Still Waiting on Technical Support
Posts: 39
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Message # 31 | 2:51 PM
Please refrain from your countless bickering. Be it Paradox or anyone on your support staff. Our site was broken; which is from the cause of Ucoz's Technical Support staff. Helping is not going to fix an issue and then causing a new one.

We do not wish to see talks of, "No, it can't be me." When these changes weren't brought upon themselves. We want to talk to those who would rather assist us. Compared to those who would rather deflect the blame. We are not children and this is not a school yard. We're an organized staff/team of adults seeking proper assistance in trying to rectify an issue; which apparently some people seem to understand the message. If you're not presenting anything constructional to Tech Support. Please refrain from continuing any further. Being you are only distracting and straying away from the main issue.

All you're presenting is a baseless argument. You can not dare confront us and say you had no hands in further breaking our site. When the exact moment your staff took involvement. Was the very exact moment our site became distorted. You're not talking to a New User. You are speaking to a person with several accounts under your platform. Who has spent 3 to 4 years handling your system, and going through countless issues regarding down servers, wrongfully blocked sites, several weeks of non responsive technical support, etc. As the issues we faced on your end continued to pile up. We've spoken to nearly 60 of the current users using your services. Several who have given up seeking support from Tech Support. Given you absolutely Do Not Provide Sufficient Help or Respond to Needed Assistance.

Please refrain from projecting your inefficiency onto others. If your staff had hands in doing something. Own up to your own faults and try to resolve the issue. Do not spend countless days bickering. Then stating your hands are clean of the incident. When several thousand witnesses can attest to this being false. Do not wait weeks on end till someone pops on the forum to provide assistance.

No one wants the feeling that if seeking support. They'll end up with several more issues they will have to work with. Waiting several days to add something(backup). That was asked several days ago. How is that even efficient service?. How does that help someone who is telling you that your actions in not moving forward post haste. That it's not only effecting their revenue but also their site traffic?.

The information you provided was utterly ridiculous. You are basically telling someone to dismantle the key features of their site. That they've had for several years. To accommodate for changes you made. Do you not see how preposterous that is? People pay developers to get their sites just right. You're telling them to kill off their features to accommodate your implementations? Absolutely not. That is a very bold statement you just made. We would rather work with what was working for years. That helped us gain our following and boosted up our revenue. Then strip our site to the bare bones to accommodate your forced changes. That gives the users zero free will to run their own site. What's to say the next addition or the addition after that or even the addition over that becomes incompatible with your unbelievable new found changes you force on your users.

Do not try to belittle your paying clients. Do not try reverse blame on your clients. Do not try to force change on those who did not ask for it.

Your tech support may not be perfect is a very high understatement. It hasn't improved since we've first had to use it over 3 years ago. It's the same faces giving all the same excuses. The fact it's always the same 4 people giving these outlandish statement to people in Tech Support is literally ghastly. You need to require more or better staff equipped to handle these cases. This current service is unacceptable. You don't even credit your users for your System's Down Time. Nor send out reassuring support emails. If one does not check the forums. They will be unaware of the events taking place.

Accusing is one thing. Calling out your staff on proven documented timestamps and occurrences. Having visual evidence and witnesses of these events. That is an entirely different thing. These things do not lie.

We will check to see if the backup is properly added. Yet we are still transitioning over to a new platform. We've had enough of the incompetence that has been looming this section. Your staff provides poor advice and service. Neglects what the clients point out to make their own analysis. After agreeing they lack the efficient knowledge to know what was detrimental to the cause plaguing one's site. This is just something we do not see ourselves doing any further long term service with. Nor do our affiliates or alliances believe this to be an adequate service suited for them as well.
Post edited by Cloned_Searos - Thursday, 2016-06-30, 3:09 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 32 | 3:27 PM
Quote Cloned_Searos ()
Accusing is one thing. Calling out your staff on proven documented timestamps and occurrences. Having visual evidence and witnesses of these events. That is an entirely different thing. These things do not lie.

I really don't want to continue this argument, or to blame anyone, but there is no documented proof from both your side and mine (I don't know how to prove something that wasn't done). It's just your word and my word. I'm in no way denying that some things are broken on the website. But the cause of this is still to be found. Therefore, till we find the actual issue, I'm asking you not to make assumptions.

