Registration form
Posts: 5
Reputation: 1

Message # 1 | 4:38 AM
For websites with the uID sign-in method (uID users)

It is not possible to edit the uID registration form, the registration form and the fields in it are the same for all websites that support uID.

For websites with the local sign-in method (local users)

It is possible to change/edit the local registration form.

To change the fields of the registration form go to Control Panel -> Users -> Module settings -> Fields of the registration form:
There are two columns of checkboxes near each field name. The first checkbox enables/disables a field, the second checkbox makes the field required/optional.

The default field names can be changed in Control Panel -> Substitution of default phrases -> Form for registering new site users. i.e. you can change the names into any names you need.

You can edit the template code of the registration form in Control Panel -> Customize Design -> User registration form and the code of the registration page in Control Panel -> Customize Design -> User registration page.

To change the sign-in method on your website, go to Control Panel -> Users -> Module settings -> Allowed methods of user authorization. Remember: switching to "local users” is available for premium users only (those who pay for any of paid packages for any period).

If the default registration form is not working, it is desirable to check the following:

!) JavaScript must be enabled in your browser;

!) your browser must accept cookies;

!) there can be a script conflict if you use third-party JavaScript or jQuery versions, incompatible with the uCoz jQuery version.
Posts: 105
Reputation: -3

Message # 151 | 4:17 PM
I would like to add the 'accept terms and codition checkmark' to the registration field
How do i do this

I have my own terms and condition form, but this is not important right now all I need is to aply the check mark so and can work properly that if they dont check in they wont be able to register

You must pay for ucoz services in order to have local sign-in method (local users) to customize the registration form the way you want! -Hope this helps. smile
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 152 | 4:47 PM
carloscompu, I have the following script:

Registration after accepting of website terms

1. Go to Control Panel -> Customize design -> User registration form, and replace $BODY$ by the following code:

<div id="hiddenDiv1" style="display: none;">$BODY$    
<script type="text/javascript">    
function show_hide(_element_id) {    
     var element = document.getElementById(_element_id);    
     if (element) { = == 'none' ? '' : 'none';    
<div id="button2">Terms</div>    
<div align="center">    
<input type="button" id="button1" value="I agree to the Terms" onclick="show_hide('hiddenDiv1');show_hide('button1');show_hide('button2');window.scrollTo(0,0);" disabled="disabled">    

Replace "Terms" by your website terms.

2. Paste the following code between < head> and </ head>:

<script type="text/javascript">    
var is_countdown_started = false;    
var text = '';    
function countdown_new(_el, _sec) {    
     var el = document.getElementById(_el);    
     if (!el) {    
     if (_sec > 0) {    
     if (!is_countdown_started) {    
     text = el.value;    
     is_countdown_started = true;    
     el.disabled = true;    
     el.value = 'I agree to the terms (' + _sec + ' s.)';    
     setTimeout('countdown_new(\'' + _el + '\', ' + (_sec - 1) + ')', 1000);    
     } else {    
     is_countdown_started = false;    
     el.value = text;    
     el.disabled = false;    
window.onload = function() {    
     countdown_new('button1', 30);    

That's it!

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Posts: 246
Reputation: 1

Message # 153 | 5:05 PM

Added (2012-12-04, 11:05 AM)
The original body of registration cant be seen
how do I apply the registration form if i cant use 2 $BODY$

Прочитал и соглашаюсь I dont understand this,but is this wat i put my terms link

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 154 | 11:12 AM
carloscompu, with this script a user should first read and agree to the terms, and then he will see the form and will be able to register.

Quote (carloscompu)
Прочитал и соглашаюсь

I've translated it into English in the script.

