uCoz Community Additional Services Domain Transfer Domain Transfer: General Discussion (custom domain, subdomains. domain-based email) |
Domain Transfer: General Discussion |
General Information It is possible to attach a custom domain to your uCoz website, e.g. mysite.com, mysite.net etc., for FREE.
Domain Attachment FAQ Question: How can I create a subdomain? Answer: Please see the following guide: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/54-435-6436-16-1218803195 Question: Can I attach two domains to my website? Answer: No, it is not possible. Question: Can I change the ucoz domain, e.g.: mysite.ucoz.co.uk to mysiteEtc.ucoz.co.uk. Is this allowed and how? Answer: No, once you have chosen a domain name you cannot change it, you can only create a new website. Question: How do i setup my uCoz web page in my own domain? I did try but failed. I can see this error message: The domain djcaner.biz has been parked but not yet attached to the account. Domain has incorrect set of name servers: ns1.hostavrupa.net, ns2.hostavrupa.net The following list of the name servers must be applied: ns1.ucoz.net, ns2.ucoz.net Answer: The system gives you the answer: You must change the name servers in the domain control panel (your account on the website where you registered the domain). 1. How to Attach a Domain by Method 2: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/54-18149-1 2. How to Attach a Domain by Method 3: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/54-18150-1 What's the difference between Method 2 and Method 3? When you use Method 2, your new domain is hosted at uCoz servers. If you use Method 3 - you just change the domain name (to be more precise you just get one more name for your site because it will be accessible by both names - the new one and the old one) but your domain remains hosted at another registrar's servers. So the difference is in the place where your new domain is hosted - either at uCoz or not. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Here I’ll try to explain you how to create subdomains. ----------------------------------------------- So, you have attached a domain to your uCoz site, e.g. domain.co.cc instead of your previous domain domain.ucoz.com (by method 2). However, you have another uCoz site (e.g., start.ucoz.com) and you want it to be accessible by the name start.domain.co.cc By means of uCoz you can create subdomains easily, just follow the steps, described below. 1. Log into Control Panel (domain.co.cc/admin) -> Domain Attachment ![]() 2. Choose SIMPLIFIED MODE ![]() 3. You need "SETUP OF SUBDOMAINS" ![]() 4. Here you can see several fields: Subdomain. Here you should enter the name of your subdomain (let it be start in our example). IP address. For start.domain.co.cc to link to your website start.ucoz.com, you must enter the IP address of the server where start.ucoz.com is located (just select the number of the server, let it be s101. You can see the number in Control Panel -> Admin Bar -> General -> Server name). After you have selected the server, the IP address will appear automatically in the adjacent field (this is for s101). ![]() Click 'Save'. Wait till you see the message "There is no site configured on this address" by the address start.domain.co.cc and then continue. 5. Login to the Control Panel of the site start.ucoz.com where you want to attach your new subdomain start.domain.co.cc. Go to 'Domain Attachment' and choose Method 3. ![]() 6. Read the information and enter your new subdomain start.domain.co.cc into the field, click Attach ![]() That's all. Wait for some time and your site start.ucoz.com will be accessible by the name start.domain.co.cc. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Hello,i live in iraq
I want to buy a domain On this system UCOZ i want to know how to buy it,and i need all the information about it I have to buy it but i don't know how to pay money for that,so i want to find a way to pay
Answer: You can't buy domains from uCoz. All uCoz domains are free. If you want to attach your own domain to uCoz then you should buy it from any other company and then just follow the instructions in Control Panel - Domain attachment. [Sunny] |
Quote The domain starchat-fans.com has been parked but not yet attached to the account Domain has incorrect set of name servers: ns1.lathost.com, ns2.lathost.com, ns3.lathost.com, ns4.lathost.com The following list of the name servers must be applied: ns1.ucoz.net, ns2.ucoz.net What does this mean? What I need to do?
Answer: It means that you must change the set of name servers to ns1.ucoz.net, ns2.ucoz.net at the control panel of the domain registrar (where you have bought your domain). I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Hi can everyone help me?
I want change mysite.ucoz.com to mysite.co.nr I use domain attachment but msg say like this
Quote The domain mysite.co.nr has been parked but not yet attached to the account Domain has incorrect set of name servers: The following list of the name servers must be applied: ns1.ucoz.net, ns2.ucoz.net but co.nr no have use namesever =,='' but why always get this msg?
Quote 504 Gateway Time-out uCozXSrv/1.4.9
Answer: If you use co.nr, than there is no need to attach it & there wont be possible to create mail@site.co.nr [Armaros] Answer: co.nr is as far as i know a URL REDIRECTING service so why park it? while you can't. [l2viruz] Post edited by Shinn Asuka - Friday, 2008-10-17, 5:26 AM
I have a problem too. I have attached the domaina and changed the DNS. Now I have waited 24h and my browser said Address Not Found. Do I need to wait more or what can I do?
P.S. domainas name is zasluzi.net
Answer: zasluzi.net works fine for me. It will be your browsers or networks problem. [Armaros] |
Hello every one,I like ucoz very much.
But when I want to transfer my domain name,I find some problem After A record ,my own name www.dlcosco.com bbs.dlcosco.com mail.dlcosco.com(all Ok) But when I try the method 3.the www.dlcosco.com can not be attached,while the other two can.(tell me:Specified domain name resolves into incorrect IP address. ()) Post edited by flashout - Friday, 2008-12-12, 11:48 PM
But without attached in the ucoz,using the 3 domain names"www,bbs,mail"can all lead to the same web page
"По данному адресу сайт не сконфигурирован There is no site configured on this address" If the A-record failed,it can not be like this,isn't it? |
flashout, www.dlcosco.com is resolved correctly, but dlcosco.com is not. When somebody tries to attach domain name with "www" prefix, to prevent common mistakes, our system removes it and checks that resulted domain name leads to correct IP. Then we allow both names (with WWW and without it) to be used as site address. If you need only WWWed name to work (or unable to set IP for basic domain) you can specify WWW-prefix twice, like www.www.dlcosco.com, and have www.dlcosco.com as attached domain name.
i've a problem.. I've attached my site to another domain.. it was psput.ucoz.com and now it's www.psput.gr but i can't access the control panel from www.psput.gr! i take an error saying
Session timeout. "Security"→"Security settings". while from psput.ucoz.com i've full access to control panel... |
sirhc405, what does "real domain" mean? You can attach any domain to your uCoz website.
Quote (sirhc405) change the host? I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
I want to add a sub domain to my site, i have bought a domain 'www.lloydev.info'
I would like to add E.g 'www.bob.lloydev.info' I have gone to: Then what i put E.g 'www.bob.lloydev.info' in the 'subdomain' box BUT what do i put in the IP & the next box to the right? www.footy4free.co.uk
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