General Information about Social Media Publisher
Posts: 9296
Message # 1 |
12:52 PM
About Social Media Publisher (general information) Where can I find the new module? First of all you need to activate it in the Control Panel of your website:
Where can I connect the necessary social media? To do this go to the module settings: The connecting process is quite simple and most accounts will only require for you to be logged in to the necessary social network, so that you don’t have to re-enter your social account username and password. Your profile will be found automatically.
- Automatic posting of entries is done once per 20 minutes. There is a countdown above the entry list that shows time left till the next automatic posting to social media. You can also publish any entry manually and don't wait for its turn.
- At the moment the following social media are available for posting: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Tumblr.
- Posting is possible both to groups and public pages: you will be able to select from all pages or groups where are an administrator or have the permissions to post.
- Only one social group can be selected per one module (at this moment there are two of them - Site News and Blog) for posting (in other words it is not possible to publish entries to several groups at once - only one group per one social network).
- If you have some social network connected to your website, but you don't want to publish a certain entry to this network, you don't need to disconnect it in Control Panel; just click the icon of this social network to make it inactive (black & white).
- Repeated posting is not possible; if your post was successfully published, the icon of manual posting will become inactive.
- At the moment there is a problem connecting Facebook accounts to websites with custom domains - we are working on the solution.
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Posts: 556
Message # 2 |
7:20 PM
Ok, this is nice, but... I have problem now, i have maid my own aplication on fb and conected to my website, everything was looking fine until today when my post stop sharing on facebok. Then i go to control panel and i read this Quote The limit on the number of repost per day has been reached
This is not cool
Posts: 9296
Message # 3 |
3:04 PM
Ed05, yes, there is a limitation - 10 entries per day.
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Posts: 2856
Message # 4 |
2:54 PM
Quote Sunny (  ) At the moment there is a problem connecting Facebook accounts to websites with custom domains - we are working on the solution.
is there any progress with this problem ?
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 9296
Message # 5 |
3:47 PM
Animorph, what's your domain? And do you have a custom one attached?
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Posts: 2856
Message # 6 |
2:39 PM
Sunny, yes i do have a custom domain attached
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 1768
Message # 7 |
2:45 PM
Animorph, read this tutorial.
hey i'm joe and i do not work for the company anymore, please contact other staff or tech support icon by ch-chau
sometimes i lurk here
Posts: 2856
Message # 8 |
3:03 PM
bigblog, I will try to connect it with my own app and i will let you know if this works
even with my own app it still doesn't work to post my entry automaticly on my page with my website (with a custom domain)
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Post edited by Animorph - Sunday, 2014-11-02, 3:06 PM
Posts: 640
Message # 9 |
3:54 AM
Animorph, yes me to i connected it already but still it will not post. Any idea on how to do it?
Posts: 9296
Message # 10 |
1:17 PM
Animorph, dense0293, what error messages do you get?
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Posts: 2856
Message # 11 |
2:06 PM
Sunny, I don't get an error message , my facebook "app" is connected but the social media publesher won't work with my custom domain , it never puts any entry on my fb page.
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 9296
Message # 12 |
2:56 PM
Animorph, there must be an error message on mouse over (on the red cross).
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 2856
Message # 13 |
7:55 PM
Sunny, I see , the whole social media thing and using apps is kinda new to me , i found the error but i don't know what to do about it.
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 9296
Message # 14 |
11:31 AM
Animorph, try to reconnect the app.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 2856
Message # 15 |
11:38 AM
Sunny, I tried and i got a new error..
To busy building a passive income online ;)