uCoz Community uCoz Modules Site Users Mass emailing (sending mass emails to users) |
Mass emailing |
There is the possibility of mass emailing to users. ![]() It can be done in Control Panel > Users > Mass mail dispatch according to the following rules: 1. The max message length is 10,000 characters. 2. Emails can be sent not more often than once per 5 hours. 3. Users can subscribe to the mailing list when registering or editing their profiles. 4. You can create subject categories to which users can subscribe (e.g.: "Site News", "Computer News", "World News"). The max number of categories is 20. 5. Dispatch cannot be stopped so be attentive and don't click "Start dispatch" beforehand. 6. All emails are sent in the text format, therefore HTML tags won't work in the emails. Mass emails are sent only to the users who have subscribed to them and who have confirmed their emails. Mass mail subscription is VOLUNTARY! Note: The subscription option will appear in the registration form and on user profiles ONLY after you have created at least one mailing category! How to send a mass email?
Go to: Control Panel > Users > Mass mail dispatch. 1. Make sure you have created at least one category. If no, click on New category. 2. Select a category. (Required)
b) To see previous sent mass emails click on Dispatch archive. 3. Fill out the form and click on Start dispatch. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
ok i want to know if i can put the subscribe button from the register page on to my homepage and is there a way i can make it that they have to check the box to subscribe to my site on the register page
Quote (Flipperbear404) can make it that they have to check the box to subscribe to my site on the register page Subscription is voluntary, you can't force your users to subscribe if they don't want to do this. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
hi everyone,
i was looking for a way to auto respond by a email to all my new signups . i want to provide a freebie to all my new users and so for that whenever someone registers at my site he should recieve a main from my mail id recieving the information about the freebie+ regards tj Added (2008-12-23, 11:25 Am) make love not war coz condoms are much cheaper than guns
Quote (woman) I would like to know if we cant use neither html nor bbcodes, how can i make the mail more beautiful? How can i underline or make bold text? Unfortunately you can't. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Does anyone know if its possible to send an e-mail to new users (that have just registered). It would be good if it did this automatically - without me looking to see if there are any new members and sending them an e-mail manually. Also - It doesn't have to be an e-mail, it could be a pm through the website, whatever's easiest really Thanks, Tom www.sliceanddice.ucoz.com A Medal of Honor + Sniper Elite Clan
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Yeah, I want to do what iLee said, sorry for not explaining that well.
www.sliceanddice.ucoz.com A Medal of Honor + Sniper Elite Clan
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