Posts: 9296
Message # 46 |
3:28 PM
leohbep, it looks like this is your login - BepFanClub.com.ar
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Posts: 8
Message # 47 |
4:16 PM
Umm... there any Widget for Event Calendar? when I click a date, I can input event on that Day without Login any site. Please help. thank's
Posts: 9296
Message # 48 |
9:07 AM
ridhorvk, explore Gadgets, there must be smth like this.
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Message # 49 |
8:58 PM
hi Ucoz i want to know...In the left side of ucoz.com's main page , we can see that they are showing some websites in a attractive way. i want to put that type of thing (sorry, i don't know the name) in my website too...is it possible? For more clarification: Image
Posts: 9296
Message # 50 |
2:50 PM
Bengaltiger, that's a javascript code. If you have knowledge you can do smth like this, but I can't help you.
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Message # 51 |
5:26 PM
thank u for replying sunny....:)Added (2009-12-14, 11:26 Am) --------------------------------------------- Sunny, Anyways can u tell me what do u call that thing??? 
Posts: 16
Message # 52 |
7:38 AM
Quote (Armaros) Could you be more specific? Music List? I think this is about the "Music Player With Playlist" (lol) Quote (Anglhz2435) Hi there. i got a music list with alot of songs. but when i want to add more songs i need to do it all from beginning :S and thats kinda tuff lal. is there a way to jsut add a song ?? without needed to make all songs again When you go to 'config' of that widget there is a dropdown menu which by default says "Change content". Well, change it to "Paste *whatever*" or "Add content", don't remember exactly, but it'll help you for sure ;] P.S. Even when I hate the "bragging"-part, I would really appreciate if you increase my reputation, if I helped of course. Thanks in advance.
Posts: 454
Message # 53 |
7:44 AM
smladenoff, Do you even look at the dates? Don't answer for a question that's 7 months old.
"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
Posts: 16
Message # 54 |
10:48 PM
Tommy, no I don't. Of course I am! And you increased post-count +1. Happy? So, str8 to the point: From yesterday I don't get my widgets working: Falling Snow, ICQ and Skype Status. I get error: ')' needed "row: blah-blah / char: blah-blah" (you don't need the actual digits, right?), so I want to know if there is something wrong with your system or with tynt.com (I have a 'copyright-copypaste-script' from that site), but the day before yesterday everything was working extremely fine and I didn't changed anything since. If you can help me with the info I provided - cool; if not - ask me for additional info on the matter you're interested in. Thank you in advance. Best regards, S. Mladenoff
Posts: 9296
Message # 55 |
9:10 AM
smladenoff, did you try to re-add them? And does it happen in all browsers?
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Message # 56 |
5:15 PM
Snow fall widget is not working for me either, and I'm pretty sure I'm doing it right.
Message # 57 |
7:44 PM
Snowfall also not working on my site either, it worked before for 4-5 days and now the snow its gone, and its not summer yet
Posts: 9296
Message # 58 |
9:16 AM
NeonSoldierX, Borce_Macedon, will be fixed, thanks for reporting.
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Message # 59 |
1:48 PM
Sunny, Your Welcome! Notify Us Please.
Posts: 16
Message # 60 |
7:09 PM
Yes, Sunny, I just did for second time; actually a change in the Guestbook doesn't appear as well; no biggie though, I can fix it. Re-adding doesn't work And yes, all browsers: Firefox, IE, GoogleChrome and Safari (yes, I tested 'em all ). It's not working, the ICQ status, the Skype status and the FallingSnow.