To keep this discussion productive, I will close this thread for now, while you are working with the backup. If you need further assistance from me, please PM me and I will re-open the thread or will do my best to provide the assistance you will need.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 39
Reputation: 0

Message # 33 | 5:54 PM
From PM Sunny Sent:

As stated in the thread, I promised to open the thread if you PM me and feel it should be done. And that's what I will do now. I'm more than willing to find a productive solution, but unfortunately I don't feel like you really want it. But that's just my subjective opinion.

Anyway, the thread has been opened. I'm only asking you to refrain from unproven accusations and to keep the discussion strictly the point, which is the issues on your website, not the actions of the staff. Your feedback on the tech support quality has been heard and taken into account, and we've already made certain steps to improve the speed of our replies.

P.S. And btw, I'm a 'she'. But my gender doesn't really matter.

From PM We Sent:
Accusations are assumptions. Nothing we declared was an assumption. We did not change our panel theme. We came in with a working template looking to resolve nameserver issues. That may of made certain features not functional. Yet a broken site later came out of it. Then a Donation List that was attached to the template. Was then later altered to an earlier date. Please explain to exactly our staff and the people reading these documented converses. As to how these are assumptions. Please tell us exactly how these occurrences happened if it's not from our end. We as stated work on a shared joint network. All sessions are video recorded. There is not one incident indicating that I nor our team Co-Owner entered the panel to make these alterations. Thus please by all means. Tell us who proceeded in doing so. If not by the hands of your own staff. We will patiently wait as you give a sufficient reply to this question.

That is just for those who wish to keep informed on the latest converse. Being we feel nothing should be kept secretive.

Also, to prove the point they can go in undetected. The backup was added by Tech Support Staff into Our File Manager for ( . Yet not a single log shows their presence. Only My Co-Owner and my own ( Thus this debunks the check your s.log statement mentioned earlier. Staff does not appear on your s.log for those who are wondering. When they claimed to never visit your panel, because the logs doesn't show it.

We will begin trying to resolve this issue. With the Backup finally provided as requested some odd days ago. In order to resolve our current dilemma. Those who wish to support us in trying to figure a way around our current situation are currently free to do so.

Added (2016-06-30, 5:54 PM)
Okay, so just tried to restore all the features of the previous version of our site using the current backup, and it seemed to of have failed. Message we received from the log:
Post edited by Cloned_Searos - Friday, 2016-07-01, 11:14 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 34 | 2:03 PM
Quote Cloned_Searos ()
When they claimed to never visit your panel, because the logs doesn't show it.

Actually, I claimed the opposite:

I've never said the tech support couldn't access your account. They can and they did

Quote Cloned_Searos ()
Okay, so just tried to restore all the features of the previous version of our site using the current backup, and it seemed to of have failed.

Unfortunately, since you have an older website backup, the table in the Photo Albums module conflicts with the newer version. Try to restore the backup without the Photo Albums module.

P.S. Private messages are called private for a reason. I have nothing to hide and I expected you to do this, so I'm okay with it. But other people might not be.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 39
Reputation: 0

Message # 35 | 2:53 PM
I don't know who changed the things on your website. I only can tell what we did or didn't do, and can't be responsible for other people's actions. As I and other forum members suggested, it could be that the third-party scripts were updated by their developers. Why don't you want to temporarily restore the default template on your website? This way we will know for sure if the problem is in the template code.
If we did edit your website as you suggest, don't you think it would be in our best interest to fix this and don't drag this issue? Do you really think we would be okay with messing our users' websites and having them spread negative reviews throughout the Internet? The answer is no, we wouldn't. That's not how business works.

If you insist on posting private messages on the public thread, then there is not need to PM, we can continue in the thread.

Third party add-ons do not change your control panel theme from black(used for 4 years) to blue. Nor can they alter a manually added Donation list applied on the template to an earlier date. We recently got in contact with Wix and the the creators of MyCountdown. There has been no recent sudden changes to their systems, strings, or code lining this past month. Please refrain from dragging these excuses out any further.

Unless reading comprehension escapes your staff. We clearly stated that we will not continue to tinker with our main site. Given it is the source of 1 our incomes, and we will not have your staff show anymore involvement in trying to break our main site further. Everything would be proceeded onto the backup site. In order to rectify anything that may be wrong with the main site. This has been stated far too many times for it not to be understandable.

