Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 2:37 PM
Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to change the smileys near the reply form for my own, in order not to go to the full list of smileys?
- No, those are standard emoticons, they cannot be changed.

May I add my own smileys?
- Yes, you may. Create a sml folder in File Manager and upload there your smileys. Only .gif format is accepted, number of smileys is 100. Standard smileys will remain, new smileys will be added to them.

How can I remove smileys from the list of All smileys?
- Forbid users to use smileys (see the permissions of the user groups).

Why are there no 3D smileys in the default sets?
- There are. Pay more attention to the list.

Is it possible to remove standard smileys?
- No.

Is it possible to write added smileys as tags, e.g. ":twisted:"?
- No.

Will the smileys from the folders sml2, sml3 work?
- No.

How can I add my own smileys to the standard collection?
- Use Smileys editor.

I’ve added 16 own smileys. But when I want to change them they remain the same. What should I do?
- You can't edit smileys. You should remove them and add new.

Is it possible to automatically substitute smileys, after they have been updated, in all written posts ?
- No.

Is it possible to limit the use of smileys in posts?
- No. You can only forbid using them at all.

How to create a custom set of smileys

An illustrated tutorial:

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Posts: 111
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Message # 46 | 12:45 PM
TuckingFypo, They have to be in gif format.

If you can't save in GIF I suggest you get Photoshop or something that can render GIF.

Use your brain before you post ~Lee
Please use search, ~Lee
Posts: 19
Reputation: 0

Message # 47 | 0:53 AM
But Photoshop is....too big and my computer is running out of memory storage(?). u.u

I'll just search for something that can make it .gif. Thanks for your reply. biggrin

Added (2009-07-27, 6:53 Pm)
....Are .GIF not allowed? I mean....I don't think there's any difference with .gif and .GIF but my icons are not working. I've created a new folder with the name "icons" and put the forum icons with the same name like the site says but it still doesn't work. The website icon doesn't work too. Here are screenshots:

What should I do? XD

Posts: 111
Reputation: 0

Message # 48 | 2:49 AM
TuckingFypo, I cant see the pictures they are tooo small...
Use your brain before you post ~Lee
Please use search, ~Lee
Posts: 19
Reputation: 0

Message # 49 | 6:27 AM
LOL. Because I was in a hurry, I just clicked the properties of the thumbnails of I uploaded it. XD

Here it is now:

Sorry. XD

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 50 | 8:57 AM
TuckingFypo, GIF and gif can make difference, therefore change extensions to small letters.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 19
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Message # 51 | 9:16 AM
Err...but can you please tell me how?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 52 | 10:02 AM
TuckingFypo, simply rename them, without any program.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 19
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Message # 53 | 10:24 AM
I've uploaded the icons on Photobucket and it turned to ".gif" now. But the remaining problem is...the website icon. (favicon.ICO) I can't upload it on photobucket...
Posts: 1424

Message # 54 | 10:35 AM
ShiFT, give link to website.
Posts: 40
Reputation: 0

Message # 55 | 10:51 AM
Posts: 1424

Message # 56 | 11:05 AM
ShiFT, you have added them wrong. They shouldn't appear with img tag.

Make sure you have added them properly.

Posts: 40
Reputation: 0

Message # 57 | 1:32 PM
I did.. I made the sml folder in file manager and I added my gif smileys.
Posts: 1424

Message # 58 | 3:36 PM
Smiley's should bump up as :candy: and displays candy image - with tags.
Posts: 40
Reputation: 0

Message # 59 | 6:26 PM
I did what I said.. >_>

Added (2009-08-23, 12:26 Pm)
.. What can I do more? I'm sure I did it how Sunny said...

Posts: 1424

Message # 60 | 10:27 PM
ShiFT, tried Smiley editor ?