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Message # 46 | 11:39 PM
I want to find out
1. How I can assign a particular test to a particular user
2. Also If I have a page with progress report for a user, how can it be added to database so user can view it every time admin adds to that progress report
Posts: 26
Reputation: 1

Message # 47 | 6:52 PM
I have some text ABOVE all the news posts, even the "Add News Entry" link and such. Except for administrators/myself, nobody can view it. Users can view the news posts, but not the text above it all, does that make any sense?
Posts: 212
Reputation: 5

Message # 48 | 7:33 AM

"Some text" means?

ya you can hide "Add News Entry" from others.

<?if($GROUP_ID$=3 or $GROUP_ID$=4)?> Moderators and Administrators, click on the ad here… <?endif?>

Unlike computers, no human brain has ever said:" Hard drive full."
Post edited by Sanjay_149 - Friday, 2010-07-16, 7:35 AM
Posts: 26
Reputation: 1

Message # 49 | 5:53 PM
This is the text I have above the news feature:

"Welcome to Horse Isle Sense!

We're a guide for the lovely game of HorseIsle. We will soon have numerous quest guides up, along with some guides for other things around the game.
Note, this entire website is copyright. Any theft is illegal, and we will take action.
We work hard to bring you the best guides possible.

It's centered, if that has anything to do with it. :P

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 50 | 2:11 PM
Lykos, most probably the problem occurred because you added the text by means of Visual Editor. Edit the page in "BB codes" or "HTML codes" mode.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 93
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Message # 51 | 10:34 PM
Hello and good evening... Or morning? xD

I'm about to add two new user groups to my site... Is there some way I could set it so they can view all the pages, without having to go through the few hundred pages I have and making it so they can see them?

If so, steps/details would be ahh-wesome.


Posts: 9
Reputation: 0

Message # 52 | 5:01 PM
I would like to add some containers to my website e.x for ads..
And i also would like to vip not be able to see ads..
How can i do this?

Plus i want to know how to make an automatic Group changer..
E.x someone pays for Vip and automaticly he is being one when the paypal payment is authenticated!
Please answer me soon!
Post edited by vasil7112 - Wednesday, 2011-10-26, 5:42 PM
Posts: 421
Reputation: 35

Message # 53 | 5:33 PM
Quote (vasil7112)
I would like to add some containers to my website e.x for ads..
And i also would like to vip not be able to see ads..
How can i do this?

Learn more about conditional operators ->

Quote (vasil7112)
Plus i want to know how to make an automatic Group changer..
E.x someone pays for Vip and automaticly he is being one when the paypal payment is authenticated!
Please answer me soon!

I think that is not possible. You can make automatic group changer only via post count. When some user got 50 msg, he`ll be automatic transfered to new group.

Read more about that here ->

Posts: 9
Reputation: 0

Message # 54 | 5:45 PM
Quote (Unique)
Learn more about conditional operators ->

Well thanks!
But i still do not understand how 1 group will not see that container..
Can you send me an example of code?
Posts: 316
Reputation: 8

Message # 55 | 7:42 PM
vasil7112, I have updated there Check may help I found that some where If that not work Wait admin And mod To reply You wink
I Try to help. U can Try to give Rep ++ For my try :P
Posts: 421
Reputation: 35

Message # 56 | 8:29 PM
vasil7112, here is it (for groups):

<?if($GROUP_ID$="4" || $GROUP_ID$="6" || $GROUP_ID$="3")?>Your content<?endif?>

With this code, groups with ID = 4,6,3 only will be able to see your content.

Post edited by Unique - Wednesday, 2011-10-26, 8:30 PM
Posts: 316
Reputation: 8

Message # 57 | 2:45 AM
Unique, i have already provided wink
I Try to help. U can Try to give Rep ++ For my try :P
Posts: 113
Reputation: 9

Message # 58 | 10:18 AM
Quote (vasil7112)
Plus i want to know how to make an automatic Group changer..
E.x someone pays for Vip and automaticly he is being one when the paypal payment is authenticated!
Maybe this link will be helpful Look at the SMS-transfer section.
Posts: 316
Reputation: 8

Message # 59 | 10:21 AM
redhead, Thanks I will also try wink
I Try to help. U can Try to give Rep ++ For my try :P
Posts: 23
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Message # 60 | 7:49 AM
how can i create a different rigister form
to add a prenium accounts f