User Profiles
Posts: 1424

Message # 16 | 5:42 AM
1. There is no such feature. It's a 'profile' of the site, not 'profile-web'.

2. CP -> Users -> Module settings -> Open user's personal page.

Posts: 4
Reputation: -1

Message # 17 | 10:16 AM
hmmm....well is there an "<? if ?> thing that can help me out with it?

like...lessay that the user request like a playlist on their profile, and another request a picture.

can the <?if?> statement help me to do this compiled with the user page id??

basically hiding the other content if the content does not suit the user page id is what im saying and showing a certain content with the user page id? surprised

(but me having to go and put those playlist & picture manually)


Post edited by kxcore - Tuesday, 2009-01-27, 10:18 AM
Posts: 1424

Message # 18 | 2:11 PM
Quote (kxcore)
like...lessay that the user request like a playlist on their profile, and another request a picture.
Avatar & Signature would do fine.

And if you do not have knowledge of coding yourself, I wont be able to help.
I do have a lot of other work than code for someone without an experience.

Posts: 4
Reputation: -1

Message # 19 | 11:27 AM
lol did you delete my message? xD
well im going to put it out there again just for the sake of helping other people that have the problem i had in this post.

<?if($profile-url='url')?>user's specific html content or any other "ABOUT ME" content  he/she wants/request
(im still figuring out how to integrate this feature into registration&edit which may be possible or not)
Post edited by kxcore - Monday, 2009-02-02, 11:40 AM
Posts: 111
Reputation: 0

Message # 20 | 12:23 PM
<?if($PROFILE_URL$='URL')?> Specific Data About Me! <?else?> Go away this is private <?endif?>

This will only allow the user of that URL to see this text.

It's the same as what you did but it wont work. Armaros wouldn't have lied to you if he knew it would.

Use your brain before you post ~Lee
Please use search, ~Lee
Post edited by iLee - Monday, 2009-02-02, 12:23 PM
Posts: 97
Reputation: 9

Message # 21 | 11:59 PM
this is causing a problem with the comments i've created.
primarily right when you login it shows your profile name and then when you click it, it redirects me to
when if i click any other one it shows

its a problem to me because im using a comment system that is different for every user profile. but when you
view the comments on the "-1" page, it shows some comments, but when you're on the one w/out "-1" it doesnt show the comments.

is there anyway to redirect to "8-1" instead of "8"?
im looking for just a yes or no answer please smile

Posts: 74
Reputation: 25

Message # 22 | 11:59 PM
is there anyway to redirect to "8-1" instead of "8"?
im looking for just a yes or no answer please

And my answer was Yes you can!

Haha nvm. i just re-read my question.

I did, and what else do you want to know, be specific?

Post edited by Brazen - Thursday, 2009-02-05, 0:02 AM
Posts: 27
Reputation: -2

Message # 23 | 3:31 PM
Log out/Log in and My profile tabs

They are not appearing on the page and wondering where to go to restore default template for them to reappear.

This is what I am talking about

Where you see Group - It has the group number beside it instead of what the group is like member,administrator and so forth. How do I restore the titles

Any way a moderator might know the answer to this?

Post edited by easysharez - Saturday, 2009-04-04, 5:00 PM
Posts: 97
Reputation: 9

Message # 24 | 5:52 AM
is there anyway possible to display actual posts from a specific user on user profiles?

like if i wanted to have a tabbed version of profiles
show forum post by this user

show blog post by this user

and so on.
If so, can you direct me to this :S

i tried looking in global blocks, but gb doesnt have those options

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 25 | 10:53 AM
easysharez, try to restore the default template of User personal page.

heysupp, I am afraid I don't understand what exactly you mean. Isn't it what you want?

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 1
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Message # 26 | 8:52 PM
Hi, my website is advertising/promoting a Second Life magazine and Club.
Our Policy includes principles rules like:
Not disclosing country of origin, religion or sexual orientation, profession, favorite singer, achievements or failure, name age and fortune - Who are you ?
What would you tell to a perfect stranger ?
Tell us something above any suspicion. Lend us a hand to perceive you behind the curtain.

So, I want to use my Second Life name and hide my real name as Administrator of this website. Is also a matter of safety in Second Life - I don't want people to know my real details behind the avatar, and most SL users are familiar with that.

I changed the ucoz User's profile, and it shows my SL identity now. Is that a problem? I changed that 3-4 days ago, and was surprised to find my profile updated with my real name, so when people clicked my user profile, eyliot, could see my real name ...
In this situation I cannot keep my site running, we are missing the point. I don't wanna know personal details about people, we work on other bases.

I wanna provide my real details to uCoz, nothing against the registration process, I even look to upgrade, have more benefits , so .... but I wanna make another name appear in my site profile without having problems or being changed.
Or hide my real name in User's profile and show the SL identity. Can u please help?


Post edited by EyLiot - Monday, 2009-04-06, 9:03 PM
Posts: 1424

Message # 27 | 1:13 AM
Hi EyLiot! biggrin

Did you try simple changing by editin' details?
Did you try to login in uNet? ( )

Posts: 5
Reputation: 0

Message # 28 | 4:10 PM
can i led users upload their own photo other along with the avatar, so that they can have two three photos in their profile. Pls help
R R Shimray II
Posts: 14
Reputation: 3

Message # 29 | 5:21 PM
Yo. Is it possible to forbid somebody from changeing his profile information?
Post edited by Jaffakeksi - Tuesday, 2009-05-05, 5:26 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 30 | 8:52 AM
shimray, that's not possible.

Jaffakeksi, CP -> Users -> User groups -> Edit permissions -> Uncheck "Edit own registration data".

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.