Registration of users
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Reputation: 171

Message # 1 | 3:18 PM
At present there are two ways of users registration at the websites within uCoz web-services.

uID authorization (uID users)

When a user finishes uID authorization, he/she receives uID (universal login). It allows users to visit uCoz websites without repeated registrations. Such a user has a huge advantage of high-tech, advanced management of his/her global profile via Webtop. Users may not only manage websites and personal data, but fulfill other useful functions via Webtop. Besides, each uID user has his/her own userbar at uCoz websites (control panel of available site features).
uID authorization is available at all the websites by default and it is a system feature.
uID users login to the website by means of E-mail and Password.

Local authorization

When a user finishes local authorization, he/she becomes a user of only one website (the one he/she has registered at). Webtop and userbar is not available for such a user. He/she has to register at other websites again.
Local users login to the websites by means of Login and Passowrd.
Local authorization feature is not a system one, that is why it is a paid service. To enable local authorization feature you need to pay once for one of the package of services and the feature will be enabled for the whole period of the website existence!

Now it is not possible to enable both local and uID users! You need to choose either local authorization or uID authorization method!

How to disable website registration?

It is possible to disable registration for users at the website. To do so go to Control panel->Users->Module settings->do not tag the checkbox “Activate "Users" module”->Save.
After disabling this module, it will not be possible to register and login to the website. Administrators login will be realized through

How to register via the Control panel?

Website administrator can register a user at his/her website via the Control panel any time, regardless of the authorization method. Such a user will be a Local user and will always be able to login to the website, regardless of the authorization method (besides the times, when “Users” module is disabled).
All the websites support local authorization!

If you face any registration at the website problems, be sure to provide a link to the website!

Question: Wondering if you know how to make it so that any user that tries to register at my site has to be accepted by the admin? Like an email gets sent to the admin asking if the user can be registered?
Answer: You can do similar, by limiting 'User' group permissions & move each user to Checked group manually. It'll do same function. [Armaros]
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 136 | 3:40 PM
Quote (ScoobAttack)
I did read that I would be able to turn of the log-in/registration I believe and then just manually enter that user into our site which may be the last option if there is no other way to do it.

This is one of the options but in this case you will be able to add Administrators only, and I doubt you want to give administrative permissions to all site members.

I would suggest the following: disable all permissions for Users, and move those members whom you want to see on your website to Checked (or any other group) manually. In this case even if a user registers, he/she won't be able to view your website till you move him to another group.

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Message # 137 | 3:40 PM
Quote (Sunny)
I would suggest the following: disable all permissions for Users, and move those members whom you want to see on your website to Checked (or any other group) manually. In this case even if a user registers, he/she won't be able to view your website till you move him to another group.

Now this worked like a charm, (THANK YOU) only thing I see now is that the User is still showing up on our Member list. What would be the best options for removal of that User under the Members List or anywhere on our site?

1) Would be that could just manually delete the user, but user can just re-register and be back in some situation.
2) Could block IP but like you said in another thread most users have dynamic IP's and he could still re-register.
3) Another option that you suggested was that could create a Banned Group. (Which honestly I didn't under stand how to complete)

So I'm curious to know what would be the best option in this cause or even if there is another option that I'm just not aware of. You basically resolved the Registration issue, but wondering how to make it so that the user is not showing anywhere on our site as Member or where ever else! Thank you for you help in advance.

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 138 | 3:41 PM
ScoobAttack, the only group that is not displayed on the Members List is Blocked (you must have it by default).
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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Message # 139 | 3:41 PM
hi, i want that whenever a person open my website
a seperate window opens up which shows log in option and registration option
and my website should be in background

is it possible,
please help smile

Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 140 | 3:41 PM
PRANJAL, please be more specific for the thousandst time , what is exactly wrong , i don't see any problems with your registering page and login form
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 3366
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Message # 141 | 3:41 PM
PRANJAL, a screenshot will be useful
Posts: 12
Reputation: 1

Message # 142 | 3:41 PM
Warm greetings to all hard workers of the great ucoz family!!! hands hands hands
I love this site and its services so much so that i am always with it since i discovered it. As a result i have created a site with which i am making a gradual progress with it. However, i can see with the exception of myself (the owner) and some ucoz members, nobody can register at the site. What worry me most is that my friends are extremely eager to register at the site which i think can help in one way or the other to improve my beloved family, UCOZ.
I would be glad if our powerful ADMINISTRATORS can help me and my friends out of this tragedy.
Counting on your usual assistance, my site is
THANKS!!!! biggrin bye hands hands hands hands

For Better Tutorials On The Web Join Great Gurus On AllGurus.Ucoz.Com.
Posts: 248
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Message # 143 | 3:41 PM
seniorkoa, I can Register Easily smile
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Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 144 | 3:42 PM
seniorkoa, I have registered at your website without any difficulties. (me and 5 more people besides me) Please, specify which error text the users see, when registering.
Posts: 12
Reputation: 1

Message # 145 | 3:42 PM
What A Quick Response!! You Are All Wecome!!!
OOOOh!!! Great job done, just keep it up!! biggrin wacko
It is true but all the other 4 users in addition to other Ucoz users were registered by myself at my control panel. Even with those that i registered at the control panel, none of them have been able to log in to the site
Please did you registered without the ucoz account or HOW. This has been my burden but I strongly believe that my GREAT Admins will help me out of this worry sad .


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Post edited by seniorkoa - Tuesday, 2011-03-01, 8:04 PM
Posts: 248
Reputation: 9

Message # 146 | 3:42 PM
seniorkoa, Please edit your last post you used Red text which is not allowed accept by staff
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Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 147 | 3:42 PM
seniorkoa, if you register users on your website via CP->Users » Add new user, it means that they have to login to your website using Username (login) and password you have indicated for them. But it doesn't mean that they are register with uNet. In this way you register non uNet users only.
If they are uNet user already they may login to your website using their own login data (the one they have registered with). They need to type it in the Login for on the main page of your website. When they do so, which error text they see. Please, specify.
Posts: 12
Reputation: 1

Message # 148 | 3:42 PM

This is loud and clear
Quote (Natashko)
if you register users on your website via CP->Users » Add new user, it means that they have to login to your website using Username (login) and password you have indicated for them. But it doesn't mean that they are register with uNet. In this way you register non uNet users only.
If they are uNet user already they may login to your website using their own login data (the one they have registered with). They need to type it in the Login for on the main page of your website

I now see why. The problem is with the confermation e-mail.
I was told by a friend of my who registered at my site that the uNet message was found in the junk folder and he was told that it has expired. So he went through the registration process again and now he has been able to register at the site.
biggrin booze booze blahblah flower

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Post edited by seniorkoa - Wednesday, 2011-03-02, 11:30 AM
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 149 | 8:55 AM
have problem disable the registration page. If i disable the registration page then the LOGIN will also disappear then the user can't log on T_T what am i need to do to make the LOGIN show on the first page?

sorry i can't find the answer and kindda a low tech person T.T [btw i'm not a premiun user]

Posts: 301
Reputation: 19

Message # 150 | 3:44 PM
redyellow, you can use $LOGIN_FORM$ code

