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Pricing matrices
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Message # 1 | 2:39 PM
There is a Default price matrix on each uCoz website. Of course, E-shop module should be installed on the website to be able to see it. You can find it in Control panel->E-shop->Pricing matrices

1. “Rename”. You can rename the Default price matrix with the help of this button. Just click on it->change the name->and click the green check mark to save changes.
2. “Remove”. Default price matrix can also be removed by clicking this button.
3. “From”. You type in the initial (the lowest) price here.
4. “To”. You type in the final (the highest) price here.
5. “Markup type”. Select the markup type for the indicated price range here. It can be either “Fixed” or “Percentage of price”. “Value” field depends on what you select here. If you select “Fixed” markup type – the markup value will be calculated in c.u. And if “Percentage of price” - in percent (the percent of the total cost of items in the cart).
6. “Value”. This is the field where you type in the markup (for delivery for example) either in percent or c.u.
7. “Delete line”. You can delete the lines of the Default price matrix by clicking this button.
8. “Add line”. You may also add lines to the Default price matrix by clicking this button.
Do not forget to click “Save” at the bottom after making changes to the Default price matrix.

You might as well add your own Pricing matrix. It can be done in Control panel->E-shop->Pricing matrices->Add rule->click the green check mark to save changes. After doing so you will see the same form, that has been discussed above.

However, there is on option that differs Pricing matrix created by you from the Default price matrix. With the help of this button (“Use as the default rule”) you can substitute the Default price matrix with your own.

Discount system matrix has the same fields. The only difference is “Value” field. This is the field where you type in the discount (either in percent or c.u).

Note! To be able to continue with markup or discount settings, you need to have Delivery methods set up.
So let's go to Delivery methods settings in Control panel->E-shop->Payment and delivery methods, currencies and rates.

Check the box “Use delivery pricing module” and select “Calculation by matrix” in the drop-down menu.
Click [ Module settings ] afterwords. Select the created by you matrix in the drop-down list and click “Save”.

Posts: 5
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Message # 2 | 2:39 PM
Hi, please help me.
Here's my site.

Okay, I'm having problems with using the pricing matrices.
I've created 4 different pricing matrices for my delivery methods, each having different rates.

Normal mail(free) -. (0-9999), fixed, value: 0
Registered mail - (1-600), fixed, value: 3.5 (I want it to be $3.50 for each item.)
& 2 more other matrices naming, Normal mail for JAPAN INSPIRED APPARELS SPREE & Registered mail for JAPAN INSPIRED APPARELS SPREE.

I've gone to "Payment and delivery methods, currencies and rates" & in delivery methods,
checked "Use delivery pricing module", >>selected "calculation by matrix", >>went to "module settings", & chose each respective pricing matrix for each option.

But what came out when i select each different delivery option is that the delivery rate is 0.
So nothing is charged to for delivery, the total price is just the item price alone.
I've created 1 item selling for $13.50, as you can see from my E-shop, Contrast flutter sleeves.
I've added it to my cart but nothing was charged for the delivery.

Please advise! Thank you so much!

Post edited by chicindulgences - Monday, 2010-04-05, 10:26 PM
Posts: 33
Reputation: 1

Message # 3 | 2:39 PM
Someone can teaches me how to setting this matrix?
I don't know what mean of the "From" , "To", "Markup type" and "value" go on.
Is that type the price of items in the blank of "From" and "To"?
"value" mean quantity?
"markup type" fixed mean it only fix the price?
I want it the quantity of my items (1-3) will be charge for $6.00. More items more charges.

I was so blur on it wacko
Please advise me thanks

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Message # 4 | 2:39 PM
Is it possible to for customers to have discount codes ?
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Message # 5 | 2:39 PM
I have read all threads about pricing matrices , but i don't know how to use it.

I want to do like this.

IF A buy goods over 100USD, that the delivery rate is free
IF A buy goods is less than 100 USD, he must pay the delivery rate is 1USD.

And this.

IF A buy a goods is over 100gr, he will pay 10 cents
IF A buy a goods is over 500gr, he will pay 50 cents.

And all of this will add to the delivery pricing.

Please help me.
Thanks in advance.

Posts: 183
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Message # 6 | 2:39 PM
How to set discount rule at e-shop module? Detail explain please. I know it's at Pricing matrices, but do not understand how to set it. For example, is it possible for set discount for certain group? Or discount applies on purchase of certain amount?
Posts: 9296
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Message # 7 | 2:39 PM
chicindulgences, show me screenshots of your pricing matrices and delivery module settings.
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Message # 8 | 2:39 PM
Quote (davidyeow94)
I don't know what mean of the "From" , "To"

Price range, e.g. from $0 to $50.

Quote (davidyeow94)
"Markup type"

The difference between the incoming price (at which you buy goods from suppliers/manufacturers) and the price for customers. Or a delivery rate if it is a delivery pricing matrix.

Quote (davidyeow94)
"value" mean quantity?

The markup amount. If it is fixed, then a fixed sum will be added to the incoming price. If you select "percentage of price" (e.g. 5%) then the markup amount will depend on the item price.

Pricing matrices are useful when you buy goods from suppliers at different prices, and it is not convenient to add markups manually as they can vary depending on price. E.g. you buy one item for $2 and sell it for $3 (markup=$1), and buy another item for $150 and sell for $200 (markup=$50). If you adjust pricing matrices, markups will be added automatically.

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Posts: 3366
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Message # 9 | 2:39 PM
Quote (Hope)
is it possible for set discount for certain group?

Quote (Hope)
Or discount applies on purchase of certain amount?

Kind of. Discount is accumulated on your account. The amount of discount depends on the amount of purchase.
Posts: 9296
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Message # 10 | 2:39 PM
coatham, please explain in more details what exactly you want to do.
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Posts: 3366
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Message # 11 | 2:39 PM
lanh, you may try to use conditional operators to accomplish it. Please, refer to the following forum board http://www.forum.ucoz.com/forum/37-471-5#59546
Posts: 33
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Message # 12 | 2:39 PM
I have this problem too wacko
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Message # 13 | 2:39 PM
Thanks of your information dude
I have a question. Can I change the price range as goods' quantity?
Because my goods want to be sum when quantity increasing.

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Message # 14 | 2:39 PM
Any tutorial for how to set it?
Posts: 248
Reputation: 9

Message # 15 | 2:39 PM
I mean where when a customer buys a product over x amount of pounds they can get a code to discount there next online order if you get what i mean.
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