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uCoz Community General Information First Steps with uCoz uCoz copyright (MyCorp) (How to remove,change it. $POWERED_BY$ code) |
uCoz copyright (MyCorp) |
1. Is it possible to remove the uCoz copyright from the website? Of course, it is possible. Removal of the uCoz copyright is a paid service and it costs $4.99/month. To remove it: 1. Go to your website Control Panel -> Top bar -> $ Paid services -> Paid services-> Buy a separate service. 2. Select the period for which you want to remove the uCoz copyright. 3. Click "Pay for services" and follow further system instructions. Please note that you can pay for the removal of the copyright within a package of services. In this case the copyright removal will cost less and you will get a number of additional features. P.S. Hiding of the copyright is a serious violation of uCoz Terms of Use that leads to permanent blocking of your website! Is it possible to change the appearance of the uCoz copyright? Yes, it is possible. To do so go to Control Panel -> uCoz banner and copyright adjustment -> Appearance of uCoz copyright: Select and click "Save" How can I replace "MyCorp" with custom data? Please see this video tutorial: I see the message in Control Panel -> Customize design: "The template doesn't contain the required code $POWERED_BY$ ". What does it mean? What should I do?
It means that the required code $POWERED_BY$ , which is responsible for outputting of the uCoz copyright has been removed from the template of your website. You need to restore this code. Otherwise your website will be blocked. To do so go to Control Panel -> Design -> Design management (templates) -> find the necessary template and click "Restore default template" or embed this code into the template manually. Attachments:
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But how to change Copyright MyCorp © 2009??
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two ways:
1. You can go to Control Panel » Customize Design » Global Blocks » Bottom Part of the website, then find where it shows mycorp and rewrite it. Then Save or 2. Go to your site, and click Builder then enable. go down the page and you will be able to rewrite it and also be able to rewrite the Welcome title. after that go to builder and click save changes. Web design and film == my 2 passions.
Genesis Inc. ~ New Horizons, New Beginnings |
NTP, please link instead of re-explaining.
alexeugeniu, by means of Builder - [... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Okay we did, please tell me if you must add something from the "UcoZ"
"© 2009 League of evening. All rights reserved. Hosted by UcoZ" I want answer from those of Staff ![]() |
Quote (alexeugeniu) please tell me if you must add something from the "UcoZ" No, it is not necessary to add anything like this. You already have uCoz copyright ("uCoz Services" in the bottom right corner). I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Someone can you please assist me with this i opened my website this morning and found over the top of my home page a warning with reference to the Ucoz branding which frankly i do not understand. I have a few websites i run on Ucoz all of which have the Ucoz $POWERED_BY$ small oblong grey logo in the footer. So firstly if whomever sent me it could explain and secondly if you could tell me why it is wrong, as i have been threatened with my site being removed, and don't know either why or what i have done wrong and indeed how to fix it Many thanks The Transporter Group VW T4 - T5 Transporter community website and forum group at
t4club, that's because you modified the code. The original copyright code looks in the source code like
Code <span class="pbHw27I_">Powered by <a href="" title="Hosted by uCoz (s101)"><b>uCoz</b></a></span> I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
So does this mean it requires changed or by showing your logo at the foot of all my pages on all my sites as i currently do i will not have my sites deleted as your notice stated
Please clarify what if anything i have to do, pressumably a robot has read it and found the code wrong ???? VW T4 - T5 Transporter community website and forum group at
Post edited by t4club - Tuesday, 2009-12-29, 1:34 PM
t4club, you must use the code $POWERED_BY$ in your templates, and not your custom code, even if the result is the same. Otherwise your website will be blocked during the next checkup.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Sorry to harp on but i have used the code $POWERED_BY$ as quite simply the system will not finalise page changes without it. So i am afraid i am at a total loss as to why i am being told this at all, none of this is making sense before i loss my entire site/s COULD SOMEONE EITHER PHYSICALLY CHECK WHAT IS WRONG or alternatively make sense out of this as i am unable to,so far all that has happene dis yopu have told me what i already know, [no offense intended] but you are not answering why i am wrong if indeed i even am in the first place. I reitterate to the best of my knowledge my sites all have on the footer the $POWERED_BY$ unless you know differently, i have checked just minutes ago.. I do not mean to be offensive but feel i must get my point across, so as i originally asked could someone PLEASE manually check what all the fuss is about. Of course if it is i have overlooked something i will of course immediately put it right however without knowing where your system is talking about i am unable to do so. I and i am sure you do not wish to losse me well over a years hard work buiulding this community to 1300 members STill your highest rated auto/moto site simply as i cant find what you are talking about. Therefore please please please someone check and report back the $POWERED_by$ BIT I UNDERSTAND AND I ASSURE YOU GO CHECK IS ON THE FOOTER OF ALL MY SITES Thank you VW T4 - T5 Transporter community website and forum group at
I have the "powered by" and i got the same warning ! and I don't want my websites to be banned next time i log in to website ! Can the techs check my websites please ? I Am Desperate ! Post edited by ursuletul - Thursday, 2009-12-31, 11:25 PM
Quote (Dartz) I see. Well, this isn't my area to answer that's why wait for Sunny. She'll answer in next few days. As for posting here, discussing wont help you get answer faster. Guys, Dartz already asked you to wait for Sunny. It was new year, you expect Sunny and other staffs to sit in SF on holidays too?. That's why Dartz asked you to wait for Sunny. So please stop discussing and wait for Sunny. I'm not trying to be rude or something. We can very well understand your frustration and we are all trying our best to answer here. This time Sunny is the only person who can answer for this question. So please be patient. "I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places"
Post edited by Tommy - Monday, 2010-01-04, 2:06 PM
I will be rude - STOP SPAMMING!
I tried to be nice, but assume low IQs cannot filter fact that crying wont hurry this. Next one posting will get block for a week. I have enough. [... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
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