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Posts: 246
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Message # 155 | 6:47 PM
Can I avoid user to register using names with symbols(<,>,?,*,&,%,$,) ,all capitals, and other words like:
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 156 | 3:50 AM
carloscompu, if you're using the local user registration form you could create a custom field-validation script using JavaScript which wouldn't let them register until all requirements were met. There are actually a number of jQuery plugins available online which should assist with this. smile
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Posts: 246
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Message # 157 | 12:03 PM
can anybody tell me whats the code name for the registration form bars in the css
I found the code for submision button but I cant find thr code to edit the forms where the users put there information to register
Heres a view of my website I have cusomized almost everything but still need to edit the forms

If its not in my style sheet please provide the code

Added (2012-12-23, 6:03 AM)
Need help
The avatar window wont open in my registration page

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 158 | 3:38 PM
carloscompu, what exactly is not opening? The avatar field seems to function correctly.
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Posts: 246
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Message # 159 | 9:31 PM
the pop up to open the avatar window when you click choose avatar
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 160 | 11:09 AM
carloscompu, works fine for me in Chrome. What browser do you use?
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Message # 161 | 10:03 PM
Sunny, I tried in updated chrome, it did not seem to work for me either.
It is the link for choosing a avatar from the uCoz ones.

carloscompu, do you have any third-party scripts on your site? They may interfere.

Proud uCoz user since 2006
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I can help you develop your site for a small fee.
Posts: 246
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Message # 162 | 1:17 AM
do you have any third-party scripts on your site? They may interfere.

No All that I did with the page was edit the way it looks ,everything in the page is ucoz system ,I did erase some codes like city and yahoo and other forms I dont need from the registration form What you see in the form is everything that is in the template buider

Added (2012-12-25, 7:17 PM)
There are third party scripts but they are all medias and ads that you will find around the site,And they are thins that I always have had in my site ,everything started after I started to edit when I tested it it did not work,And there is no way I can fix it because that code Ucoz full Script $AVATAR_FL$

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 163 | 2:27 PM
carloscompu, yes, sorry, it isn't working, I confused the links.

Use the following code instead of the avatar field code you have:

<tr id="siM36"><td class="manTd1" valign="top" id="siM37">Avatar <span id="ava1">(www address)</span>:</td><td class="manTd2" id="siM38"><input type="text" id="siF12" class="manFlAvaLink" name="avatar" size="20" style="width:100%;" value="" maxlenth="150" /><input type="text" class="manFlAvaU" id="siF10" name="avau" style="width:10px;display:none;" size="20" /><br />[ <a href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" onclick="ava(0);return false;">Select avatar</a>  ]</td></tr><tr><td height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><hr class="manHr" /></td></tr>

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Posts: 246
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Message # 164 | 6:13 AM
Its still dont work

And the code is missing upload avatar

Added (2012-12-27, 0:13 AM)
I left the code that you gave me active so you can test

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 165 | 5:30 PM
carloscompu, try to replace this code in the registration form:

<br><br><font face="Arial Black"><font size="3">Avatar</font><font size="2" style="font-size: 10pt;">(imagen de perfil 140x140)<br></font></font><table style="border-collapse:collapse;width:100%;"><tbody><tr><td></td></tr><tr id="siM36"><td class="manTd1" valign="top" id="siM37"><br></td><td class="manTd2" id="siM38"><input type="text" id="siF12" class="manFlAvaLink" name="avatar" size="20" style="width:100%;" value="" maxlenth="150"><input type="text" class="manFlAvaU" id="siF10" name="avau" style="width:10px;display:none;" size="20"><br>[ <a href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" onclick="ava(0);return false;">Select avatar</a> ]</td></tr><tr><td height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><hr class="manHr"></td></tr></tbody></table><br><font face="Arial">

by this:

<tr id="siM36"><td class="manTd1" valign="top" id="siM37"><font face="Arial Black"><font size="3">Avatar<div style="display:none;">$AVATAR_SIGN$</div></font></td><br><td class="manTd2" id="siM38"><br><br>$AVATAR_FL$</td></tr><tr><td height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><hr class="manHr" /></td></tr>
<?endif?></tbody></table><br><font face="Arial">

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