We've worked with your site for years. Your lack of commitment and understanding towards your users is self-explanatory. You wrongfully take down sites, your servers are frequently offline, tech support spends weeks on end if at all responding to its Clients. The list virtually goes on. Thus stating you look out for your Clients' best interest is a rather big farce. You literally drug out days after asking to apply the backup to the site we mentioned. In order to fix the situation. Yet spent those days bickering as to how it wasn't any of your fault. There was absolutely no professionalism in any of all of yours behaviors.

You may have a lot of wishful thinking as to what you believe your site to hold up to. Yet this is far from the truth. Users are neglected and mistreated. Most of the time talked down to. If not ignored entirely, and that is absolutely no way to run any type of Company/Organization. At least that's one thing you had right. That's not how businesses work, and hopefully all of you might learn something from your recent actions.

Remember. We did not PM you privately for basic chatter. You decided to PM us. You asked us to PM you in order to provide you our backup. If you are threatening us by stating you will post our backup on a public forum. Be prepared for legal actions.

Added (2016-07-01, 2:53 PM)
If you're going to assist us. Then assist us. Do not threaten us or continue this non ending bickering about what you did and did not do.

P.S. Private messages are called private for a reason. I have nothing to hide and I expected you to do this, so I'm okay with it. But other people might not be.

How professional do you believe this statement to be?

Everyone who is viewing this thread on one of our Live Streams wants to be fully informed of every transaction taking place. As well the viewing sites, forums, IRC, and other social threads/sites. Thus we are not going to hold secret discussions. Unless it pertains actual particular needed private exchanges of personal information. Like we have done with the recent backup.
Post edited by Cloned_Searos - Friday, 2016-07-01, 3:20 PM
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 36 | 3:09 PM
Cloned_Searos, please refer to the first post I made in the immediate thread. It provides fully the information required to resolve the technical issues you have been experiencing. smile

Also, as someone who has done their best to remain impartial throughout this conversation, I can't say I have seen any untoward statements or threats presented by any uCoz staff or forum users towards yourself.

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 39
Reputation: 0

Message # 37 | 3:16 PM
We were giving a fair warning. Given the unprofessional and sly remarks currently given. As well as the performance displayed. We are covering all grounds before something even more unthinkable takes place.

The first post I made in the immediate thread. It provides fully the information required to resolve the technical issues you have been experiencing.

We already corresponded as to how we feel about what you suggested. If you haven't been following carefully at all of our responses. You might want to do so.
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 38 | 3:32 PM
Cloned_Searos, if you are unwilling to accept the advice provided, unfortunately, I personally can offer no further suggestions as to how to repair the broken [sic] features on your site. Except for directing you back to the same information, and hoping you might look at it in a new light.

I don't personally believe many other forum users will be able to offer up any additional suggestions either. Three forum users independent of uCoz (including myself) have offered their best suggestions now, and none of those seem to satisfy the solution you are wanting to hear.

What exactly do you and your team believe is the source of these broken [sic] site features?

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 39
Reputation: 0

Message # 39 | 3:52 PM
Paradox, Please discontinue in trying to seem informal and helpful. No one would be willing to strip their site to the bare minimum of what they've had for years. Money they've earned to create their site using costly developers. To strip away it's key features. In order to work up to Ucoz's new standards. That's absurd. People site's should not have to adapt to work with these new unwanted features that Ucoz has provided. Anyone with a bit of rationality would fully comprehend this. It's just becoming tiresum repeating this as frequently as we've currently had.

You already vilified that you had very little knowledge pertaining the script. Thus how do you suddenly declare yourself able to speak to what others may or may not be capable of. In all do respect. You're sort of the last person we would seek council from. Given the last time we spoke to you. We went from only having slight nameserver and technical issues. To refreshing to a fully broken site.

We clearly stated what we are currently doing. We are moving platforms. As well as those affiliated and associated with us. We will try to mend whatever we can till the transition has fully taken place; which will take a while. Given how much content we currently obtain. Yet if we can seek council from someone with a slight bit of competence in understanding what we are trying to achieve; which is restore specific features. Till we have fully made the transition. Thus so our users can access our main features. That would greatly satisfy us till our move is complete from all of our other sites currently that are stationed on Ucoz's platform.

