Moderators and administrators
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Message # 1 | 10:11 AM
Control Panel » Forum » Management of forums and sections

You can assign a site moderator or an administrator only via the Control Panel.

1. To assign a moderator to the forum log into Control Panel through http://site_address/admin .
2. After you have got to the CP main page go to the Forum section.
3. Click on "Management of forums and sections".
4. Choose the forum where you want to assign a moderator and click "Change" (wrench icon).
5. Find the line "Forum moderators:".
6. Click "+" near the window.
7. Enter the username of the moderator you want to assign and click "Search".
8. After the user have been found click on his/her nickname.
9. After you have clicked on the username the user will be added to the "list of moderators"
10. Save the settings and go to the forum pages to make sure that the moderator has been assigned.

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Message # 31 | 5:31 PM
That's "Administrator" group.
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
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Message # 32 | 6:25 PM

I turned in the admin site administrator and Administrator have named a new group that is larger than the moderators of the site and I checked all OptIn just like my group Admin site but do not know why they can not move users from one group to another ...............

Post edited by alexeugeniu - Sunday, 2009-10-11, 6:30 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 33 | 10:25 AM
alexeugeniu, they must be able to move users if everything is set as you showed. If they are trying to move Moderators or Administrators then it is possible via CP only.
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Message # 34 | 2:58 AM
Is it possible, to set different User Permissions for the specific Sections of a Module (not Forum) like you can with Forum Sections? So that Group A can write Entries to Section A and Group B can write entries to Section B but all Groups can read all Sections?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 35 | 9:21 AM
drunkenbird, when adding a category there are such options as Groups, having access to the category and Groups, allowed to add new entries.
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Message # 36 | 1:08 PM
Hmm i can't see such an Option, here's a Screenshot:
Post edited by drunkenbird - Friday, 2009-11-27, 1:51 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 37 | 1:32 PM
drunkenbird, you didn't mention the module in the previous post. Yes, blog doesn't have this feature. You can use Publisher, it has this option and it is similar to Blog.
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Message # 38 | 1:50 PM
Sorry, thought these Modules have the same Section Options.

Unfortunately i use the Publisher already for a different Thing. I also spent quite a few hours on Customizing the Blog already :-/ Is there the possibility to set the User Permissions with Coding in some way?

I haven't used these, but when i looked for the Module i wanted; Blog seemed to be the Closest.

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Message # 39 | 2:30 PM
drunkenbird, the only thing that I can suggest is to use conditional operators ( to hide "Add new entry" link on certain pages from certain groups. Or to use another module, Online Games will be good for this purpose.
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Message # 40 | 3:53 PM
Ah while i've been quite happy about the conditional operator Idea, i noticed, that you can only disable the "Add new entry" link for the complete Module, but not for specific Sections. Also if it would work, and you can press "Add new entry" only for the Categories you should, you still will have the Option in the Add new entry Site to just select any of the Categories where your entry appears. So this Solution doesn't help in this Case.

So well, i guess for anyone who come up with this Problem we gotta live with it or use a different Module :/

Post edited by drunkenbird - Friday, 2009-11-27, 3:54 PM
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Message # 41 | 9:49 PM
What criteria would you suggest for me to choose moderators and administrators.

I already think that:


- Been registered for 2+ months, completely trustworthy, already a moderator, a friend, relative, not been reported or had to be cautioned - can anybody add to this?


-Been registered for 1+ month, completely trustworthy, a friend, relative, never been reported or cautioned - again can anybody add to this at all?

It would be GREATLY appreciated.

Kind regards,


Posts: 454
Reputation: 38

Message # 42 | 2:40 AM
It's up to you to decide "Moderator" and "Admin" for your site.
This is not the right board for you to ask this.
Please read rules before posting.

"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
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Message # 43 | 2:50 PM

I understand this. All i want to know is just besic factors people go by when they select them is all....

Some people.

Kind regards,


Posts: 454
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Message # 44 | 3:32 PM
I said this is not the right board to ask about this.
Ask this question on "User communication". You may get an answer.
No more discussion about this in this thread.

"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
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Message # 45 | 8:11 PM
Can I make someone else administrator of my site? How?