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Forum moderator: bigblog  
Everything about design #934 goes here!
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Message # 1 | 6:16 AM
[!] - Logo/Header Change (Here)

I usually dont come here for help since I like to play around with these ucoz code stuff and try to solve my problems..
but im really stuck on this one lol
I want to change my logo at my website www.liga-mexicana.ucoz.com....

i want to change this logo

To this one
same size, shape, place and everything....

this is the code of the top part of the website

<div id="header">
    <div id="data">

$WDAY$, $DATE$, $TIME$</p></div>
    <div id="login">

<?if($USERS_ON$)?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?><!--<s5200>-->Ha entrado Ud como<!--</s>--> <a href="$PERSONAL_PAGE_LINK$" title="Mi perfil"><b>$USERNAME$</b></a> | <!--<s3167>-->Grupo<!--</s>--> "<u>$USER_GROUP$</u>"<?else?><!--<s5212>-->Le saludo<!--</s>--> <b>$USERNAME$</b><?endif?><?endif?> <?if($RSS_LINK$)?>| <a href="$RSS_LINK$" title="RSS">RSS</a><?endif?><?if($USERS_ON$)?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?> | <a href="$PERSONAL_PAGE_LINK$" title="Mi perfil"><!--<s5214>-->Mi perfil<!--</s>--></a><?else?> | <a href="$REGISTER_LINK$" title="Registrarse"><!--<s3089>-->Registrarse<!--</s>--></a><?endif?><?endif?> <?if($USERS_ON$)?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?> | <a href="$LOGOUT_LINK$" title="Salida"><!--<s5164>-->Salida<!--</s>--></a><?else?> | <a href="$LOGIN_LINK$" title="Entrada"><!--<s3087>-->Entrada<!--</s>--></a><?endif?><?endif?></p></div>
    <div class="clear"></div>
<div id="main1">
    <div id="navigation1">
    <!-- <sblock_menu> -->
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="menuTable"><tr><td class="menuContent"><!-- <bc> -->$SMENU_1$<!-- </bc> --></td></tr></table>
<!-- </sblock_menu> -->
    <div id="content1">
    <div id="right"></div><div id="left"></div>
    <div id="logo"><h1><!-- <logo> -->Ps3-Liga-Mexicana-Fifa 10<!-- </logo> --></h1></div>
<div class="clear"></div>

What do I need to do?
Can someone help me please? smile

Attachments: 3974636.jpg (46.3 Kb) · 9740190.png (310.4 Kb)
Post edited by Mario0 - Monday, 2009-08-31, 6:37 AM
Posts: 1931

Message # 2 | 10:44 AM
Location: Control Panel -> Customize Design -> CSS.

Find: /.s/t/934/3.jpg

Hint: Hit F3 for search.

Replace: /.s/t/934/3.jpg

With: -Your link-

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 3 | 4:12 AM
alright..... thank you dartz biggrin
Posts: 7
Reputation: 0

Message # 4 | 8:03 PM
Ive managed to get rid of the logo, but how do I put in or link to the new one? Is it possible to have a different image on different pages?
Posts: 1931

Message # 5 | 1:51 AM
Rugby, you must replace the old banners url with the new one.

And it's possible to have different banner on each page, you
would have to place top part of the website's code inside all
appearance pages. Then code the CSS part into HTML code.

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 7
Reputation: 0

Message # 6 | 8:24 PM
Hi all, I have two questions:

1. Is it possible to have 1 logo on the homepage and then different logos/images on the other pages? If so, could you please explain. I have the lgo changed in the top part of the CSS so it is the same on all pages.

2. The logo.image on the homepage of my site is a collage of pictures. Is it possible for the logo/image to change every 20-30 secs to another collage? So, on the homeoage every 20-30 secs the user would see new images. If so, can you also help me with this?


Added (2010-10-11, 2:24 PM)
Can some one remind me how to do this again? Id like to add, if possible a different image on each page, or just one on the main page. Can anyone help?

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 7 | 10:37 AM
Quote (Rugby)
1. Is it possible to have 1 logo on the homepage and then different logos/images on the other pages? If so, could you please explain. I have the lgo changed in the top part of the CSS so it is the same on all pages.

You can use conditional operators for this purpose: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/37-471-1

Quote (Rugby)
2. The logo.image on the homepage of my site is a collage of pictures. Is it possible for the logo/image to change every 20-30 secs to another collage? So, on the homeoage every 20-30 secs the user would see new images. If so, can you also help me with this?

Must be possible by means of custom coding and scripts.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 7
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Message # 8 | 8:54 PM
hi sorry, I dont understand.

How do you change the logo on the homepage or on the other pages?

Can you explain to me how to do it, in steps?

thank you

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 9 | 2:17 PM
Rugby, create different classes for different logo images in CSS. Edit "Top part of the website" and use conditional operators to display different images for different pages/modules, smth like:

<?if($MODULE_ID$='index')?>class 1<?if($MODULE_ID$='forum')?>class 2<?endif?><?endif?>

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 7
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Message # 10 | 11:48 AM
Thanks for the reply, but you have totally lost me - youre obviously a programmer or something and talk like one. I need steps in how to do this.
Can you at least explain to me how to change the image on the homepage (to reflect on all pages). What am I looking for in the CSS?
Can you please explain in steps?
Thanks again.
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 11 | 11:50 AM
Quote (Rugby)
Can you at least explain to me how to change the image on the homepage (to reflect on all pages). What am I looking for in the CSS?

Rugby, read this


To busy building a passive income online ;)
Post edited by Animorph - Monday, 2010-10-25, 11:53 AM
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 12 | 6:19 PM
Well guys i need a litle help about my website can someone explane me how can i add secound container on right side on my website on right site?

and how can i change the backround

Thanks cool

Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 13 | 6:41 PM
Profesional, about a second container , i don't think that that is possible without re-designing multiple parts of the design , and unfortunately we don't help with custom coding , i suggest you to already search for a double containers/blocks and about your background that can be done

go to CP ---> Design ---> Design management (CSS) --->

Changing BG image:


div#contanier {background:url('/.s/t/934/2.gif') repeat-x;text-align:center;}

Replace "/.s/t/934/2.gif" with your image url.

and to change the color of the background

go to CP ---> Design ---> Design management (templates) --->


<body style="background:#171B0A; margin:0px; padding:0px;">

Change #171B0A to your Color code

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 14 | 1:08 PM
Quote (Profesional)
how can i add secound container on right side

It really involves a lot of custom coding and we do not provide help with it. It is easier to use a two-columned design in such a case.
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 15 | 9:09 PM
Ok guys thanks about help anyway smile
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