Site Menu Builder
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Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 2:50 PM
If you want to add one more menu or edit the existing, follow this guide.

Go to Control Panel > [Site menu builder]

After you click on "Create menu" a new pop-up window will appear. Enter a name of your menu (e.g. "Site_menu"), select display mode (usually it is vertical) and click save.

In "Site menu builder" you should pay attention to the following:

а) $SMENU_1$ - a code used in default templates to display site menu. A new created menu must have this $code$.
б) "+ Add menu item" – this link will call a pop-up window by means of which you can add menu items.
в) Under "Modules in use" you can see a list of all active modules. Click on a link to see url of a module.

Let's add "Ad Board" to our menu as an example.
First click on "Ad Board" in "Modules in use" and copy the url to the clipboard.

Then click on "+ Add menu item" and enter a name of the item and paste its url in a window that will appear. Click "Apply".

In the same way you can add other menu items.
To change the order of items drag them by means of a mouse.
If you want to add a subitem, click on a cross near the necessary item and drag it on the item, under which you want it to appear:

After you have made all necessary changes, please click "Save".
If your new menu doesn’t appear automatically you may need to resave the corresponding template (e.g. Top part of the website).

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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Message # 196 | 2:08 PM
This is what i searched smile thanks
Also some more questions if you have time to answer. a
1.Can the image bellow be changed with a personal one ?
2.Will my site be indexed in google if i use ucoz? I saw i can only index in google if i buy membership, it`s truth?
Attachments: 0016528.png (58.9 Kb)
Posts: 65
Reputation: 3

Message # 197 | 2:40 PM
About your first question Yes you can add your personal images by using of html code uploaded by file manager.
N second one Your page will be indexed in search engine of google autometocally. Memberships is not for search engine rather its for better features for your websites.
More than 10000000 free websites are on ucoz. and indexed in search engine of google.

The world n sky is not limit

Happiness comes to those who are moving toward something they want very much to happen. And it almost always involves making someone else happy.

Post edited by gadget - Wednesday, 2011-07-27, 2:45 PM
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 198 | 3:01 PM
Quote (Tralalila)
1.Can the image bellow be changed with a personal one ?

Yes. To change the website logo – customize the template of the Top part of the website or the Style sheet CSS in Control panel: Design->Design management (templates). Before customizing the template do the backup copy of the template in the menu item "Design”. You will find more help here:
Quote (Tralalila)
2.Will my site be indexed in google if i use ucoz? I saw i can only index in google if i buy membership, it`s truth?

Yes. This link might be helpful:
Continue in the provided threads.
Posts: 3
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Message # 199 | 6:58 PM
i will try to do that
Posts: 1
Reputation: 0

Message # 200 | 11:28 PM
Hi i need help too my website is but i am from estonia smile and i understand english can soembody help me?
Post edited by qwer - Thursday, 2011-08-04, 11:28 PM
Posts: 65
Reputation: 3

Message # 201 | 8:40 AM
qwer, Clear us which types of help you need.
Send screenshot of your problem along with your problem, but explain it to get best help.

Happiness comes to those who are moving toward something they want very much to happen. And it almost always involves making someone else happy.

Posts: 2
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Message # 202 | 5:09 PM
sad I Created One MOre menu ...... and added Sub menu its not wrking like ......first menu

can u plzzz help me
Posts: 310
Reputation: 25

Message # 203 | 5:11 PM
sHaMa7298, what is your problem ? please specify.
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Message # 204 | 10:20 AM
sHaMa7298, provide a website name and a screenshot of a problem
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Message # 205 | 9:57 AM
Ok so im new to uCoz, and i noticed that this site only accepts 400mb so i needed alot more and decided to make a whole seperate forum. My question is how can i make an external link on my site menu

So like my site -- , has the menu on on the left. I want to add a page that will redirect me to another site which is

is that possible ive tried alot of stuff please help looking forward to the site
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 206 | 6:36 PM
Quote (DicingHQ)
and i noticed that this site only accepts 400mb so i needed alot more and decided to make a whole seperate forum.

Uhmm its 400MB and thats alot and it increases instantly. , by the way uCoz has his own forum module that you can use so there's no need got a forumotion board with less quality and less options.

How to make menu's well you got your site menu and you can greate several site menu's where you can also put your own link in with different text and so on.

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 3366
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Message # 207 | 3:04 PM
Quote (DicingHQ)
Ok so im new to uCoz, and i noticed that this site only accepts 400mb so i needed alot more and decided to make a whole seperate forum.

Please use search next time. The questions about disk space are discussed here: See this as well:
Posts: 1
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Message # 208 | 10:36 AM

I want to create a site about travelling. I created USA states as "new pages with personal templates" .
Now I want to add cities as menu categories.
For ex, you choose Alabama and go to page with different template, there you can read a general information about Albama, on the left you can choose a city and read about this city.

But I can create only 10 different menus! (I need every state had it's own menu.) cry

Thank you.
Old Guard
Posts: 3284
Reputation: 145

Message # 209 | 11:26 AM
Welcome, unfortunately it is not possible to create more than 10 site menu's. A way around this may be to use uCoz's drop-down menu feature to achieve the same result. This includes having one site menu with multiple levels so that when the main page is hovered over the pages underneath it are shown.
You will find more information on site menu's here;

Hope this helps, happy

Jack of all trades in development, design, strategy.
Working as a Support Engineer.
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Posts: 3366
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Message # 210 | 10:49 AM
Welcome, we might suggest you not to create menu with Site menu builder and use its code all the time, but write the menu code in the template that you have created yourself. Use this code to put a menu on your page:

with your own URL
- with your own text of the link.
We would also like to mention that you may create only 20 personal templates with Page Editor and not more. I believe you need to know it since there are more than 20 states in USA.