Forum moderator: bigblog  
Posts: 9296
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Message # 1 | 10:14 AM
Here is short video about this new feature - Builder. Builder allows to easily add/edit blocks on your website and change their display order in visual mode.

By means of this feature you can quickly select content for your blocks - scripts, widgets, menus, video, audio, RSS, HTML code.
This feature is installed by default for all new websites. If your website was created before the global update you can enable Builder in Control Panel -> Common settings -> Use "Builder" for the website design customization.

Minor Builder Update

If the Builder option is missing on your Admin Bar, you need to go to the website Control Panel -> Users -> User groups -> Administrators -> Other, and enable the option "Edit site design".

After the update there will be two separate options in the user group permissions:

  • Edit site design: the option is disabled by default for all groups. Enabling of the option allows to access templates via the website, without the necessity to log in to the Control Panel. The templates are available by the address
  • Use Builder: the option is enabled by default for Administrators. Allows to use Builder and adds the Builder tab to the Admin Bar:

Note: if you disable the option "Use Builder" and enable "Edit site design", and then also disable the option "Use "Builder" for the website design customization" in Control Panel -> Settings -> Common settings, the Design tab will appear on your Admin Bar and you will be able to access all website templates or separate page templates via the Admin Bar:

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Posts: 35
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Message # 2 | 1:28 AM
I have noticed in the video "tag cloud block"

How can I add tags there?

Also some of gadgets come with google ads... can I remove them?


Post edited by erandi - Sunday, 2009-04-19, 1:29 AM
Posts: 1424

Message # 3 | 12:29 PM
Quote (erandi)
I have noticed in the video "tag cloud block"

How can I add tags there?

1. Create a Tag Could via Builder.

2. Add new entry + a tag to it.

3. Tag word appears in Tag Could.

4. After clicking on tag, it shows us entries with tag.

5. After clicking on entries title.

You can add more tags by click this button:

Quote (erandi)
Also some of gadgets come with google ads... can I remove them?
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Posts: 35
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Message # 4 | 5:17 PM
yea I did it by myself b4 and was very easy smile

An example for google ads is "gold price chart" (gadgets > finance category > page 3)

I also tried to add the builder in an other site ( but it didn't work... (the builder button is in the admin bar but it doesnt work)

Posts: 1424

Message # 5 | 10:05 PM
Quote (erandi)
An example for google ads is "gold price chart" (gadgets > finance category > page 3)
Because that gadget is provided by Google.

Quote (erandi)
I also tried to add the builder in an other site ( but it didn't work... (the builder button is in the admin bar but it doesnt work)
Tried to restore default template first?
Posts: 26
Reputation: 0

Message # 6 | 7:24 AM
I have my own xml gadget. How do i add it to my website Sunny ?
Post edited by Ar7 - Wednesday, 2009-04-22, 7:24 AM
Posts: 1424

Message # 7 | 10:44 AM
Quote (Ar7)
I have my own xml gadget. How do i add it to my website Sunny ?
Posts: 26
Reputation: 0

Message # 8 | 12:49 PM
Quote (Armaros)

I have uploaded the xml gadget using the file manager. However i am not able to use it as there is no option to import gadgets by url.
Posts: 1424

Message # 9 | 9:41 PM
That's obvious, because gadgets already are given.
Posts: 26
Reputation: 0

Message # 10 | 2:47 AM
Quote (Armaros)
That's obvious, because gadgets already are given.

Armaros, i dont know what you are talking about. I have an xml gadget hosted in a particular url. I would like to import the gadget to my website. There is no option provided to import/install gadget by url.
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 11 | 8:25 AM
Ar7, tried to create a new block and paste your gadget by means of editing HTML code? I guess there must be a guide on your gadget at the website where you found it.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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Message # 12 | 6:17 PM
When I enable the builder and i try to use it it doesn't do anything.

(my site was made before the update)

Added (2009-05-11, 12:17 Pm)
how can I fully delete the "My site" text?

When i try to delete it with builder it shows "..."

Anyone knows how to do this? the website is

thanks wink

Click Here to visit my website!
Posts: 63
Reputation: 4

Message # 13 | 6:55 PM
in CP.

go to customize design, and 'the top part of site'
Posts: 3
Reputation: 0

Message # 14 | 8:00 PM
It's only my opinion, but I think everything is like it should be. The "Builder", "Global Blocks" or other updates automatize website creating too much. I like UcoZ for the advanced abilities of customizing and website designing limited only to your imagination. I understand that you want to make this powerful website creating tool easier to use, just try not to end up like "FreeWebs". Currently, UcoZ is one of the best Non-PHP based website creating tools, you should keep it that way. All these "Global Blocks" still keep me puzzled, thank God my site was created long time ago and it's still untouched by the update.


Posts: 1424

Message # 15 | 2:25 AM
Quote (milkywaay)
When I enable the builder and i try to use it it doesn't do anything.
How it "doesn't do anything"?

Quote (milkywaay)
how can I fully delete the "My site" text?
Quick Replacement or "Top part of the website" via Customize Design.

VPf2, it's only your subjective view.
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