User Ranks and Titles
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Message # 1 | 2:01 PM
You can edit ranks here – Control Panel » Main » Users » User ranks.

There are 10 ranks + Guest. You can write your own name for each rank including Guest. An empty field will be filled in with a default rank when saving. You can assign an image to each rank either from a default set or from your custom one. A custom set must contain icons with the names "rank[1-10].gif". They are placed in the special field which appears only after you have chosen "Custom set". You must specify full address to the folder with rank images -

Images should be uploaded to the site beforehand via FTP or File Manager, not as an archive but as separate files.

Ranks are assigned according to the number of forum posts.

Personal rank, named "User’s title" appears in the forum and in a Profile by default instead of a rank, and group image (in the forum) instead of a rank image. To insert an image instead of text in a Title you should write the following in the field:

<img src="full_address_of_custom_image">

It is advisable to have a short address because there is a limit on the number of characters in the field.

If you want to output both group image and rank image then edit the template of entry appearance (you should first enable it in Forum Settings).

You can change ranks in the Control Panel by changing number of messages, therefore ranks are assigned according to the number of messages in the forum.

If you want both a rank and a title being displayed then go to Control Panel - Forum – Module design customization – Appearance of entries:

<?if($USER_TITLE$)?><div class="postRankName">$USER_TITLE$</div><?else?><div class="postRankName">$USER_RANK_NAME$</div><?endif?>

The code shows that either rank or title is displayed, so you should divide this line into two:

<?if($USER_TITLE$)?><div class="postRankName">$USER_TITLE$</div><?endif?>                  
<?if($USER_RANK_NAME$)?><div class="postRankName">$USER_RANK_NAME$</div><?endif?>

You can assign your own classes.

Question - Answer

Maybe should allow to make more user ranks?

10 ranks is enough, you can't add more....

how do i add custom user rank icons? i put the name of the images rank1 rank2 rank3 rank4 rank5 etc. all the way up to 10. there in gif formate. i put them in a file on my website. i put the url of the file into the custom icon thing in the user ranks. But when i look at the pictures of them on my site. nothing is there

What url you put in "Link (URL) to folder with icons"?
Image name must be rank1.gif, rank2.gif e t.c. Upload into some folder. For example in
Insert this url ( on the;l=rank

Aint it possible to remove ranks, or make it less, cause i don't want, or need 10 ranks

It is possible to change User Title and Rank value in the personal profile:

Do not forget that "User's rank" feature should be enabled in Control panel->Users->Module settings

Attachments: 4242900.png (16.9 Kb) · 8490155.jpg (21.8 Kb) · 9511682.jpg (11.4 Kb) · 9533284.jpg (85.0 Kb)

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Message # 121 | 4:03 PM
carloscompu, yes, the script can be used for whatever you want, just add what else you need beside $_RANK_ICON$$_RANK_NAME$ .
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Message # 122 | 8:16 PM
Sunny ,how can i view other user profile information on the side bar with this same code that you gave me or is their any other adjustments to the code to view other users info

ok here is an example:
in the bottom of the user's entry you can see the words

added by:$username$

ok with this i Want to add ...

# of entries
Users avatar
users rank and icon
users points

The same information that I can view in my own side bar(you will see it when you log in my website
Is the same information I want to show When I view other Users Entries
Old Guard
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Message # 123 | 9:18 AM
carloscompu, the code Sunny provided to you before will work for any fields you wish to display anywhere on your site. smile
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Message # 124 | 2:10 PM
No it dont work for me the way Im asking ,Paradox,I need it to show the other users info not mine,Its like the other users profile on the side bar to show the information of the user who made the entry on the side bar sad
Posts: 246
Reputation: 1

Message # 125 | 2:13 PM
Im sorry I entered with the wrong user Im manga too
Its the user I use to test the website from other views
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 126 | 2:55 PM
Quote (manga)
I need it to show the other users info not mine

Then the code will look like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
  $('span.getrangetc').load('/index/8-0-USERNAME #getrangetc');
  </script><span class="getrangetc"></span>

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Message # 127 | 7:09 PM
I tried this code with the avatar but it dont work Is there something Im missing

Added (2012-10-08, 1:09 PM)
It still shows my info not the other users info from their profile

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 128 | 2:42 PM
carloscompu, have you replaced USERNAME by the exact user's nickname?
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Message # 129 | 3:04 PM
ok I understand now But that mean I have to do it to all the users independently or how would it work so that it will work automatically to their own entries Im sorry but somehow I dont understand some details of the code and the way it works.Im not good at codes ,Im just experementing.Because if I put Down the Users nickname I understand that I have to do it with every entry manually

Added (2012-10-09, 9:04 AM)
Yea sunny I tried it and it work but still I have to do it with everybodys entry manualy,and thats hard work their has to be a code that will do it automatically right after the user create their entry

If you look at this link you might understand wat im tring to build ,you can see the creaters info on the side bar on the top-right of the publication with the information of the amount of post that the user has added and other information
Post edited by carloscompu - Tuesday, 2012-10-09, 3:05 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 130 | 4:04 PM
carloscompu, replace USERNAME by $USER$ in the code.
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Message # 131 | 8:24 PM
Thanks this is perfect sunny I really apreciate it

Added (2012-10-11, 1:32 PM)
Now I have a new prob The reward code works in google crome but if you enter with IE the information that its presenting is diferent Is not the info I want to show
On top of the comments on the bottom of the page you can see wat in saying
You need to open both brwser to see the difrence
you will see in one rewards(Premios in spanish)and in the internet explorer you will see the list of entries
and wat i want to show is the rewards

Added (2012-10-11, 2:24 PM)
Ok I understood that its the reward that is changing i to a list of entries in IE I want to show the reward in both browsers
But IE dont show rewards only the list I dont want that list there

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 132 | 2:24 PM
carloscompu, please show a screenshot of what you mean (in IE and other browsers).
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Message # 133 | 7:28 PM
Im sorry sunny not answering back but I fixed the problem It was a coding error

Added (2012-10-13, 1:28 PM)
I did this code with the avatar and it works perfectly
but how can I change the size of the avatar using this code
This is the code

<div style="display:none;"><span id="getava1etc">$_AVATAR$ </span></div>

sorry if I commented this in this forum but I didnt find anything about the topic on avatar
But Im just talking about the code tat you have giving me

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 134 | 1:42 PM
carloscompu, it is not possible with the current code.

You can use the following:

<img src="$USER_AVATAR_URL$" border="0" style="width:150px;height:50px;">

Avatars are discussed here:

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Posts: 246
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Message # 135 | 6:55 PM
Is there a way that users can choose who can see their content