Member Login Problems
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 31 | 10:11 AM
cokoboy, if your users delete cookies and cache files and check other software (firewall, antivirus, traffic compressor) this should help. You can also try to resave or restore "users login" template. And really, it's better not to use IE though it is difficult to make users change their browsers.
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Message # 32 | 8:15 AM
Hi There,

I opened a new site with Ucoz system and since then I have a lot of problem with users login.
My Moderators can login without any problems, but, my "regular" users can't login (server error).

I tried the following things based of reading this forum.
1. Tried to restore users templates (didn't worked)
2. Tried to switch to Chrome/Firepox and Explorer (didn't worked)

Eventually, I opened a new group of Users and tested this group and It worked great (users can login to the site) but... and this is a big but:
Users can't see the Home Page of my site so I tried (reason: Your user group is prohibited from doing this action. Address all your questions to site administrator):
1. Tried to restore home page templates (didn't worked)
2. Tried to activate every single permit in this Group (didn't worked)

Right now only Modreators can login to the site with no problem, users can't login or can't see home page.

Can anyone help me please? cry

Thanks in advnace.

Post edited by Devil-666 - Monday, 2009-02-16, 8:16 AM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 33 | 9:43 AM
Devil-666, can't say exactly what's the problem with your "regular" users, and you didn't provide site url.

As for the new created Users group: CP > Page editor -> Pages management -> Main page -> "edit" icon -> Groups, having access to the page.

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Message # 34 | 9:55 AM


Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 35 | 10:47 AM
Devil-666, sorry, I can't understand your language. I can only guess that you messed smth up when you translated the site. Use the new created group if it works fine.
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Message # 36 | 3:29 AM
I am the administrator for my site.

When I register my users, they are not able to log in. Are they supposed to use their email for their login or thei Log in name? I am having a LOT of trouble with the new way of security and all.

Any help is MUCH appreciated,


Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 37 | 10:17 AM
grahamritz, it depends on the authorization methods enabled at your website. If both of them (uNet and local users) are enabled and a user has a uNet account he/she may enter either an e-mail or a username (uNet users have an "U" icon near their usersname on the list of users). If a user has only local account he/she must use his/her username to log in. uNet users might have problems with their passwords - in this case ask them to use "Lost password" feature as it is the easiest way to find out the password.
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Message # 38 | 2:23 PM
I have just found out that IE users are having trouble logging in to my site. The strange thing is that all other browsers work without any problems. I was also told by one of my users that if he went to my forums and then clicked on the quick login he would be able to login there without any issues with IE.

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 39 | 2:46 PM
smokingunzz, create a test account and provide username/password so that we could check.
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Message # 40 | 2:48 PM
smokingunzz, Read this
If i help you please give me reputation :)
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Message # 41 | 3:10 PM
Quote (Sunny)
smokingunzz, create a test account and provide username/password so that we could check.

test / test

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 42 | 3:43 PM
smokingunzz, it must be because of third-party scripts you are using on your website. Recommend your users to use Firefox or sort out your scripts.
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Message # 43 | 3:53 PM
Is it possible for me to put a link to the quick login form off my main page?
Posts: 1424

Message # 44 | 4:28 PM
Quote (smokingunzz)
Is it possible for me to put a link to the quick login form off my main page?

<a href="$LOGIN_LINK$">Login</a>
Posts: 5
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Message # 45 | 7:57 AM
hello everyoe... pls help....can't figure out myself.

I place the user login form in my site,,,,,, but i can't see it. I alredy placed it using builder. But wen i log out and see ,,, i cant find the user login form. Pld help

R R Shimray II