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uCoz Community Communication uCoz Discussions Suggestions to improve uCoz (read the first post before posting and commenting) |
Suggestions to improve uCoz |
Here you can post your suggestions concerning the uCoz website builder. There are some rules for those who want to post a suggestion and for those who comment them: * Make sure you know the uCoz system well enough to suggest new features. * Be attentive when posting a suggestion and make sure the suggested feature DOES NOT EXIST already. * Please DO NOT COMMENT the suggestions. You may comment ONLY if smth has been already suggested (with a link to the previous suggestion) or if we DO HAVE the suggested feature. * Replies of the developers are not guaranteed. Use the following form to submit your suggestion:
Code [b]1. Suggestion:[/b] [b]2. Why uCoz needs this feature:[/b] [b]3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:[/b] I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Suggestion: Upgrade module blog with features that have modules load and publisher. I mean on options in cp that alow us to add option to chose several categories in one entry, other option, alow us to eddit page "add new enteries page and page with search results" etc. We dont have that option in module blog. We are forced to use condititional operators and we are stil limited.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: It will be useful for users who chose blog to add enteries to use that useful options that mising in blog module 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:Update it as other modules. ![]() !
Post edited by Ed05 - Monday, 2014-09-15, 4:19 PM
1. Suggestion:Changing display way of Section and category of all current module.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature:Ad board and site catalog have a lot of section and category. It's really difficult for user to select the right category with a very long list and takes time. Below suggestion was applied in a lot of websites that was a long time ago. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: The new display likes this. If selecting Section 1, all the categories of section 1 will show in below drop down list. It helps user defining the category faster and more beautiful. ![]() Current way ![]() New way ![]() Added (2014-09-15, 7:27 PM) --------------------------------------------- 1. Suggestion: Increase number of Customize filters to 10 and it could be shown at the main page (as current status, it only shows in category area. There is no $FILTER_VALUE$ in Section page or Main page. 2. Why uCoz needs this feature:Current Customize filters is only 3 and limits user's choice. As only Customize filters allows user to find categorized entry easily. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Update system. Added (2014-09-17, 4:33 AM) --------------------------------------------- 1. Suggestion:Allow to use HTML code in Method of payment description and method of delivery description 2. Why uCoz needs this feature:Currently, we can not break a line in the payment method description by simple tag. And current payment modules do not meet the demand of users. Our transactions are in our countries, international payment module can not apply for our countries. Allow us to have HTML code to edit by ourselves. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Have a tick button for enabling HTML code. Attachments:
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Post edited by Good - Wednesday, 2014-09-17, 10:34 AM
1. Suggestion: Expand the storage size when a site have reach 1 year old
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: not sure what to say, but i think is a nice thing to do for the people that love ucos and stay with you ![]() 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: After every year old the site have expand the storage by +100mb, if a site have 10 years old that means +1000mb |
1. Suggestion: Adding delivery place by selection by province/state/district to eshop module. Currently, user has to key in the delivery address by themselves.
2. Why uCoz needs this feature:Most of e-shop module of other website have this feature. When they select the province, the list of districts belong to this province will show up. And base on this deliver place to define the amount to be paid by distance. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented:Building system in order to use txt file include the province/state/district to upload on server. |
1. Suggestion:
Make the tag board module or make a new module that works like Facebook chat (messaging system) Also known as : dialogue messaging in social networks 2. Why uCoz needs this feature: There is no way to instantly communicate in real time with the users of a particular site. This is a much needed feature in any kind of business or activity. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Lots of coding and work. Make it so that you can click on it on the bottom left or top of the site or make it available via a link so that the webmaster can put it anywhere he wants. A pop-up implementation (like FB chat) it works best ! Make it so that you can chat only with the people that have registered to your site. You can even include the chat link/icon to the social bar. But also give the option to put it where the administrator of the site wants. Thassos Island Portal : Post edited by Urs - Monday, 2014-09-22, 3:22 PM
1. Suggestion: Edit the css, js that are hidden, EX: $EMBOBJECT$, $BBCODE$(The stylesheet of the visual editor)
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Instead of using the original links with the custom ones[Faster Website Performance] 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: In the settings set a link to what url the code should use and a seperate section to edit the JS codes. Hit that "Thanks" button. :)
In life there's ALWAYS limits but do not plan above them. |
1. Suggestion:
Make a feature that enables a user to have multilingual sites easily. 2. Why uCoz needs this feature: Right now uCoz has no special features to create multilingual sites. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Make a button that allows the site to move easily through multiple languages in all modules. Also make it so that a user can change easily between pages made with Page Editor to various languages. Thassos Island Portal : |
1. Suggestion:
Scores : I would like to have a module where members can earn points and where I could also give 2. Why uCoz needs this feature: because it would be nice module for users and there would have more connection because there would be a competition . 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: for example , when the user logs in, he earns points . I wonder if this module is possible because I have a gaming site and I wish more players play a game , the more points they win . After there could be a scoring system which shows who has the highest score . |
1. Suggestion:Building Live Help Chat Module
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: As uCoz already launched E-Shop module but E-shop should always has Live Help Chat to support customer on time and uCoz can make money from this. Something likes: If installing E-Shop, they will get Live Help Chat Free. If user only need Live Help Chat, they should pay a small some of money of buying this feature.... and to compete with other service, uCoz is well-equipped of a lot of modules. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: Create Live Help Chat Module. Post edited by lanh - Saturday, 2014-10-18, 6:13 AM
lanh, you can use Zopim live chat for this.
hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support
icon by ch-chau sometimes i lurk here |
Add possibility to cancel and change rating option.
This will remove accidental votes, and will help website owners to see the true opinion of visitors. Post edited by Mar1aN - Tuesday, 2014-10-21, 4:39 PM
1. Suggestion: Creating Plugin System/Module
2. Why uCoz needs this feature: As uCoz has a lot of users but different users have different demands. uCoz develops more plugin so each user can install plugin they need which is the same as widget and gadget. Plugin makes user have more options or some plugin which need to install they have to pay extra fee. For instance, VBB forum or Wordpress... has hundred of plugin which develop by their community in the world. Each plugin has a special feature which can fulfill the demand of their user. To fulfill customer's demand, to have more customer to more income. 3. Your thought on how it can be implemented: uCoz creates Plugin module in ACP that user install which plugin is suitable for them. |
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