Asking us, "What may be the cause?" Pretty much defeats why we are here. Being if we knew what was done from Ucoz's end. We wouldn't be seeking council in this thread to begin with. Doesn't that make a slight bit of sense?

Added (2016-07-01, 3:52 PM)
Sunny, The backup is not restoring all the prominent features that made up the site. A few pages seem to be broken on As well as tabs and links that were suppose to be listed on the 'Site Menu'. Yet not including the Photo Album did help it to process. Even though it did not properly restore/apply the sites features. This is perhaps giving insight that newer changes/modifications are probably effecting the older version of the template's system tree. To which is why we originally got this message when adding a 'New Entry' or possibly why it's not reading certain tables. The newer features may have made the older features incompatible; which our site backup is formatted to. Thus they are being rejected. Just a theory.

Is there anything that may have been modified in Ucoz' system this past month. That may of caused this confliction. Given we only recently noticed the new panel when we had set up a new site around a month or 2 ago. Has anything else structurally changed that you may recall on? This may shed light on what may be the cause of this current incompatibility. Given the Photo Album incident shows there may be something internal causing these sudden errors.

What changes may of occurred around the time that nameserver was applied? Given the month prior. That nameserver was not present or needed when reestablishing a connection for Ucoz for our current domain for What were the changes when/since this was established?

This form of assistance is what we appreciate. Sticking to the task at hand; while not reflecting on anything else.
Post edited by Cloned_Searos - Friday, 2016-07-01, 11:16 PM
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 40 | 1:26 AM
Cloned_Searos, I was inquiring what you believe the problem to be, given you appear to be unhappy with the current suggestions provided by multiple users multiple times - that it's a script conflict inherited via custom third party scripting. To so vehemently not wish to accept this suggestion, you must have another idea as to what is causing these issues?

I will add to this post that it is not unusual or uncommon for both closed and open source systems to update and improve their databases, code, and file structures on a regular basis. The internet by nature is constantly developing at a rapid pace, and many (if not all) websites require regular maintenance and updates to retain relevancy, security, and functionality.

I can't comment on the backup or restoration process errors you are encountering. That is something you'll have to wait for the uCoz Technical Support department to get back to you about.

As to uCoz changes - it is not technically possible for any internal changes at a server level to be causing the errors you are encountering. These errors are resolving at a client-side script level, as is evident when viewing the website using developer tools. The same applies to nameservers, given these are only relevant to the DNS handling of your domain(s).

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
Been here for 13 years and counting.
Posts: 39
Reputation: 0

Message # 41 | 4:05 AM
Paradox We are not seeking a lecture in regards to how the internet changes. If Ucoz was a site frequented by many individuals on one source page/site. Then yes. Your statement would be true. Yet in no means should these same changes should occur to its client's sites. These changes should be optional. As does every web hosting service provider does when offering these offers/updates to its clients. Forcing these changes onto its users is absurd. This which we are getting very tired of repeating.

Updating ones systems and one's database if perfectly fine. As long as those who are currently on that database do not suffer the consequences of those changes.

If you ran a media site with a built in Index. To which you have years of linked source content. Then one day as they decide to change their database. They also alter your url directory. Basically making all of your old links practically dead on your media service. If they chose not to contact you personally to inform you of this change. Then you wound up losing an ample amount of revenue. To which this also stunted your site's traffic. By your definition. The fault is on your own person, because you should of known the internet is subsequent to changes. That is literally the logic you just regurgitated to us. Do you not see how utterly ridiculous that just sounded?

If you have nothing informal to bring fourth. We are very curious as to why you are continuing to decide to continue these pointless statements. That tend to lead to nowhere.

We are looking for those who have valid solutions. We are not trying to hold debates. If you have nothing to actually contribute, but only theories. Why do you find yourself continuing to give out your gestures and opinions? Did we not make it clear the first, second, or the third time around?. We are not seeking your council. Everyone else is free to give out their suggestions. Given we've tried them all on the backup site as we originally stated. All you're doing is discouraging everyone who has to continuously read these bombarded assail altercations.

People are disgusted as to how this has went on for so long. If we're speaking to one specific individual. Let that individual correspond. From what was stated thus far. You have no inside workings/knowledge into how things function. Unless this was a falsification. Thus please dismiss yourself from any further statements you wish to present. If you were dismissed from a meeting or one's office. You do not present yourself back in.

