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Message # 46 | 2:17 AM

Sorry bother

How this auto transfer system working, seems none of my user has been transfered...

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Message # 47 | 11:51 AM
Waterstars, is it still not working? Just to make sure - are user's posts forum posts or comments? If it still does not work provide the website URL.
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Message # 48 | 4:23 PM
Quote (Sunny)
Waterstars, is it still not working? Just to make sure - are user's posts forum posts or comments? If it still does not work provide the website URL.

Hi. I am having the same problem with my site. Users under the "User" group cannot create new threads/polls unless I manually transfer them to the "checked" group. How can I make the transfer automatic? I have tried all possible and reasonable combinations in the auto transfer options but it still does not work. My site is
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Reputation: 456

Message # 49 | 12:41 PM
Quote (amatek)
Users under the "User" group cannot create new threads/polls unless

If you want them to be able to do this, you can edit group permissions.

As for auto-transfer, at the moment there are no conditions set in your settings. Set the conditions and also note that a user is auto-transferred within 30-60 minutes after the conditions are fulfilled.

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Pokémon Master
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Message # 50 | 2:41 PM
Quote (Sunny)
that a user is auto-transferred within 30-60 minutes after the conditions are fulfilled.

My condition is just "with confirmed e-mail only." After confirming the e-mail, will we still wait 30-60 mins to get the transfer done? Just wondering.
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Message # 51 | 2:49 PM
YamiTatsuro, most probably yes.
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Message # 52 | 1:35 AM
Sunny, nope. 6 hours, and the transfer wasn't completed. O.o
Post edited by YamiTatsuro - Friday, 2013-09-27, 1:47 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 53 | 8:56 AM
YamiTatsuro, provide the website address and usernames of the users that weren't transferred.
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Pokémon Master
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Message # 54 | 3:36 PM
Sunny, I moved them to the other group manually, and changed the conditions; I'll prompt you again if the new users won't be transferred automatically.