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Message # 31 | 6:17 PM
Quote (Sunny)
you need to restore the "Appearance of entries" template.

The restor initial template buton ? This change whole tamplate or just change the Appearance of entries ?
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Message # 32 | 6:35 PM
Hy, in video -> Categories management i can't see my section's categories. dry
Post edited by Mar1aN - Thursday, 2013-02-07, 6:36 PM
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Message # 33 | 6:37 PM
Maybe you don't have one !
Posts: 192
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Message # 34 | 11:58 PM
I have, look dry

Added (2013-02-07, 5:58 PM)
In file catalog =>categories manager, my categories apear under the sections, in video the categories don't appear at all

Attachments: 5273715.jpg (66.3 Kb) · 8947602.jpg (43.9 Kb) · 7959811.jpg (64.8 Kb)

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Message # 35 | 12:01 PM
Crazyness, it will affect only the "Appearance of entries" template. In any case it is always desirable to create a template backup (or in your case you can just copy the code of this very template to a notepad) before restoring anything.

Mar1aN, provide your website address.

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Message # 36 | 1:09 PM
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Message # 37 | 1:28 PM
Mar1aN, you need to click the 'folder' icon to see the categories.
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Message # 38 | 1:51 PM
thx, i didn't thik that's so easy
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Message # 39 | 5:21 PM
Sunny, thx it works but I want to show images in hd ! They just grow and see bad sad I want them in the original version if you can help me smile
Posts: 192
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Message # 40 | 7:48 PM
The codes $PREV_CHNL_VIDEO$ , $NEXT_CHNL_VIDEO$ and <?$RELATED_ENTRIES$(10)?> doesent work
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 41 | 3:33 PM
Crazyness, create a separate thread about this matter. Or it seems you've already asked this in other thread, continue there please.

Quote (Mar1aN)

Work in "Channel page and associated comments".

Quote (Mar1aN)

Works in "Page with full entry page and associated comments".

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Message # 42 | 5:05 PM
Mybe i have a reduced number of entries in video module, so probably that's the reason why the code <?$RELATED_ENTRIES$(10)?> doesen't show no entries.
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Message # 43 | 10:53 AM
Mar1aN, related entries are displayed on the basis of similar tags. Do you enter tags when posting video entries?
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Message # 44 | 8:36 PM
I have a problem with the links to entry page

Some videos can be opened, some can not. The same for categories.

Website: http://summerglauwiki.com/video

<a href="$ENTRY_PAGE$">$TITLE$</a>
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 45 | 7:44 PM
Fermi, has been forwarded to the techs, will be fixed.
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