 comments.

2. Why uCoz needs this feature:
A very big impact (advantage) for SEO. Increases page rank.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:
Very easy. You know how to do it. Please implement it immediately. ..ASAP!...
Attachments: 0329868.jpg (12.1 Kb)

Posts: 294
Reputation: 10

Message # 134 | 8:38 AM
1. Suggestion: Make it possible to re-frame thumbnails in photo album, like in Facebook profile photos

2. Why uCoz needs this feature: It will make photo module more attractive.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Make it possible to drag and drop as well as option to resize the area or even to choose to resize it and fill with white or black background.

Attachments: 4599442.png (330.4 Kb)
Posts: 294
Reputation: 10

Message # 135 | 8:47 AM
1. Suggestion: Option to display EXIF date in photo album.

2. Why uCoz needs this feature: To attract more photographer community's to uCoz and to give users more information about content they are interested in.

3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:
$PHOTO_CAMERA$ - Camera used to take photo
$PHOTO_LENS$ - What lens was used
$PHOTO_ISO$ - ISO of the image
$PHOTO_SHUTTER$ - Shutter speed
$PHOTO_FSTOP$ - Aperture
$PHOTO_FOCAL$ - Focal length

Attachments: 2126581.png (14.6 Kb)