You did not need to acquire anything in regards to our circumstance. Given it was blatantly obvious we've continuously stated we were seeking out council. Then gave progress reports in regards to every hurtle we've come across. In order to receive a proper response in resolving such predicament. You're involvement was not requested. Yet rather rejected. Thus let us work with those who have the capabilities of actually resolving this matter. Then more statements that leads to absolutely nowhere. We're seeking progression and currently aren't looking to backtrack. Given it's something you have done frequently.

Thank you for letting everyone else; which excludes yourself handle this.
Post edited by Cloned_Searos - Saturday, 2016-07-02, 1:58 PM
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 42 | 9:12 AM
Cloned_Searos - First of all, I would like to mention that uCoz is a Content Management System with web hosting included. The technical team of The uCoz Company releases important updates, adding new features and fixes for the good of all sites. And just for the record, I've personally never seen any web service similar to uCoz not to release the new updates to all the sites hosted on their servers. If an update conflicts with the system features that are already used on a website, the update is re-checked by several testers on several other sites. If they can confirm the error, the technical team will find a fix and will release it on all servers as soon as possible. Otherwise, if they are unable to confirm the issue, it means that the problem is caused by a specific custom script on an individual user's website.

I would kindly ask you to stop blaming the system and its updates, as well as to stop treating disrespectfully the people who want to help you. Keep a respectful behavior here, on the community forums of uCoz.

Quote Cloned_Searos ()
Third party add-ons do not change your control panel theme from black(used for 4 years) to blue.

You are right here - the Control Panel theme hasn't been changed by the third-party scripts you have on your site. It has been changed because a uCoz consultant has been accessed your account so that they can see the source of the issue and the default color of the uCoz control panel is blue. Do not rant about such a puny issue that can be solved by two clicks.

On a final note, if the solution suggested by ucozpp does not help you (which I highly believe it should, even though you keep denying any kind of support because you rather blame others instead of understanding the problem and acting to resolve it), please, wait for the reply of the Technical Support regarding your website backup.
Posts: 39
Reputation: 0

Message # 43 | 1:10 AM
If an update conflicts with the system features that are already used on a website, the update is re-checked by several testers on several other sites. If they can confirm the error, the technical team will find a fix and will release it on all servers as soon as possible.

It's funny you should mention this. Being if you actually read anything stated above. You would of realized what not only the topic was of this thread. Yet you would of realized exactly what we were battling to get done; which was to fix exactly that to which you are currently muttering on. Tech support did not fix the issue. Thus your entire argument is irrelevant. Given we spent nearly 3 weeks on exactly that. Then when addressed on asking to add the backup on our second site; which we had to then wait a number of days for. In order to fix the predicament. We had to disable the photo album, because it was not compatible with the new version of their current photo album. Hence again. Another issue which wasn't resolved. While the backup did not actually restore anything of the previous site. Most likely due to its incompatibility to the new Ucoz features. Just like the photo album itself. Thus please stop rambling on in regards to a topic; which you clearly seem to be misinformed on.

I would kindly ask you to stop blaming the system and its updates, as well as to stop treating disrespectfully the people who want to help you. Keep a respectful behavior here, on the community forums of uCoz.

The people who did try to help us were not being useful whatsoever. They were telling us to take our site 'Apart' to fit their new standards. While speaking in a condescending manner. Making it as if it was our fault for why our site that worked fine for 4 years was broken. Yet the civilians who offered up their assistance. We gladly thanked. Thus your statement is rather invalid.

You are right here - the Control Panel theme hasn't been changed by the third-party scripts you have on your site. It has been changed because a uCoz consultant has been accessed your account so that they can see the source of the issue and the default color of the uCoz control panel is blue. Do not rant about such a puny issue that can be solved by two clicks.

Had you of read the entire dialog of what we were going back and forth on. You would of realized why we made that statement. Instead of yammering on with your misguided statement. We were told no one in their staff had visited our panel to make any changes. Thus we clearly gave proof of this not to be true. Given a panel which was never altered. The theme seemed to have changed during the same day our site was then later broken. Proving that someone outside of our Staff ; which only our Co-Owner and Myself only had access to. Made such changes which effected our site as a whole.

