Mass emailing
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Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 2:21 PM
There is the possibility of mass emailing to users.

It can be done in Control Panel > Users > Mass mail dispatch according to the following rules:

1. The max message length is 10,000 characters.
2. Emails can be sent not more often than once per 5 hours.
3. Users can subscribe to the mailing list when registering or editing their profiles.
4. You can create subject categories to which users can subscribe (e.g.: "Site News", "Computer News", "World News"). The max number of categories is 20.
5. Dispatch cannot be stopped so be attentive and don't click "Start dispatch" beforehand.
6. All emails are sent in the text format, therefore HTML tags won't work in the emails.

Mass emails are sent only to the users who have subscribed to them and who have confirmed their emails. Mass mail subscription is VOLUNTARY!

Note: The subscription option will appear in the registration form and on user profiles ONLY after you have created at least one mailing category!

How to send a mass email?

Go to: Control Panel > Users > Mass mail dispatch.

1. Make sure you have created at least one category. If no, click on New category.

2. Select a category. (Required)

    a) To see who subscribed to the category click on Subscribers.
    b) To see previous sent mass emails click on Dispatch archive.

3. Fill out the form and click on Start dispatch.

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Message # 16 | 10:29 AM
Quote (Sunny)
Quote (woman)
I would like to know if we cant use neither html nor bbcodes, how can i make the mail more beautiful?
How can i underline or make bold text?
Unfortunately you can't.

Is there any chance of this feature being implemented in the future? I would like to add links in my e-mails. A Medal of Honor + Sniper Elite Clan
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Message # 17 | 11:12 AM
Tom, we are not planning it as yet. You can add links as a plain text.
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Message # 18 | 6:40 AM
Sorry sunny for my stupid question!

if we cant use neither html nor bbcodes, then how it worked $NAME$ or $EMAIL$

Hello, $NAME$.

.... any text ....

Best regards.

if $NAME$ is worked then can we send the update via use of this informer ($MYINF_1$). plz c the below.


Hello, $NAME$.

.... $MYINF_1$....

Best regards.

I m back on track...
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 19 | 9:21 AM
fakeros, no, only the listed codes will work (which are $USER$, $NAME$ and $EMAIL$)
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Message # 20 | 2:12 PM
It seems that the list of users for my mass email has disappeared....when i click on it it says i have no subscribers, but the first day i created the list i had about 30 users. is there a way to get this list back?

Added (2009-03-23, 8:12 Am)
can anyone help me please?

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 21 | 3:27 PM
but the first day i created the list i had about 30 users

You had 30 users on your site or 30 subscribers?

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Message # 22 | 2:26 PM
well at the time i had 30 users AND subscribers. i

ok well what happend was. the first time i mass emailed, everything was fine. second time was fine. then i tried to add a new catigory ending up not liking what i had done and deleted it. in the process i think i may have deleted the orginal list of people i emailed. and i want to get that list back. does that make a lil more sence?

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 23 | 3:03 PM
DJYoshi, yes it makes more sense and it looks like you really deleted the list when editing/deleting categories. And I'm afraid to get it back your users must subscribe to it once again (in their profiles).
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Message # 24 | 7:04 PM
Where can i find out who has and who hasnt subscribed to the mass mail feature in our website pls
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Post edited by defaultNick5365 - Monday, 2009-06-22, 7:05 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 25 | 9:43 AM
defaultNick5365, CP -> Users -> Mass mail dispatch -> Subscribers.
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Message # 26 | 8:48 PM
Hi uNet ... The Mass PM seems to be a bit wonky on our site ... The problem is when sent (1 per 5 hours), the club members don't get it? Is the 1 per 5 hours per person or per website ... so, if another club member sends one, I can't send mine for 5 hours? ... Thanks ... Walts
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 27 | 2:34 PM
Balrog, are you speaking about Mass PM dispatch or Mass mail dispatch? These are different things.
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Message # 28 | 3:55 PM
Hi Sunny ... totallly misunderstood that, but see now the the diff ... So, my problems with Mass PM ... I've been sending Mass PM's ... can I send as many Mass PM's as I want? Are there any know problems? Thanks again ... Balrog
Posts: 454
Reputation: 38

Message # 29 | 4:03 PM
Quote (Sunny)
2. Dispatch can be done not more often than once per 5 hours.

"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
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Message # 30 | 5:43 PM
Hi Tommy ... I think ur confused now! I'm asking about Mass PM ... not Mass Mail, which is restricted to 1 every 5 hours ... I'm asking is Mass PM effected by the same rules, i.e. 1 every 5 hrs only? Thanks ... Balrog