Online Games Module
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 2:36 PM

To start working with this module you need to install it. The module can be installed in the Control Panel of your website -> "Inactive" tab.

When installing the module you will see two options:

Without content and Online games set

If you select without content you will have a full-featured module that you will be able to use as you like. Module name by default will be "Online Games" but it can be changed in Control Panel in module settings; there you can also customize fields for adding of new entries. Default phrases for the module can be changed in the "Substitution of default phrases" section on the main page of Control Panel.

If you select Online games set you will not only get a full-featured ready-to-work module, but also content with the possibility of its regular updating (the option "Update game database automatically" during installation). The default set includes games of various genres and categories – online games, downloadable games, mobile games.
You can edit/delete all default content and add your own games.

The new module "Online Games" is one of the most general-purpose modules. It has such possibilities as adding of sections, categories, filters; a lot of additional fiends; new features added by default.

Module templates have the new rating system by default (in the form of stars).

It has the following code in Page with entry full text and its comments template:


There are 12 different image sets, each of them is available in 4 sizes.

$IMGS_ARRAY_JS$ is realized in the module – in the form of screenshots on the page with entry full text and its comments.

When adding an entry, you fill the field "Images" by means of uploading your images which are then displayed as thumbnails on an entry page. After you click on such thumbnail, an Ajax window with all images of this entry will open.

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Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 106 | 1:13 PM
XO-Ferg, please provide the link to this entry on your website.
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Message # 107 | 0:33 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 108 | 3:26 PM
XO-Ferg, just tested this game on my website, and it opened in an ajax window on the website. Where did you paste the link when adding the game? Which field?
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Message # 109 | 4:57 PM
I put it in "Link to game's swf file".
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 110 | 12:11 PM
XO-Ferg, try to add the following code to "Page with full entry text and associated comments" for Online Games:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function openchat(){new _uWnd('GAMES','GAMES',$PLAYZONE_W$,$PLAYZONE_H$,{align:0,shadow:0,close:1,autosize:1,maxh:500,minh:100,resize:0}, $("#GAMES").html() )}
    <div style="display:none;" id="GAMES">[<object codebase=",0,0,0" width="520" height="390" data="$SWF_LINK$">
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
<param name="movie" value="$SWF_LINK$" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="base" value="." />
<embed src="$SWF_LINK$" quality="high" width="$PLAYZONE_W$" height="$PLAYZONE_H$" name="data" base="." align="middle" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />
      <a title="$ENTRY_TITLE$" href="javascript:;" onclick="opeGAMES();">Play online</a>

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Message # 111 | 3:44 AM
Do I replace something with his or just place it anywhere in "Page with full entry text and associated comments"?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 112 | 11:58 AM
XO-Ferg, any place of the template where you want it to be displayed.
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Message # 113 | 11:22 PM
Sunny, I tried that code and it didn't fix anything, thanks anyway. smile

Added (2013-01-12, 3:52 PM)
It's doing that for every new entry now, I don't know what to do...

Added (2013-01-14, 5:22 PM)
Does anyone have any suggestions, sorry to keep posting, it's just an important issue to me..

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 114 | 12:38 PM
XO-Ferg, for the code to work only for that specific entry add
before the entry and
after it.

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Message # 115 | 11:52 PM
Is there any way to do this for more than one, if not I'll just leave it as it is..
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 116 | 2:37 PM
XO-Ferg, you don't want it to work for all entries, and don't want it for one entry smile If you need this script for several specific entries, just add more URI_IDs, e.g.

<?if($URI_ID$="sfEnt5043" or $URI_ID$="sfEnt5044" or $URI_ID$="sfEnt5045")?>

and so on. To find URI_ID of a certain entry, open this entry and go to Admin Bar -> Builder -> List of page variables.

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Message # 117 | 3:34 AM
Sunny, Ok thank you very much.

Added (2013-01-17, 9:34 PM)
Am I only person this happened to?

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 118 | 1:04 PM
XO-Ferg, yes, there is a problem with xml on your website. Maybe due to some modifications you've made. When I add the game to my test website, even with the same design selected, it works how it should: the game opens in an ajax window.
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Message # 119 | 9:18 PM
You think If I uninstall/reinstall the Online Game module it would revert back to normal, because it started doing that after I added about 20 games....

Added (2013-01-18, 6:37 PM)
Yes! I fixed it, the code played the $SWF_LINK_DIRECT$ instead of $SWF_LINK$, all i had to is switch them, and now it plays like normal. Hooray!

Added (2013-02-11, 3:18 PM)
Is it possible to have google ads before games, like on other popular online gaming websites?

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 120 | 10:38 AM
XO-Ferg, do you mean in the game pop-up window? Or just on the game page?
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