Thus you may want to stray from this section. Given you have not only steered off topic. You contributed nothing but needless bickering; which wasn't the objective of this section.

On a final note, if the solution suggested by ucozpp does not help you (which I highly believe it should, even though you keep denying any kind of support because you rather blame others instead of understanding the problem and acting to resolve it), please, wait for the reply of the Technical Support regarding your website backup.

If you had paid attention even to our very last statement. You would of known that we stated that we did test out each scenario displayed. Not only did we take certain features off our main site to see if it rectified the situation; which it didn't. We took off other features from our tested backup site; which held the same result. We completely ignored his theories after they've proven to be flawed; which he continued muttering the same statements a repeated number of times. Even after admitting he wasn't familiar with the scripting or how to effectively resolve the issue. Neglecting that we stated in several different statements we tested them out. As well as contacted the 3rd parties who were the creators of such scripts. That stated they haven't altered their string line coding or site this past month; which debunked the 3rd party coding/scripts being the cause. Yet we weren't settling to remove all of our features from our main site personally. Just to fit to Ucoz new standards in general. Given we're not going to nor should anyone have to destroy pieces of their site that brings in funding.

Maybe taking the time to fully understand what you are reading will help you in the future. Also, waiting over a week on a site that works off its traffic to gain revenue. While having blocked off features. Is not what one waits on. Especially if they have to visit the forums to actually receive a response from Tech Support. After waiting a countless number of days for a response in our Panel. Then nearly a month to still not get sufficient support towards getting the matter resolved.

Now that we have moved passed this needles bickering. We would like to head back in the right course; which was seeking those with the know how on how to actually help with fixing our current predicament. Thank You.
Post edited by Cloned_Searos - Monday, 2016-07-04, 10:32 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 44 | 2:57 PM
Quote Cloned_Searos ()
Sunny, The backup is not restoring all the prominent features that made up the site. A few pages seem to be broken on As well as tabs and links that were suppose to be listed on the 'Site Menu'.

Please describe in more detail what features aren't working on the test website.

Quote Cloned_Searos ()
Is there anything that may have been modified in Ucoz' system this past month. That may of caused this confliction.

We are having system updates almost each week, some of them minor, some more important. Most important updates are published here.

Quote Cloned_Searos ()
Given we only recently noticed the new panel when we had set up a new site around a month or 2 ago.

That's not a new panel, this is just a new color scheme for the existing panel.

Quote Cloned_Searos ()
What changes may of occurred around the time that nameserver was applied? Given the month prior. That nameserver was not present or needed when reestablishing a connection for Ucoz for our current domain for

The name server was introduced at least half a year ago, and I don't see how it could affect the current issues.

Quote Cloned_Searos ()
These changes should be optional. As does every web hosting service provider does when offering these offers/updates to its clients. Forcing these changes onto its users is absurd.

As was stated above, uCoz is not just a hosting services, it is a hosted website builder. If you were using hosting + installed a CMS manually, that statement would be true. As an online platform, uCoz installs the updates onto all websites automatically, it is not possible to have an older version if all other websites on your server have a newer one. This update policy has always been true, so since you are not a new user, you should know it. I believe other online platforms, including Wix, operate the same way - i.e. all websites have the same software version and you cannot choose which updates will be installed onto your website.

Quote Cloned_Searos ()
Yet you would of realized exactly what we were battling to get done; which was to fix exactly that to which you are currently muttering on. Tech support did not fix the issue.

Quote irina_sergeyeva ()
If an update conflicts with the system features that are already used on a website, the update is re-checked by several testers on several other sites. If they can confirm the error, the technical team will find a fix and will release it on all servers as soon as possible. Otherwise, if they are unable to confirm the issue, it means that the problem is caused by a specific custom script on an individual user's website.

The key sentence in this quote is Otherwise, if they are unable to confirm the issue, it means that the problem is caused by a specific custom script on an individual user's website. The techs were unable to find a cause at our side.

So, back to the issue. I'm asking you to do the following now:
1. List all features that aren't currently working on your test website. (Btw, aren't they still working if you restore the template to default on your test website and remove all custom scripts)?
2. If you do not mind, the tech support will look at your test website and will try to identify the issue once again.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 39
Reputation: 0

Message # 45 | 7:15 PM
The name server was introduced at least half a year ago, and I don't see how it could affect the current issues.

