Can't log into Control Panel and other troubles
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 1 | 3:13 PM
I cannot log into the Control Panel, it says incorrect username or password.
Please use the Control Panel password reminding form:

Is it possible for 2 people to be logged into the Control panel simultaneously?
Yes, it is. The maximum number of simultaneous logins to the Control Panel is set in security settings of the Control panel. It can be set to the maximum of 4.

If there are several administrators on the website, is it possible to track who logged into the Control Panel and when?
It can be viewed in "Action log", that can be found in Control Panel -> Security.

If I make someone an administrator, will he/she be able to log into the Control Panel and change something there?
No. When you make an administrator, it is not necessary to tell him/her the Control Panel password. Even if an administrator knows the password, it cannot be changed without the answer to the secret question.

How to change the Control Panel password?
You can change the Control Panel password like this: log in to the Control Panel (add /admin to the name of the website, e.g. -> Security -> Change account password -> Separate password. In order to do this you will have to be able to answer the secret question as well.

How can I find out when my website was created?
The creation date can be found on the main page of the Control Panel.

Why can't I create a website backup, if the website occupies more than 75% of the disk space?
The remaining disk space is not enough to create a website backup as available Mbs have to be used by the backup copy.
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 31 | 3:14 PM
Quote (Stavros_pc)
So, if someone is a Moderator at a forum’s category, he cant be an administrator, too......?????For example I want to be a moderator at a forum’s category but I also want to control the entire forum....Can I????

You can be the administrator of the whole forum. And you can be the head moderator of some of its boards at the same time. If this is what you are interested in.
As to the CP login problems. Provide a website name so we will be able to check the settings (whether you are the administrator or not)
You need to log in to your website(with your own nickname and password) and make sure you are logged is as the Admin. Then you need to log in to the CP.(add \admin to the name of the website) The CP password is one for all. If you forgot it, use the CP remind form form:
Follow the instructions and let us know about the results.
Posts: 8
Reputation: 0

Message # 32 | 3:14 PM
I have the same problem. Just created and confirmed my site, but when I enter the right information into the control panel the page resets itself again, and again and again.... well, i think you got it.... Can anyone help please.
Posts: 117
Reputation: 52

Message # 33 | 3:14 PM
con100, caballo2154, when you enter correct password you will log in.
Posts: 8
Reputation: 0

Message # 34 | 3:15 PM
Found what's the problem, but still can't fix it. The problem is the Zone Alarm Security Suite software. I added my and URL to the firewall settings and every other place i can think off, but still not able to log on into the control panel. The only way I've been able to do it is to shut down zone alarm and make any changes, but I don't want to leave my firewall off. Has anyone have the same problem? Any help is highly appreciated... sad


Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 35 | 3:15 PM
help mi... when i press something then i will auto logout than i will end up in the login page, a quote saying Your current IP address have changed. But when i wan to press security setting i auto logout

so how i can change the security settings without login to control panel?

Posts: 132
Reputation: 15

Message # 36 | 3:15 PM
Quote (justsee96)
so how i can change the security settings without login to control panel?

You can't

Go to: Main » Users » User groups » Edit group properties or permissions » Bind session to IP address (protection from stealing cookies)

Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 37 | 3:15 PM
how come i untich alrdy i still get auto logut like last time?

Added (2008-07-26, 11:55 Am)
help mi hell

Added (2008-07-26, 12:02 Pm)
hell u still there?

Posts: 117
Reputation: 52

Message # 38 | 3:15 PM
justsee96, CP - Security (top bar menu) - Security settings.
Session security level by IP-address: Absent - and read this!

Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 39 | 3:15 PM
I created the account yesterday, i took a copy of the logins and password tfor control panel, user-admin and ftp as well as answer to secret question, however when i try to log into the control panel it doesn't work, i am using the correct details as i copy and pasted the info into a notepad file.

Please help
Post edited by lewnics - Monday, 2008-08-25, 9:23 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 40 | 3:16 PM
lewnics, try not to copy and paste but to type the details. You may be copying them with a space, and so the system treats your login or password as incorrect.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 41 | 3:16 PM
hi buddy i tried that - but it didn't work either....:(

Added (2008-08-28, 3:18 Pm)
Looks like its a common problem as well, i think ucoz need to look into this, i think i may need to now look at an alternative to ucoz as if people cannot log into the control panel then they cant edit the site properly.
Posts: 117
Reputation: 52

Message # 42 | 3:16 PM
lewnics, - use this function to remind the password from CP.

you must understand that password from CP is not the same as site user-admin password.

login to control panel from page!

Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 43 | 3:16 PM
It stoped working when I made the redirecting link to my registration page, now every time I try getting into control panel it says ''Cannot find server'' etc! please help :'(
Posts: 1424

Message # 44 | 3:16 PM
Server? Umm... I think you must wait, It's only thing u can do.
Posts: 2
Reputation: 0

Message # 45 | 3:16 PM
Are you sure? Every time I try logging in it shows a sign that its not gonna work(It takes a minute to load then it shows this) The page cannot be displayed
Post edited by obbs - Monday, 2008-09-08, 1:00 AM