If you have noticed bugs or errors
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Message # 16 | 11:08 AM
XO-Ferg, that's because you used the visual editor. You now need to edit the template (Control Panel -> Customize design -> Video -> Page with full entry text and associated comments), and replace the messed part by the correct code:

<title><?if($USER_TITLE$)?>$USER_TITLE$<?else?>$ENTRY_TITLE$ - $CAT_NAME$ - $MODULE_NAME$ - $SITE_NAME$<?endif?></title>

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Message # 17 | 10:30 PM
Sunny, thanks a lot, it was like that on the other module pages for some reason, I fixed those also.

Added (2012-12-05, 4:30 PM)
Error Found: "Related Videos" section shows the same video more than once.


Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 18 | 10:46 AM
XO-Ferg, in your case it's a bug and will be fixed. But in general this thing happens if a video belongs to several categories.
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Message # 19 | 4:39 PM
I have noticed a bug with video informer..

I have putted a code at the informer:


And whatever - I have deleted all my previous videos, now I added only 2, but informer shows for me 7 total videos, HOW?
... also for default I press informer edit button for refresh information - nothing - 7 videos, but I have only 2 ..

Second problem:

Why all videos screens show uCoz intro ? hmm..
Before I deleted all ol videos, it was ok, but now - ALL WITH UCOZ INTRO.

check - http://ucozwebmeistars.ucoz.lv/video/

example - middle video called "VHE .." - all two others are uCoz videos ..
Post edited by Korijs - Monday, 2013-01-21, 4:42 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 20 | 2:34 PM
Quote (Korijs)
And whatever - I have deleted all my previous videos, now I added only 2, but informer shows for me 7 total videos, HOW?

At the moment there are three videos on your website and three in the informer.

Quote (Korijs)
Why all videos screens show uCoz intro ?

The problem is the same as with the informer images - there are no screenshots added to the video entries.

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Message # 21 | 4:57 PM
hmm, but already informer shows for me:

7 video

and about screenshots - previous time i don't add any screens, but it show real video, not uCoz for all.
I think it's because I deleted @ customize design - video some codes about screens ..
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 22 | 12:11 PM
Korijs, that's what I see:

Try to clear browser's cache.

Quote (Korijs)
previous time i don't add any screens, but it show real video, not uCoz for all

I can't say anything about what was previously, I didn't see it.

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Message # 23 | 5:48 PM
I talk about that:

2 videos total from me, but at the informer - 12 videos for me.

How much did u see?

Look at the screenshot.
Attachments: 5438374.jpg (46.1 Kb)
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Message # 24 | 9:16 AM
Erroare found: counting page views + Play

Traffic on the page two days

pageview count on you, and I like 37's..

Use code $VI_READS$

<span class="vep-views"><!--<s5389>-->Vizualizări<!--</s>-->: $VI_READS$</span>

I used reads $READS$ si $PLAYS$ and still nothing plays.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 25 | 1:25 PM
Korijs, has been fixed. All you needed to do is to recount entries in your profile: click the following icon

and then

yce4857, that's because the system counter doesn't count views by guests, while the third-party counter you are using counts them.

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Message # 26 | 10:20 PM
next problem with vieo informer..


3 videos added, but informer shows only 2..
I tried to edit informer to refresh information - nothing - informer shows only 2 videos ..

maybe after MANY hours or days there will be result, but I think there is a problem ..
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Message # 27 | 9:41 AM
Sunny, I found an error ! missing images error
Post edited by Crazyness - Saturday, 2013-02-02, 9:42 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 28 | 4:11 PM
Crazyness, describe the problem in English and provide the website address.
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Message # 29 | 8:12 AM

Missing images when adding entrys ! Exemple My Site

Another bug
When I modify the numbers the entry remains the same.
Post edited by Crazyness - Wednesday, 2013-02-06, 8:14 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 30 | 2:43 PM
Crazyness, the problem with the images will be fixed. As for preview dimensions, you need to restore the "Appearance of entries" template.
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