If you carefully read:

What changes may of occurred around the time that nameserver was applied? Given the month prior. That nameserver was not present or needed when reestablishing a connection for Ucoz for our current domain for

We weren't asking how long it's been around. We asked what changes may of occured on nameserver Being that last month. That nameserver(ns3) was not needed when attaching ucoz to our domain the month prior. Being we literally originally came in for a DNS caching issue that revolved around your nameservers. That prevented our tabs, chat box, and error message when creating posts. Our site in general was okay. Namecheap advised us to contact you in order to check your nameservers. You can gladly contact Namecheap to verify this. Our 'Account' is under the name DeadFish. Then have them send a verification notice. For us to allow them to give you the free will to check our past logs. Everything else that happened. Happened after tech support got involved.

As was stated above, uCoz is not just a hosting services, it is a hosted website builder. If you were using hosting + installed a CMS manually, that statement would be true. As an online platform, uCoz installs the updates onto all websites automatically, it is not possible to have an older version if all other websites on your server have a newer one. This update policy has always been true, so since you are not a new user, you should know it. I believe other online platforms, including Wix, operate the same way - i.e. all websites have the same software version and you cannot choose which updates will be installed onto your website

Basically by this statement. You are telling users who are long term clients or future clients. That your backup system is flawed. Being that if you are stating that you perform these updates. Yet they end up making older versions incompatible.

The thing about Wix; since we've used them for other site developments these past 6 going on 7 years now. Is that they perform updates. Yet none of their updates effects the older versions of their users sites. You don't have to reformat your site to meet to their new accommodations. Their site actually embraces third party scripts. By accommodating them through their panel.

We've asked I believe 4 years ago. Will any future changes effect our site as a whole. We were told 'No'; which apparently this was not the case. There's a difference between applying updates that works for the panel for users like Wix does. Then sites that completely reformat your entire site structure. If you're going to tell users they have the freedom to perform customized scripts as an option. What logical sense does it make to alter the structure of ones site?. If it would break their customized templates and sites. Basically the methods of Ucoz contradicts its own features. Applying an update is one thing. Physically altering its users features on a section built for customization is another. Please precisely identify the correct Disclaimer that announces this once a user signs up to your services. In order to make searching it short:

We've carefully read through each line. As well as had a few representatives rummage through these terms and agreements. Just to see if the predicament we're currently in. Falls under the very exact agreements and terms Ucoz has currently implemented; which to remind you it does not.

Otherwise, if they are unable to confirm the issue, it means that the problem is caused by a specific custom script on an individual user's website.

If you had paid attention even to our very last statement. You would of known that we stated that we did test out each scenario displayed. Not only did we take certain features off our main site to see if it rectified the situation; which it didn't. We took off other features from our tested backup site; which held the same result.

Neglecting that we stated in several different statements we tested them out. As well as contacted the 3rd parties who were the creators of such scripts. That stated they haven't altered their string line coding or site this past month; which debunked the 3rd party coding/scripts being the cause.

Basically we tested that theory out by removing all 3rd party scripts. Maybe the words were not in bold to which you did not see it. We did not rule that theory out. We were against the idea of it being a permanent solution. Yet we tested this out and it had nothing to do with the third party scripts. You literally not only have our backup. It obtains our script. At any moment you could of easily of tested this out to witness it to be true.

Thus back to the issue:

1. We moved the custom template and script the same day you provided us our backup. (Regular checkups to check on our status would of shown that.) Also, we tried your systems backup which did not work in restoring any of our tabs/submenus on our Site Menu or Entry Logs(Archived Entries). As originally stated before.

2. Restoring the default template on the site. Fixed the structure of the template. Yet it seemed when using the backup in the panel. It made the Style Sheet (CSS) completely blank. No custom or any form of script was present in that field. Till we had to manually hit Restore Custom Template. As well as none of our files were able to be imported into File Manager when using our backup. As well as the new photo album does not restore any images from the previous photo album onto it.

1. List all features that aren't currently working on your test website.
2. If you do not mind, the tech support will look at your test website and will try to identify the issue once again.

These lines literally should of been the very first and only statements presented on Day 1. After providing us with our backup in a more timely fashion by Tech Support. That's professionalism.
Post edited by Cloned_Searos - Wednesday, 2016-07-06, 10:24 AM