Release of the Video module
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 10:21 AM
Today we are glad to announce that we have launched our new module - Video. The module was created in close cooperation with our users who could post their suggestions concerning this module, and many of them have been implemented. Our goal was not only to create a new module, but to create an up-to-date product that meets all modern tendencies and has the features, absent in other modules. The innovations that you will see in the Video module will be soon implemented in the existing modules.


Usability is the ease of use and learnability of a human-made object. The object of use can be a software application, website, book, tool, machine, process, or anything a human interacts with.

In this module we tried a new approach to usability. All interfaces for entries adding, their descriptions etc. are user friendly and even your grandma will be able to add a video to a website easily smile We will stick to this principle in all our further innovations and updates.

Peculiarities and features of the Video module

  • Search Engine Friendly URLs
    This feature is implemented both for channels and pages with videos.

  • Adding of new videos
    A new video can be added in three ways:
    — specifying html code of a video;
    — specifying a video link (a link is automatically transformed into code and all video data is added automatically!);
    — uploading a video to YouTube (OAuth 2.0) directly through your website.

    Video HTML code
    It can be: iframe, object, script, multimedia from Admin Bar.

    OEmbed technologies
    A simple example of what it is and why you may need it: you want to upload a video by the following link: Just paste this link in the tab "Add link". All available data of this video will be uploaded automatically, you will just need to select a category and click "Add video". It will save you time and efforts.

    Uploading a video to YouTube
    A video will be uploaded to YouTube directly through your website. To use this method you must have a YouTube account, and a channel in it. This feature is implemented with the help of OAuth 2.0, which will let you sign in to your YouTube account without transferring any unnecessary data and you won't need to enter your username and password each time.

  • Video rating
    The rating feature has been changed in this module. Now it is bound not to cookies but to a certain user. Guests cannot rate videos.

  • Channels
    The module has channels, which is a common practice for videos. When adding a new video, a user can choose where to add it – to his channel or not. It is possible to add not only personal user channels – new channels can be added via Control Panel.

  • Appearance of entries and video pages

  • Tree-like category structure
    The module does not have sections, it can only have a root category and subcategories. Nesting is unlimited.

  • Additional fields
    The module has 15 fields, each of them can be changed according to your needs.

  • The template "Entry adding/editing form"
    This template will let you implement interesting solutions, e.g. paid adding of videos.

    Those are not all features of the module. You can test them right now! smile
    You can install the module in Control Panel → Inactive → Video → Install the module. It will be available by the address .

It's just the beginning. We will continue the development of the module and add new interesting features, that haven't been included into this release. If you find any errors in the module, please post them here.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 123
Reputation: 4

Message # 2 | 11:15 AM
I install video module it works fine biggrin
Pokémon Master
Posts: 962
Reputation: 34

Message # 3 | 11:26 AM
HA! I've been waiting for this! Woot. I wonder what features will appear next. xD uCoz is getting more and more and more interesting as time passes by. :O
Posts: 296
Reputation: 10

Message # 4 | 4:54 PM
Next thing is subscribe and favorite/playlist, and then the video module is done. I love it though.
Web design and film == my 2 passions.

Genesis Inc. ~ New Horizons, New Beginnings
Posts: 1
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Message # 5 | 7:08 PM
This feature does not work for me..I'm not shure why, but when I try to add video, it is always the same-Field "Entry name" not filled in- although I fill it in, and then when I click the ADD VIDEO button, the field is erased.. HELP PLEASE?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 6 | 7:39 AM
Admin5315, provide the website address where you have this problem.
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Message # 7 | 5:09 PM
Sunny, I have this problem too on my test website (
Yeah, this is a signature...

Greetings from
Forum! :)
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 8 | 9:30 AM
DaveedBrown, the techs could not confirm the problem, the video can be added just fine on your website. Do you still have this problem?
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Message # 9 | 12:26 PM
I cannot choose a category for any video?

any chance this could be looked into?

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 10 | 12:32 PM
Magnetizd, have you created any categories? Please provide the website address.
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Message # 11 | 12:44 PM
please help me to work on my search machinc on my site

Added (2012-08-02, 6:44 AM)
please help me to work on my search machinc on my site

Posts: 70
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Message # 12 | 12:58 PM

sorted now thanks
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 13 | 1:55 PM
Deno, if you have problems with the site search module, please ask them here:
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 21
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Message # 14 | 7:19 PM
sunny, it seems good now.
Yeah, this is a signature...

Greetings from
Forum! :)
Posts: 136
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Message # 15 | 11:31 AM
I would like to know whether I can use BBcode or HTML in Entry Description. And I have another question, could I play the video directly e.g I do not need it playing in Lightbox.